In a way, since it weighs available evidence.
There is much evidence to suggest that gods are all man-made. You can look into the history of the religions, themselves and into the human psychology to see how religions, and other superstitions, are created.
This, in addition to the lack of evidence for the existence of any gods, is the fatal counter blow to knockout gods. However, even that is not enough to really wipe out any god, because god isn't believed for rational reasons, just emotional ones. Childhood indoctrination and emotional manipulation are hallmarks of religious conversion. Rationality really doesn't have the advantage because humans have been emotional animals for far longer than rational ones.
2007-03-21 17:14:43
answer #1
answered by nondescript 7
Atheism requires no proof. There is no proof of the existence of any god. Until such time that religion becomes fact as opposed to belief, atheism is a matter of fact.
Think of it another way. Can you disprove a belief that Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny don't come out when everyone is asleep, rearrange everything in the house then put it all back only to disappear moments before everyone awakes? It would be a fallacy of logic to conclude that absent proof to the contrary, this belief is a truism.
Atheism is the basis for all belief. It doesn't rule out anything. It simply states that no god has been proven. Therefore, we must conclude that there is no god.
Man created god, not the other way around. Get over it.
2007-03-22 12:17:37
answer #2
answered by Tim B 2
How many times must we answer the self-same question before the denser amongst us will get it.
Atheism, very simply means the disbelief in the god concept. It is not a religion. It is not directly allied to science but science plays an important part in our decision-making process - as it should with everyone who has a brain cell that actually works.
The proof of the existence of your god is not our concern. Personally, I don't give a flying fox whether you believe in this nonsense or not. If proof is required, it is proof, of any valid sort, that your claim is valid in the first place. There never has been any evidence that your god exists and, by the same reasoning, that hell, heaven, angels, satan and the soul also are non-existent - and plainly bare-faced lies to boot.
Atheism is the only logical lifestyle choice for the modern man (and woman). Anything else is fantasy and nothing more.
Is that clear?
Are there any more stupid questions?
2007-03-21 17:24:26
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
First of all atheism is not a belief system. It is simple skeptical disbelief.
I really has nothing to do with science.
There really is no need to kill God.
How could that be done anyway. It would be like trying to kill Peter Pan.
The problem is inside peoples heads. I think bad thinking skill, and bad English skills are part of the problem.
If you want to adopt the agnostics argument then accept the whole thing. Discussing God's reality is pointless because nobody knows anything about it either way. No evidence, no test, no proof. So nothing to talk about.
2007-03-21 17:24:57
answer #4
answered by U-98 6
No particular theory within science supports Atheism. The scientific method itself supports atheism. Since no evidence has been produced to suggest a deity, empirically one must say no such deity exists (just like unicorns). The difference here is that, unlike unicorns, god(s) may not fall within an empirical domain (see one of my previous questions), which would make any request for evidence unreasonable. It would, however, make god(s) empirically irrelevant, removing any meaning from claims about "personal relationships" and the like.
2007-03-21 17:46:12
answer #5
answered by neil s 7
First of all, show a little respect for those who do believe and write God with a capital G.
Please consider that it is possible to not believe in the existence of one or more Gods and also not believe in Their non-existence.
Also consider that for those that have faith, a logical supporting argument is not required. If you were lucky enough to have true faith in anything, you would realize this.
2007-03-21 17:41:13
answer #6
answered by Stewart H 4
"no fatal counter blow to knockout the god"
Also no way to knock out belief in Bigfoot, aliens, astrology. A liberally defined God is impossible to prove wrong. But specific ones can be, like say the ones that create the universe 6-10,000 years ago.
Having "faith" that invisible things don't exist isn't RELIGION. It's normal.
2007-03-21 17:26:15
answer #7
answered by ajj085 4
You have a bad cultural bias built into your question: you believe that, by default, people believe in God. There is no evidence to support that the concept can be generalized. Once you eliminate the unfounded default value, your arguments crumble to dust.
Given that most of the universe can be explained by naturalistic hypotheses, and the small remainder is shrinking, it is not unreasonable to assume that something does not exist when there is no concrete evidence for it.
2007-03-21 18:04:25
answer #8
answered by novangelis 7
I am a Wiccan, so I have a belief system, far removed from the beliefs of mainstream religion.. It is my understanding that a pure Atheist believes in nothing, there is nothing but blackness when they die.. No conciseness after dying, so for them there is no afterlife as most religions , regardless of who have this element as part of their belief system.. They are just everyday people who don't believe in a higher form of existence or a God / Goddess..I have met quite a few in my 50 years walking this Planet... Love and Light... BB .. )O(
2007-03-21 17:30:00
answer #9
answered by Bunge 7
Not quite. It cannot be proved that god exists, or does not exist. It provably follows from this that no theory of god can be of any use in the real world. Religion implies belief in supernatural effects; science explicitly rejects the possiblity of any such effect. Hence, it is not correct to suppose that atheism is in fact any sort of religion: it is a denial of all religions.
I must close by emphasizing, again, that belief in any sort of god is provably useless.
2007-03-21 17:19:59
answer #10
answered by Anonymous