I'm Christian and I don't have any religious problem with tatoos, although I don't care for them. Exodus bans a lot of things (eating shrimp, etc) but that's old testament stuff; Jesus replaced that with the new covenant.
2007-03-21 11:11:47
answer #1
answered by William S 3
You've got some really good answers and some really bad ones here.
For the most part, people who quote the bible don't realize those passages refer directly to the Levite Priests and them alone. For instance Leviticus says not to get tatooed. But that is just for Levites.
In Exodus, the part about not cutting one's hair or shaving one's beard refers to the Nazorean Vow. Supposedly Jesus took the Nazorean vow - committing one's self entirely to God. Samon definitely did.
Over the years there has been a lot of "tribal" piercing and tatoos. Very Pagan. That's what most people object to.
There are many references in the bible to women having their ears and noses pierced. So that's totally ok.
There are many people who think hair color, perms and even make up are against God. We should always be Au Naturale. As for hair color and perms, my thought is, why use something loaded with chemicals that can do your body great damage? I used to color my hair. Til I found out how toxic it is.
As to the individual who says the OT doesn't apply any more? Apparently you've never read the Gospels. Jesus himself specifically says he has NOT come to abolish the law.
Um, Moonsilk? Pork is the worst possible meat one can eat. Many people die from it every year. Ever wonder why whole families get the flu around holidays? It's your ham. Pork carries the flu virus. As well as many MANY parasites.
2007-03-21 11:10:39
answer #2
answered by Max Marie, OFS 7
I'm a Christian, and I'm totally for tatoos. In the Old Testament, tatoos and piercings were symbols of either slavery (who your master was), or a tribute to the idol you served. So I can see how people would think it is wrong.
The Law was put in place to keep the people from following false gods and to stay devoted to the true God.
However, times have changed and we are now under the new covenant that God set up when he sent Jesus. Now we can do certain things like eat pork and get tatoos. Yay!
But I do think that tatooing and piercing excessively can reach a point where it's mutilation. That's destroying the body that God gave you. That is wrong.
That's my take on things. :)
2007-03-21 10:49:33
answer #3
answered by Melody L 3
The traditions you cite in Exodus, are traditions associated with the Jewish faith. As for the Christian faith, it pretty much depends on how conservative or not is the branch you worship in. It's all cosmetic really, I think it is what is in your heart that matters, but then again, I'm not Christian, either. The main reason why things like makeup, nail polish, tatoos, piercings and other things of that sort are generally frowned on in more conservative Christian branches of the tree, is because such things are assiciated with earlier Pagan religions, who did things like tattoos, etc, and dyed thier hair, lips and nails with henna, and things like that, so it became a part of Jewish, and later, Christian custom, as a way to set them apart from Pagan culture. In the real world out side of Christianity, it's one thing to have a couple of discreet piercings, or a couple of small discreet tatoos, but it's harder for people to get hired in the real world with full on body suits, multiple piercings, and such, many employers don't have that sort of understanding, and get the wrong impression from things like that. I'm not saying it's right, only that's the way things are. Also, before you do any thing of the sort, please consider that it's fashionable right now, but it won't be always, and tattoos should be considered permanent, and some piercings are as well, so give it alot of thought before you do anything of the sort. One thing that I wonder about, is some folks get these tribal piercings where they stretch thier ear lobes way out around these discs they put in thier ears, it might seem cool at the age of 20, but what is going to be when they're 50? If they don't feel so cool about it then, they will need plastic surgery to fix it. Whatever you do, think about it awhile before you do, and try to imagine being 60 with piercings, and also be careful, some piercings are really pretty dangerous, like tongue piercing, and a belly button piercing if done wrong can be really bad news, so think on that, too. (and honestly, no one wants to listen to someone whose speech is slurred because of a tongue piercing) I don't have any myself, but that is more because I can't even make up my mind what color my hair should be, let alone artwork I'm willing to live with the rest of my life :)
(but I would consider getting one if it had to do with a spiritual event or initiation of some kind)
2007-03-21 11:13:18
answer #4
answered by beatlefan 7
The Bible says in 1 Corinthians 6:12- that you are allowed on earth to do anything that you please but everything is not helpful in your walk with God and also that your body belongs to Him. You can not mixed the things of this world with the things of God. 2 Corinthians 6:14-16 says, "For what fellowship has righteousness with lawlessness? And what communion has light with darkness? And what accord has Christ with Belial? Or what part has a believer an with unbeliever?And what agreement has the temple of God with idols? For you are the temple of the Living God." Things that you do to your body should glorify the Lord. That does not mean getting a tattoo of "GOD" on your body. Getting a tattoo is a form of idol worship because something or someone has that much pull in your life that you make yourself property of them. Love God in you heart and Trust me He will be pleased.
GOD Bless!!
2007-03-21 11:04:43
answer #5
answered by sweet_classy_lady_2000 2
I only have one tattoo and it is a reflection of my faith. I got it to help me remember in the bad times as well as the good the relationship I have with my God.
Even twenty years ago tattoos could have given you a nasty infection. Home piercing still can if you do it badly. The law against the tattoos and piercings is as out dated as the ones against eating pork for risk of getting sick, or not eating any fresh meat that is a few days old. A number of the laws were put into place to prevent illness and infection. With the invention of refrigeration and better sanitation many of them can and should be considered out dated.
2007-03-21 11:08:10
answer #6
answered by Moonsilk 3
I have a tat, saving up for the next one and plan to have a couple more!
Those kids who are against tats yet dye their hair are hypocrites.
If you notice some christians believe that the Laws of Moses don't any longer comply. Nice, borrow heavily your religion on someone elses then have the nerve to say that the old original rules no longer comply, give me a break.
2007-03-21 10:46:47
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
First of all the Bible does not say anything about not cutting your hair or beard. Many people mistake what this scripture is saying. However, if you are looking for a Biblical answer, then yes it is against God to pierce and tattoo your body. Your body is the temple of God and should be treated as such.
2007-03-21 10:46:20
answer #8
answered by lsutiger4god 2
IT was forbidden in the Old Covenant but if something is not reiterated under the New Covenant you are not obligated to follow it. I eat pork, shave my face and wear clothes of different fabrics and it isn't un- Christian at all. Its weird what Old Testament laws Christians choose to accept and what they don't. I bet Jesus would get a tattoo. I'm thinking of getting a crucifix on my back becuase hey like others have said we are a temple of God and what temple is complete without a crucifix.
2007-03-21 10:45:20
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
I'm a Christan and I have 4 tattoos and I'm probably going to get more. The Bible says your body is your temple right? Most temples has some kind of art work hanging on the walls right? Tattoo's are just pieces of art work for our temple(the body). Everyone is entitled to their own beliefs though. that's just mine.
2007-03-21 10:46:14
answer #10
answered by Anonymous