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Ok im in highschool, theres a ton of drama, in particular about a guy, i havent seen him in two days because i havent been on the bus (theres a whole long and painful and complicated story with him)... today i came home and i felt so depressed to the point where i was getting chills, and weird pains... home lifes stressful too... am i just missing this guy a lot? or am i just totally and completely stressed out? or am i depressed?

ive been like this before...

2007-03-21 11:01:08 · 6 answers · asked by Chris 1 in Health Mental Health

6 answers

If you have experienced five or more of these symptoms within the same two week period--especially if a depressed mood or loss of interest or pleasure are among your symptoms--this could be indicative of an episode of depression. The symptoms should not be accounted for by another illness, drugs of abuse or prescription medications.
1) Depressed Mood
A person may report feeling "sad" or "empty" or may cry frequently. Children and adolescents may exhibit irritability.
More: Is It Depression or Sadness?
2) Decreased Interest or Pleasure
A person may show markedly diminished interest or pleasure in all, or almost all, daily activities.
More: What Is Anhedonia?
3) Weight Changes
Significant changes in weight when not attempting to gain or lose (a gain or loss of 5% or more in a month) may be indicative of depression. In children, this may also present as a failure to make expected weight gains.
More: Weight Gain and Antidepressants
4) Sleep Disturbances
Insomnia or sleeping too much may be a symptom of depression.
More: Tips to Beat Insomnia
5) Psychomotor Agitation or Retardation
The person may be observed to be either agitated and restless or physically slowed down in their movements.
More: What Is Agitated Depression?
6) Fatigue
Deep fatigue or a loss of energy is a symptom of depression.
More: Light Therapy May Help Chronic Fatigue
7) Feelings of Worthlessness or Guilt
A depressed person may feel that they have no value or they may feel inappropriately guilty about things they have no control over.
More: Teen Self-Esteem and Risky Sexual Behavior
8) "Brain Fog"
A depressed person may have a diminished ability to think, concentrate or make decisions.
More: Stop Procrastination--Now!
9) Thoughts of Death
A depressed person may have recurring thoughts of death, especially thoughts of suicide, with or without a specific plan.

2007-03-21 11:06:18 · answer #1 · answered by mkandfa4rever 3 · 0 0

If at any time you think that you may be suffering from a symptom of depression, consult your doctor before you take any drastic steps to try and cure yourself. If only the cure and treatment were that simple. A simple dose of an anti-depressant isn't going to cure you. In fact, it can, in some instances actually cause whatever levels of depression you think you are suffering to escalate.

So how do you recognise a symptom of depression? By far the two most common symptoms long associated with depression are:
* An overpowering feeling of sadness or the desperate lack of hope and,
* The sudden lethargy experienced with those everyday activities, hobbies and sports that you once enjoyed. Maybe you can't even be bothered to get out of bed at the overwhelming thought of how useless everything is. Don't confuse this as a symptom of depression unless you feel like this everyday though, and you feel that it is actually starting to take over your everyday life. Just remember, as non-depressed people, we all experience days where we don't want to face the world.

2007-03-24 03:38:54 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I can understand that your friend is causing you stress. Not knowing what is actually the problem with him, but that could really give you major stress that may make your symptoms of chills and weird pain. Stress causes some depression if the situation isnt solved, could you discuss these feelings with this other guy. If you home life isnt good you might like to someone that you could trust. You definitely stressed out. There are persons that can help you, they will keep your information confidently. If you continue feeling this way, you could be having a bout of depression. If you continue feeling this way, and your problems seem to worsen by all means contact someone you trust. Try a school counselour or a mental health worker, they are very helpful and confidential. If you begin to feel hopeless and you begin to have other symptoms that you feel that you just cannot stand anything call a crisis line,911, or go to the emergency room. All these people want to help you and are kind and understanding.

2007-03-21 11:36:18 · answer #3 · answered by Jean 4 · 0 0

Hello. You could be just very sad. You could also be stressed out to a point of feeling depressed. This deosn't mean that you aren't just depressed though. To a degree this feeling is common in highschool. This is when your true personalithy is in a sort revealed. In my opinion this could be just a manisfestation of insecurity caused by change in routine. I don't know the your exact relationship with this guy so I can't give you much more advice than this. I hope that I helped in some way good luck.

2007-03-21 11:24:26 · answer #4 · answered by mind-scaper 4 · 0 0

It would be really difficult to say if you are depressed or not, but it sounds like you are feeling stressed and anxious. You need to try to tackle that before it develops into something more severe. Firstly about the boy...well all I can say to you is...you need to chill out about it, you are in highschool, I presume the boy is too...you need to start looking at the big picture, in the whole scheme of things, in the whole life you have stretching ahead of you...how important is this guy? Important enough to make you sick with worry? NO guy is worth that. NO relationship is worth that. Relationships and romance are NOT supposed to be about drama and anxiety, so if thats the way this is making you feel then I'd walk away and find someone new...someone who isn't going to make you stressed, someone who likes to be around you and wants to have fun and be happy with you. When you get married and have children, there may be lots of stress and drama...you really don't need it in highschool! You are worth MORE than that and you deserve more than that! Every girl does.

2007-03-21 11:16:09 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Mkandfa4ever gave good information--but only a doctor can make the diagnosis. When you were deppressed in the past, how long did it last? Maybe you'll feel better after your situation clears up. If you're still feeling bad after a couple of weeks, then see your school councellor or ask your parents to make a doctor appointment for you. Go over Mkandfa4ever's list, and take it with you to your appointment.

NOTE: If you ever feel like you want to hurt yourself or kill yourself, GET HELP IMMEDIATELY. (This is not to scare you; i just want to make sure.)

2007-03-21 11:23:45 · answer #6 · answered by RickySTT, EAC 5 · 0 0

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