I recently received a ticket for leaving my car door unlocked. The police officer opened the door, and left the ticket on my front seat before locking the door. My question is two-fold. First, isn't it breaking and entering to open my car door, much as it would be for a police officer to enter a home without just cause(here I'm assuming that an unlocked door doesn't equate to someone in distress)? And secondly, how can the law dictate what I do within the confines of my own private property? I understand parking tickets, where I have placed my private property where it doesn't belong, but the door lock is a part of my property, and as such, how is the law entitled to dictate what I do with it?
3 answers
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Politics & Government
➔ Law Enforcement & Police
sorry, I live in Canada, specifically Quebec, so while I know the constitution of the United States doesn't apply, and while I don't know the specifics of my own Charter of Rights, I find it hard to imagine that the government can legislate about something like this.
18:34:49 ·
update #1