First, I would bring to their attention the FACT they presumed you were "just like them" up until the moment they found out you were Catholic. That alone shows how similar you are with everyone else on your team. inform them of this observation.
The Truth of the matter is, no matter how hard you try, some of them (most probably) simply aren't going to accept your Catholic. Equally unlikely is the idea that you are going to accept there's. With that in mind, suggest that religion is simply a topic of conversation that MUST be avoided, because nothing but hard feelings will come of it.
I'd bet everything I have that most of what your Baptist friends say is nothing more than the popular misconceptions of the Catholic Church, rather than the reality of the Church.
It's the old "mary is co-mediator", "you don't need to confess your sins to a priest to be forgiven", "praying to saints and statues, etc is idoltry." These conceptions are all wrong.
If they do continue to press the issue, or if you wish to confront their "tests", might I suggest you check out Baptists will accept noting other than the Bible as evidence for anything. Threrefore, you will need the information from that web site.
2007-03-22 02:51:30
answer #1
answered by Daver 7
There are some really great books out there on the subject. Catholicism for Dummies is an excellent book. Check the Catholic Answers website too. Stay away from Phat Mass. They are more hostile than informative. UGH! Embarrassing!!!
But really, you shouldn't have to explain. If they are your friends they will respect your differences. If they treat you badly then they were not your friends and you should not be sad.
For some, even the most logical explanation will sound strange. So don't say a word unless they ask you a direct question. Then pray for the answer.
Plus, make sure you are well informed about your faith and not giving them incorrect answers.
2007-03-21 18:47:10
answer #2
answered by Max Marie, OFS 7
The best thing to talk about with Baptists is baptism.
Ask them why, as Baptists, they claim that baptism is not neccesary for salvation.
Then, they'll as you why Catholics baptize babies.
Here's what you tell them, in reply.
Infant baptism is the ultimate demonstration of salvation without any works at all.
The church freely provide all that's necessary, including the faith, the water, and the grace.
The infant is asked to do absolutely nothing, yet becomes an adopted child of God, a temple of the Holy Spirit, a member of the church, and a co-heir with Jesus Christ, simply because God desires all to be saved.
Baptism is always 100% effective too, at any age, for the very same reason.
And no where in scripture is infant baptism prohibited.
That should get you started.
For more, including a special Catholic Apologetics section, send me a mailing address and I'll send you a free copy of my Catholic Resource CD.
2007-03-21 20:30:02
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
It's been said often that anti-Catholicism is the last respectable form of bigotry in the U.S. It’s blatant and expected when it comes from the liberal media, unrepentant perverts (like the first answerer), and degenerate atheists, but as you’ve just discovered, the main offenders have always been Protestants, our fellow Christians. You should talk to your priest and arm yourself with information about your faith to counter any false claims they may make against the faith, but Christians ought to be able to get along with brotherly love, so don’t look for trouble. In the meantime, it would help if you unite your suffering at their hands (even if it’s just little social slights) with the suffering of our Lord; in this way, you’ll learn the important Christian truth that suffering can be transformed into a means of becoming closer to God (read the last beatitude over). Good luck and God bless you!
2007-03-21 18:53:10
answer #4
answered by Thucydides 5
remain strong in your faith,be a christian by both word and example-you could maybe indicate to the coach about the problem. to defend the faith you will need to familiarise yourself with what the church teaches,there are many places you can do this,i will provide some websites and reading material you can use and hope that it helps you,not only in dealing with your team mates but in also drawing you closer to christ and the truth, some things may sound weird to them but they are by no means weird when properly understood,never be ashamed or embarrased of your faith,to be be embarrased/ashamed or scared to do so is to be embarrased/ashamed/and a denial of christ. study course,very helpfull) which.....)
the bible,catechism of the catholic church.
try locate a catholic christian store nearby you can find catholic apolegetics materials and other resourceful books and pamphlets.
the above link will enable you to contact the knights of columbus,they offer free booklets and a free study course you can do,there is no fee but a donation is greatly appreciated from them. i have received several things from them,it is easy to read format and is very informative.
again to defend yourself without thinking you will sound weird you will need to try grasp the teachings for yourself,be calm patient and have charity in your heart as you learn and discuss the faith, i hope this benefits you in some way,it may not happen overnight but it is worth being patient over. god bless.
2007-03-21 19:11:11
answer #5
answered by fenian1916 5
Check out apologetics on how to explain things from Catholicism to their faith.... there are lots of books and ewtn has stuff at their site too I believe.
Cultivate a calmer mind, understand that their NOT understanding is because of the causes and conditions in their lives... they'll either accept you after you talk to them or they won't but you shouldn't let that destroy YOUR self-concept.
Hope this helps... go team! Basketball's very cool.
2007-03-21 18:44:04
answer #6
answered by vinslave 7
Just say that we believe divine revelation comes to us in three ways. Sacred Scripture, Sacred Tradition and the teaching authority of the Church.
We do not believe that the Bible is the SOLE infallible guide to Christian doctrine and practice. Even the Bible admits that. That should stop further discussions on religious differences.
If they ask you to explain this doctrine this is what you say.
Private interpretation of biblical doctrine is not the same as personal reading of the Bible for spiritual growth. The Catholic Church continues to protect the doctrinal interpretation of scripture as a matter beyond the decision of individual readers, but at the same time, in the strongest language encourages the personal, private reading and study of the sacred texts. If the inspired word is read in a spirit of faith and prayer, the Holy Spirit will protect from error and lead the reader to God's true message for his or her life.
The critical word here is "authority." Who has the authority to decide the proper doctrinal interpretation of scripture passages? Many Christians maintain that that this authority belongs to the individual believer. Catholics maintain that this authority was given by Jesus to his followers as a group under their proper leaders; in other words, the authority to decide what is the saving truth and what is the norm of Christian living revealed by the Bible is vested in the Church with its appointed leaders.
An example may help to focus the point at issue. In chapter 13 of John's Gospel, Jesus washes the feet of his disciples at the Last Supper. Most gospel readers probably interpret "washing one another's feet" as a symbol of service to others, an encouragement to love in action, or humility in doing good to others. "I do not need to wash feet literally to fulfill the command of Jesus; I do it by serving others. Fine, but who tells you to interpret the text this way? There is nothing in the reading itself to indicate that Jesus did not mean a physical washing of physical feet. Your authority for reading the text that way is not coming from the Bible but from outside it.
The Catholic admits this. The Bible does not interpret itself but needs an authentic interpreter. This, for the Catholic, is the community of believers, the Church, guided by the Holy Spirit through its leaders.
Peace and every blessing!
2007-03-21 19:51:10
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
You sound very brave.
Pray to the Holy Spirit for guidance and answer their questions honestly.
If you do not know the answer then say you do not know, find out the answer from someone who knows, and go back and tell them.
You do not have to be an expert.
With love and prayers in Christ.
2007-03-22 00:22:42
answer #8
answered by imacatholic2 7
Talk to your Catholic priest. There is literature to answer many of your questions as well as your Baptist friends' questions. Good luck.
2007-03-21 18:41:59
answer #9
answered by Greenwood 5
Not all Baptists are christians and not all Catholics are christians. If you are born again then tell them that. You both believe in the same god, the same bible. Encourage their questions and then answer them about catholocism. Nothing wrong with that. Ask them about their church, after all you are all sisters in Christ, right?
2007-03-21 18:43:38
answer #10
answered by VW 6