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4 answers

25 have been in accidents, accoording to the NTSB website, since record keeping started. Of those, 10 were fatal. To know if the planes were lost, you'd have to read each accident report. The question then becomes, how many are lost that are not reported to the NTSB.
Calculating the first report in 1982, that means about 1 each year, according to the NTSB data.

2007-03-29 06:03:43 · answer #1 · answered by Leopold 2 · 0 0

I won't attempt to answer your question but you will probably find interest in this website: http://www.mustangsmustangs.com/p-51/survivors/p51listD.shtml

It is a gorgeous plane and was on active service in some military units until the early 80's.

2007-03-22 04:00:58 · answer #2 · answered by Caretaker 7 · 0 0

They are all replicas..... the p-51 is an extremely rare plane 99% of the originals are in museums.

2007-03-27 00:08:21 · answer #3 · answered by anthony conant 2 · 0 0

Usually it's just the ugly-asssed ones that crash.

2007-03-22 08:26:19 · answer #4 · answered by baron_von_party 4 · 0 0

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