The word Trinity doesn't appear at all in the scriptures.
There are many scriptures that show that Jesus and God are 2 separate personalities
John 14:28 - The Father is greater than the Son (thus proving that they are not co equal as Trintarians claim)
John 1:18 - No man had seen God AT ANY TIME (many people saw Jesus)
Matthew 24:36-39 - The Father knew something that the Son didnt
John 17:3 - two separate personalities (no mention of the holy spirit)
When you logically think about it - if Jesus died and was God himself - who resurrected him? And if he resurrected himself then he didn't really die.
This doctrine belittles what Jesus actually did for us - he died an agonising death to buy back what Adam lost. To say that God did this for us undermines what Jesus did.
The scriptures are clear - Jesus came down from heaven where he lived with his Father Jehovah, lived as a human & then died and was resurrected by his Father.
The Trinity doctrine is actually of pagan origin. It is a God-dishonouring doctrine that had its main origins in Babylon. Gods were worshiped in groups of triads long before Jesus came to earth.
2007-03-21 10:21:40
answer #1
answered by New ♥ System ♥ Lady 4
“Those Who Are Called ‘Gods’”
- Was Jesus Also Called God?
Who Is Jesus Christ?
- Early Questions About Identity
- Who Jesus HIMSELF Said He Was
God is a title rather than a name ...
title :
... noun: an identifying appellation signifying status or function: e.g. Mr. or General (Example: "The professor didn't like his friends to use his formal title")
name :
...noun: a language unit by which a person or thing is known (Example: "His name really is George Washington")
...verb: assign a specified, proper name to (Example: "They named their son David")
The term "godhead" is was invented by man, not God ...
godhead : from god (q.v.) + M.E. -hede, cognate with -hood and Ger. -heit. Along with maidenhead, this is the sole survival of this form of the suffix.
-hood : "state or condition of being," from O.E. -had "condition, position," cognate with Ger. -heit, Du. -heid, all from P.Gmc. *khaidus. Originally a free-standing word, cf. O.E. hed "position, dignity," O.N. heiðr "honor, dignity," Goth. haidus "manner;" it survives in Eng. only in this suffix.
If Jesus were part of a Godhead, the ransom value of his life would have been infinitely higher than the requirements of God's own Law. (Exodus 21:23-25; Leviticus 24:19-21) It was not God who sinned in Eden, but only a perfect human. So, to be truly in line with God's justice, the ransom had to be strictly an equivalent--a perfect human, "the last Adam." Thus, when God sent Jesus to earth as the ransom, he made Jesus to be exactly what would satisfy justice -- not an incarnation, not a god-man, but a perfect man, "lower than angels." (Hebrews 2:9; compare also Psalm 8:5, 6.) "How could any part of an Almighty Godhead--Father, Son, or holy spirit--ever be lower than angels?"
What Does the Bible Say About God and Jesus? ...
How Did Trinity Doctrine Actually Develop?
Trinity is nowhere in the oldest manuscripts of the Bible.
The word wasn't even coined until c.1225.
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2007-03-21 22:19:42
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
The name of God was revealed in the Old Testament YHVH. The Old Testament normally uses other titles for fear of disrespecting His name.
This is my attempt at explaining the mystery of the Trinity...
God's is love, as love is what anything ultimately exists for, and as such He has to become two to effect love, and yet is still one. God the Father. God the Son. The Holy Spirit is like the love between them, but He is also a person. The Universe was created for Christ, so He has been the one to redeem it. The Holy Spirit is sent by Father and Son to help christians.
God the Father is like the Source.
God the Son is like the Word , Gods command and manifestation to us creatures
God the Holy Spirit is the Doer of the commands
Christians come to the concept through the experience of salvation, and also through the new Testament teaching that explains their experience of God. The Trinity is a deep mystery, probably beyond our minds currently. For nonbelievers and people of other faiths it looks nonsensical, and inevitably they have that view until they enter the Kingdom of God.
2007-03-21 12:03:49
answer #3
answered by Cader and Glyder scrambler 7
Jesus is not God, Jesus was a human being created by God. God is omnipotent, to be God and human is a massive contradiction. You don't need maths for this just common sense. If the trinity is explained as God Jesus and the holy Ghost then why are people referring to them as 'persons' how can a ghost be a person? Why would god need a human form and a Ghostly form, this shows God's inadequacy's. why are so many Christians following an inadequate God?
2007-03-21 10:46:39
answer #4
answered by Electric 5
Logically speaking. Jesus was human. If Jesus was God then God must be human. But if God was like human then how can He be God? God should be far too superior to be compared to Man. Or anything for that matter.
The trinity is the concept of three as one. But three is three. One is one. And God is God.
2007-03-21 10:27:10
answer #5
answered by HollowTree 3
God said, "This is my SON"...and God cannot lie. Matthew 17:5.
Jesus said to pray this way, 'OUR Father, who is in the heavens'...
YHWH/God/Yahweh/JHVH/Jehovah is the Holy Spirit. 2Corinthians 3:17.
God said he will inhabit Christians with spirit. Ephesians 2:22
God also means powerful ruler, (Webster's on-line) and Jesus is that god, a ruler, as God has given him all authority in Heaven and earth, but he is not JHVH. Isaiah 9:6.
Satan is also a god; ruler of this world.
2007-03-21 10:33:06
answer #6
answered by tienna 3
Aaah, the trinity.
Would this be the Suffolk trinity (the Suffolk Punch Horse, the Suffolk Sheep, and something else that temporarily eludes my memory)?
On a more serious note, the trinity is one, even though part of it is all of it, and the other two parts aren't?
2007-03-21 12:19:01
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
It's been a while since I explained this concept. So here goes again.
The Father is God he is all the God that there is. The Son (Jesus) is God He is all the God there is. The Holy Spirit is God and again all the God that there is. This is best understood by the mortal mind by looking at Creation. God has reveled Himself to us there as well as in the Bible.
The dimension of space are height, width and breadth. Each of these dimensions is infinite and by that definition each contains all space. Yet these dimension make up one space.
God is like that each is God all the God that can be because He is infinite yet these three are the One true God... Jim
2007-03-21 10:42:41
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Emmanuel means God with us and Jesus was called this by Matthew quoting the prophet Isaiah .
2007-03-22 06:51:21
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
no brother, Jesus is the son of the Most Holy Father Jehovah. it is Jehovah the Father, Jesus Christ the Son and Jehovah's Active Force. they are not one and the same. Jesus did say you seen me you seen the Father, he was saying that he knows his Father real well because he was with Jehovah from the beginning. when Jesus was here on earth, he prayed to his Father in the heaven. Jesus also said that he cannot do anything without the Father in the heaven, so he is not God. but the son of Jehovah God. God is a title that is not his name. how can the son have a name and not the Father?
2007-03-21 10:25:12
answer #10
answered by lover of Jehovah and Jesus 7