Whatever...your neither old enough nor heavy enough to be fat...
relax and enjoy your childhood...your body is going to change over the next 4-6 years anyway...
2007-03-21 14:06:55
answer #1
answered by ? 4
I don't think you're overweight. Most 12 yr olds weigh between 60-100 lbs. Based on the info you gave, I'd say you're normal. Are you big boned? What's your heritage? If you have indian or mexican in you, then expect to carry a few extra pounds. I'm not saying you're fat! Indians and Mexicans(and a few other nationalities) tend to be big boned, therefore they can carry a few extra pounds and still look beautiful (ex. Jennifer Lopez, Serena).
2007-03-21 14:12:04
answer #2
answered by rnmkr62 1
if ur 12, 5 feet and only weigh 80 lbs, then noooo way. im 16, 5'9 and i weigh 125. on top of that, i have an 18 yr old sister who only weighs 104. i know that I am not overweight , but i do feel fat alot of times, especially when compared to my sister. Most girls feel fat many times, so dont worry about it!
: ) Hope i helped!
2007-03-21 14:14:18
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
OMG, no, if you are only 12 and 5'0 and weigh 80 lbs you defiantly not overweight. You don't need to be concerned at all about being fat.
2007-03-21 14:07:22
answer #4
answered by jaimi_lyne23 2
We are exactly the same, I personally don't think that's a bad weight at all! As long as you know what those people are saying about you aren't true than you are perfectly fine! If you feel healthy than your a good weight. Those rude people are probably jealous of you haha ;) ~Also, if you eat a lot and still very skinny that could be because there's a chance you have worms. No not worms as you are probably thinking but one that is inside your stomach and lives on the food that you eat. Search it up. But you could just be generally skinny.
2016-03-28 22:56:00
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
You are 12, it's a crazy time for girls. You are certainly not fat at 80 pounds, you need to focus on getting a more positive body image. Be proud of who you are, you deserve better then being a body obsessed girl.
2007-03-21 14:08:12
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
you are definitely not overweight. You just need to feel more confident in yourself. You need to stop saying that you're fat and keep telling yourself you are skinny. Most people probably think that you're in really good shape and the truth is, you are. Since many many people are falling into obesity in the USA, you just need to make sure you're not one of them. Based on the world we live in nowadays, the only way to become thinner is to become anorexic/bolimic but the you waste your life.
2007-03-21 14:08:40
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
ABSOLUTELY NOT! u shouldnt feel that way about yourself. 80 pounds! i would say u r almost underweight! its perfectly normal tho for u to feel that way. but dont start dieting when your so young or stop eating. that will just put u in a horrible condition. if u really think your fat, then just avoid junk food as much as possible.
2007-03-21 14:08:07
answer #8
answered by Erika 1
Nope, not fat at all! 80 Pounds is pretty normal for someone your height and age. If you were an adult that height, you might expect to be even 110lbs or more!! Please, don't go feeling fat. You're not.
I'm 13, 5'4 and 107.
2007-03-21 14:08:08
answer #9
answered by kenikelani 2
omg u r so not fat i wish i weighed that much when i was 12 honestly i am the fat one here i am 13 and i weigh125 i am also 5'4 s no ur not in fact u r totally skinny its just that u r under peer pressure and this is the time in life when girls are really a really low self esteem about themselves except for me because u know i really am fat
2007-03-21 14:09:40
answer #10
answered by Anonymous
You are not overweight. If you feel unhappy maybe you should try eating healthy. That will make you feel better. It seems to me you need more self confidence. You dont have to be a twig to be prettty. You are beautiful just the way you are. Remember that.
2007-03-21 14:09:17
answer #11
answered by ♥ 2