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ok... best fighter of 2003 brian ruth or raymond danials... and i am becoming slightly bored training with brian.. his teaching style is great it just loses effect after a while (especially if you are one of his teachers 5 days a week) any suggestions how to not become burnt out?...

2007-03-21 15:01:24 · 1 answers · asked by iamjustbored10 3 in Sports Martial Arts

1 answers

I don't know Brian Ruth. I do know Raymond Daniels. I've announced several of his fights over the years. I promoted and announced the full contact event in which he fought Jason Tankson Bourelli and won. Raymond is an exceptionally talented and gifted Martial Artist. If there is any way you can train with Mr. Daniels, do it. If you have the opportunity to learn his darting, lightning quick style, by all means do it.

If you think you're getting burnt out, take some time off and see if you miss it. If you don't miss it, maybe it's time to do something else.

2007-03-22 03:56:37 · answer #1 · answered by JV 5 · 0 0

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