I'm a Mormon and I think we are great!
However, I also think that there is a lot of misinformation out there. I am not getting at anyone, but before some of you make silly ridiculous comments about my church, I think you should do some research.
I talking about all these asinine, silly answers.
2007-03-21 16:38:27
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
I r 1.
Actually, read the http://www.lds.org webpage for authoritative info from church leaders.
I know u know....
In brief: Mormons believe in God, Jesus Christ, Holy Ghost as three different personages. They practice solemn sacrament (what some churches call mass or communion). Mormons honor Sunday as Sabbath Day, and practice rest. Mormons believe that marriage is an eternal covenant, no 'till death do you part" stuff. Mormons believe in preparing for the latter days by storing up foodstuffs and supplies. Mormons believe in journaling their spiritual/mundane experiences. Mormons believe that a person, despite being dead, can be baptized into the Church by proxy (a living person can stand in for them and be immersed). This is why Mormons are so interested in genealogies. Mormons believe in a physical resurrection of the body, not just a resurrection of spirit without corporeality. Mormons believe in getting as much education as they can. On Monday nights, most Mormon families participate in a 'home bible study'. Mormons believe that the Book of Mormon is another testament of Jesus, equal in bearing and authority to the Old & New Testaments. Mormons believe in many literal teachings of Jesus, such as the need for a church with a Prophet at the head. Mormons believe that all worthy men can hold the Priesthood, and this priesthood can produce the same miracles that Christ and the Apostles performed, because Christ is still here and can give these abilities to those who are worthy of their bestowal.
These are some of the basic tenets of Mormons
Ultimately, read the book of Mormon, pray to see if it is true, if the church is true...and you will have your answer.....
2007-03-22 00:01:07
answer #2
answered by CevnLDSNewbie 2
I have known only one Mormon family personally in my entire life, and they were some of the best people that I have ever met. They went out of their way to help my mother once when she had no one else to turn to, and I've never forgotten it. They showed true stewardship to a family from a different religion.
The little young fellows that you see on bicycles seem dedicated to spreading the word of God to others and I admire them for that. How many baptists would be seen doing that? I've never talked with them though, as I am satisfied with my own religion, but I offer them water because it is hot here in the summer.
I fell in love with Ken Jennings on Jeopardy. I admire him so much for using his mind as he does. More people should emulate him. He's one of those people who has found the secret of happiness and self-actualization. He also seems squeaky clean--I'll bet he's never had a bad thing to say about anybody.
So that's what I think about Mormons. I don't think they're all like the people on BIG LOVE. Sure, you have some Mormon perverts like that man with all the wives, but they're in the minority. That's the media trying to stir up everyone the same way they get us stirred up over Catholic priests who fondle little boys and protestant ministers who seek out prostitutes. The media seems to want to create mistrust and unrest among us. I've quit listening. So before you say something about Mormons or any other member of any other church or belief, learn some more about them.
2007-03-22 00:06:06
answer #3
answered by KIZIAH 7
I think that Mormons are like many other denominations, developed when their opinion was different from those of another belief choice.
But the Word does not speak of denominations - there is no Mormon Heaven or Hell, Baptist Heaven or Hell, Methodist Heaven or Hell etc .....
it speaks of simply accepting or rejecting God's Son and that is what seals our eternal destiny.
Denominations come into play by what the individual perceives the Word is instructing to do.
But two things are certain - death and eternity - be ready according to the Word not a mans' thought!
2007-03-21 23:38:23
answer #4
answered by Marsha 6
Honestly, every Mormon I've ever met has been exceptionally wonderful. They have close-knit families, seem to prosper and man...it seems that their houses are always spotless. And they always have a great jello salad recipe.
I have some issues with some aspects of the church, but nothing so bad that it overshadows the good.
Wait...I once "met" a Mormon online who is absolutely horrific. So I amend my answer to 99.9% of Mormons....LOL.
2007-03-22 00:12:41
answer #5
answered by iam1funnychick 4
What is is that you exactly want to know? "Mormans" to my understanding are denomination of christianity whose founder like you said Joseph Smith established after one day he had an divine experience claiming that Jesus told him the "real way". Personally i dont know enough about the rituals that are performed or the beliefs that you all have, but i believe every word of the bible and there are a lot of thing that are contrary to the bible that are in the morman religion
2007-03-22 11:08:04
answer #6
answered by Richard g 1
To be honest, I don't really. As their teachings build off of the bible, I as an atheist don't have much interest. But to each their own.
The few Mormons that I have known (rather, that I've known to be mormons) seemed very nice, upstanding folk, albeit a little conservative for my taste.
I was wondering; Why do you ask?
2007-03-22 03:39:36
answer #7
answered by maxdwolf 3
Hello, Brutus...:
If I lived in a city with 99% Mormon population, or Watchtower pushers, It would be real nice (good thing I neither drink or smoke)--these people are model citizens.
But, watch out for these two missionaries on bicycles, or lock your front gate. They have an unsatable desire to make you one of them. If you are a Bible bender, you have little to fear except they tend to tell you they have greater light: as concerning Mormons--even a latter-day prophet; and concerning JWs, they do not have a prophet and doctrines as well as dates for Christ's return, change with the phases of the moon.
As for different beliefs of Mormons, we should be ashamed of our intolerance for them. They have been persecuted more than any other religious group in the U.S.--even ambushed under the Missouri governors consent--shame on us.
Such irrational behavior will disqualify you for heaven, like Jesus said to the arguing Pharisees and liberal Sadducees:
"The publicans [tax extortioners] and the harlots [whores] go into the kingdom of God before you" (Matthew 21:31).
Want to unlock a secret code in the Bible that Mormons (or JW's) do not understand correctly, try www.revelado.org/revealed.htm
2007-03-21 23:56:09
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
sincere people who are mislead about their beliefs. It's possible that some may be genuine Christians, but mormon doctrine itself isn't. Their teachings quickly collapse when compared to the truth of the bible. It seems like false gospels always invent their own books, this case book of Mormon, JW's the New World Translation
2007-03-22 22:23:53
answer #9
answered by Andres 6
Most of the true Mormon community is fantastic. I have known and been friends with many. The clean-living tight knit family aspect that I have always run across is admirable and a great positive thing. That is what I think of most of the Mormon "congregation." The "religion" itself is, however, another story:
There are a number of issues with this church, some which are not known to most people I have asked. 1) Mormonism is actually considered a cult, the largest cult on the planet, not a religion. 2) Mormonism is NOT a Christian religion. Christians believe that Jesus Christ is GOD, in the person of the Son of God. Mormons believe he was a very good man, a prophet, but NOT GOD. This is a very important point for Christians to consider. 3)The Mormon church teaches that ultimately when we all die, ONLY if we are Mormons can we enter into God's grace (otherwise we are doomed) and as good Mormons, we can EACH BECOME THE GOD OF OUR OWN PLANET with people living on it...I know a number of Mormons who were not aware of this fact. This is obviously no longer Christianity, by far, at this point. 4) Joseph Smith was actually convicted of a number of crimes during his life. His story about plates that an angel revealed to him in the forest, plates which allegedly told about this church and Jesus in North America (plates which then conveniently vanished), was actually a story he told many, many years prior to his actual use of the story (this is documented) and after he refined it to back up his Mormon church idea, reintroducing his story as a new event. 5) One of the major beliefs in the church is that there were entire civilizations in North and South America which were the "lost tribes" mentioned in the Christian Bible. However, there is NO proof - in fact, most of our archealogical evidence DISPROVES this theory - that any such civilization was even possible, let alone was real, even though Mormons have spent DECADES digging and looking for archealogical proof. 6) According to this church, Jesus decided he was so unhappy with Christianity in Europe and the rest of the world that he "lifted up" THE CHURCH, the one Jesus created, and "removed" it, bringing it over to this continent instead, and preaching to the natives - without letting ANYONE know, of course, back where it all started, about his action. Further, despite all this teaching and preaching Jesus allegedly did here, there is NOTHING to show it: no Indian legends, no stories, no writing, no stone carvings...nothing. 7) The REAL Bible is written over the course of many hundreds of years by many men, many prophets and apostles; it is said that God was speaking through them. The "book of mormon" is very obviously written by one man. Read it. I did, from cover to cover. It is a long and rambling oratory that goes on and on with many "verily verily yays" from start to finish. Little substance. NO comparison to the original. I don't see how anyone who has actually read the Old and New Testaments (I have) could even CONSIDER the book of mormon to be real.
The worst bit of evidence for me? My aunt, an older and poor woman from Puebla, Mexico, was converted to Mormonism in the 70's. In the late 80's, after becoming very involved in her church and meeting many other Mormons (Mormons fanatically work to convert the poor in Mexico as well as other nations), she was put in touch with one of the "12" leaders of the church. He flew her out to Utah to work as a maid in his very wealthy estate. Okay - nothing wrong with that, she needed the money, he needed the service. During her stay there, however, she was abused, denied the freedom to leave the house AT ALL or use the phone, expected to work 15 hours a day, and received minimum wage and pay for 8 hour days. She became ill and required medical attention. Instead of taking her to a doctor, the wife gave her prescription medication that had been prescribed to HER. My aunt had a stroke. Now they were forced to put her in the hospital. After many weeks, she was released. The man did not allow her back to his estate and BILLED HER FOR THE HOSPITAL STAY. She called us in California in tears and we had to drive up and get her.
And no, they never told her that they believe Jesus in not God, but instead, used her strong devotion to Jesus as a tool to convince her that Mormonism was the next step from Christianity.
THAT is what I think of the Mormon "church."
2007-03-22 02:50:07
answer #10
answered by Edward H 1