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i am a 24yrs married woman. i am 4'11 and111lb. but my stomach is very big. it has started to show in every dress. i am not pregnant. but i look pregnant. wherever i go people ask questions about that. i have started to do some crouches but i am not sure it is helping. i also want to know about my diet. coz till now i haven't cared about it. i eat rice in both lunch and dinner and i also eat a lot of potatoes (fried and Boilled). what should i do , how and what should i eat. please help me to manage my life. and help me flat my stomach. please please

2007-03-21 07:40:55 · 8 answers · asked by sweety 2 in Health Diet & Fitness

8 answers

Check out http://www.sparkpeople.com
It's a free site with a ton of resources and information on how to lose weight the right way.

Clean up your diet. Cut down on the starches, eat only whole grain products and completely cut out the fried food.

You can not spot reduce. The only way to get rid of the fat around the belly is to exercise the whole body. Add cardio (at least 3 X 30 mins per week) to your weekly routine and dont forget strength training. Sparkpeople will show you exercises and videos that you can easily do at home without joining the gym.

Personally I would suggest not to do any crunches untill you have lost some of the weight around the waiste. By doing a lot of ab work you will build the muscle and your waiste might look bigger before it starts to get smaller.

2007-03-21 07:58:09 · answer #1 · answered by halihalo 2 · 0 0

Cut back on the carbs and fried foods! Exercise at least 20min a day and do some crunches. A really good diet to try is South Beach. It allows you to eat balanced meals and helps speed up your metabolism. But it is a combo of diet and exercise that will work the best and help you keep the weight off. It worked for me!

Check out www.southbeach.com You can also buy the book for about $15 at any book store.

2007-03-21 07:45:47 · answer #2 · answered by Brown Eyed Girl 3 · 0 0

lets see where do i start. first of all rice and potatoes arent the best thing for a diet. eat lots of fish and chicken, and no not fried fish and fried chicken. chicken and fish are lean proteins so you body still gets its need nutrients but doesnt have the fat to go along.

now onto the exercise section.... crunches do help, but you need to do more than one kind of crunch, there are different styles of crunches that target different areas of the abs (upper, lower, and obliques). You say your doing crunches and it doesnt seem like it working, when you work out you have to make sure you have a rapid heart beat otherwise you arnt burning any fat, you are just gaining muscle. i suggest you do some cardio to improve your results. go on a daily jog or bikeride and that should help a lot.

2007-03-21 07:56:29 · answer #3 · answered by ♥Courtney♥ 2 · 0 0

Lose weight. There is no way to spot-reduce fat. Probably exercise would help you lose weight. And out the fried potatoes, just eat the rice, and eat brown rice not white.

2007-03-21 08:27:57 · answer #4 · answered by Rosie Young 5 · 0 0

cut back on calorie dense carbs like rice, potatoes, beans, pasta, bread, etc especially in the evening when you're not very active. Crunches will help to flatten your stomach as will stomach vacuums

2007-03-21 07:49:48 · answer #5 · answered by GDBear 4 · 0 0

You can't goal a specified frame subject to lose fats. Fat loss is cumulative. The belly is the final situation to move. You ought to be on a well vitamin, elevate weights, do aerobic, and repeat as integral. It takes time. However, I might advise that you just be trained to boost unfastened weights and do probably compound hobbies (squats, deadlifts, chinups, and many others.)

2016-09-05 10:53:20 · answer #6 · answered by ? 3 · 0 0

If your looking for a work out try pilates it is specific to the core

2007-03-21 08:29:54 · answer #7 · answered by DierksandRyan 2 · 0 0

start getting more exercise, walking ect. And definitely change your diet, more fruit and veggies and less carbs.

2007-03-21 07:45:21 · answer #8 · answered by Shotty11 2 · 1 0

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