A sin can be forgiven if it is not practice, the bible says to turn around and repent and stop doing evil and since he made up the rules and spoke against homosexuality it is committing a sin if you practice it and the bible says that you put Jesus back on the torture stake everytime you commit the same sin that after a while his sacrifice can not cover your sin so please listen to god read the bible and stop practicing homosexuality.
2007-03-21 07:21:18
answer #1
answered by Clammy S 5
Yes!! There is forgiveness for all sin. But how do you know when you will die to ask forgiveness at the last minute? That scenario is an example of what is possible, not the norm. I sure wouldn't risk it.
When you come to understand what price was paid so that your sins could be forgiven and washed clean, you would not be so casual about repeating them. Part of the process of coming close to God is the repentance of sin; that is the effort not to repeat it.
From the way you are asking your question you don't sound like someone who has been seeking God, at least in the right place, The Bible. Yes God does love you, so much so that He came to earth and suffered the most horrible death to pay the price for your sins. No, it wasn't Jesus that told you it is ok to be gay. It is not! Nor is it ok to have any sexual relationships outside of marraige. It is all sin.
You can choose your own way, without God, or you can choose His way with God. The choice is made eternal once you leave this body. You don't want to be in an eternity without God. That place was designed only for the devil and his followers. God wants a relationship with you that can't be equaled by any relationsip here and now, gay or not. It can only be gotten thru Jesus and accepting, and appreciating, what He did on the cross for you. That is the Big Deal, the Gospel, the Good News.
2007-03-21 08:47:18
answer #2
answered by jb 2
Yes, God loves you, but no, He never told you it's ok to be gay. In fact, He says quite the contrary in 1 Corinthians 6:9 and 6:10. And, yes, sins CAN be forgiven when someone confesses their sins to God, asks Jesus Christ into their hearts, and repents (turns from) their old way of life. The offer of salvation is good right up until the moment of death.
2007-03-21 10:23:24
answer #3
answered by Evan S 4
God Loves you, gay or not, and there are extremist in any group. A true Christin would not Judge you, God has made that clear....so lets not detract from your question by turning it into a gay issue. Sin is forgiven when true remorse of the sin exists. But if someone sins on purpose expecting to just ask forgiveness then they are in trouble, because they do not truly believe that what they have done is wrong , or they wouldn't knowingly do it. Forgiveness is for those who truly repent.
2007-03-21 07:23:35
answer #4
answered by EGOman 5
EVERYONE is a sinner. God is the only perfect being, and as Christians, we strive to be Christlike. However, everyone stumbles and sins along the way. But we are so fortunate to have a forgiving Lord.
Homosexuals are sinners because homosexuality in and of itself is a sin. But in my opinion and in my religion, this sin is no different from any other sin - all sins are alike in God's eyes. Some of the answers on here have discussed Bible verses or stories, but I think the most important one was about the prostitute and the men who were condemning her. Jesus told the men, "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone." We all sin, so who are we to judge the sins of others?
2007-03-21 07:36:36
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
God did not say it is okay to be gay, but yes He loves you regardless. I believe salvation is a matter of the heart, not a verbal question asking for forgiveness just before you die.
The Bible is clear that we need to repeant and accept Jesus in order to be saved. The word repeant means to "turn away from". As a Christian (a real Christian) you would find it very difficult to continue to sin. God moves you toward Him and away from sin. The instant gratification of sin is only tainted by the aftertaste of conviction. This is not just a guilt trip.. this is the Holy Spirit working within you.
If you don't feel that when you sin, and the Bible clearly defines homosexuality as a sin, than you are not a true Christian.
2007-03-21 07:22:12
answer #6
answered by RedE1 3
Forgiveness of a sin is possible if you are truly willing to turn away from that sin. That is part of repentance. If your sin is stealing, to receive true forgiveness you need to STOP stealing. Same goes for lying and any other number of sins. Forgiveness does not mean that you can go right back and do what you were doing before because,.... hey, I can ask for forgiveness tomorrow and all will be right.
You must turn away from the sin, not use forgiveness as a temporary crutch.
If your sin is homosexuality, you need to turn away from that lifestyle. God does NOT tolerate sin in any shape or form and he does not directly speak to people today. He speaks through his divine word, the Bible.
2007-03-21 07:51:09
answer #7
answered by TG 4
Good question!! I'm a Christian. I was saved in Feb. of 2000. I was a sinner then, and I'm a sinner now. Jesus's best friends were prostitutes and theives. I don't think he'd love them and not love you. And you're right, the Lord does love you. Half of those bible huggers you're speaking of, are child molesters, or worse. The person that holds on to their bible the tightest are usually the naughtiest ones. Carrying around a bible, and showing off everything you've memorized in it doesn't make you "God Like". I'm glad you know that. If someone ever tries to make you feel guilty about what and who you are, their trying to do God's job. Only God has that right. Guilt comes from the enemy. Conviction comes from God. If you don't feel convicted, than my guess is, you're probley not. We are all Gods children.
2007-03-21 07:29:07
answer #8
answered by Indigo 2
The whole point of sins being forgiven is that you realize whatever it was was wrong in the eyes of god, and you try to keep from doing that action again. You can't go out and kill people knowing you'll be forgiven, because that's taunting god's mercy, and you don't get forgiven. The whole point is to feel really bad about what you did and strive not to do it again.
About hating gays, the part of the bible that condemns gays appears in Leviticus. (I'm 99% sure it doesn't appear anywhere else) Leviticus also says that women need to sacrifice two doves after they have their period before they are 'clean' again. It also says that when you capture a female slave and kill her husband, you must trim her nails and shave her head before you can sleep with her. (This isn't considered adultery because she's a slave) Get my point? The church picks and chooses from the bible, instead of following everything or nothing. The church hating gays is because someone decided that particular passage was more important then the rest. On top of that, the old testament was passed on verbally for thousands of years before it was written down, and most of the gospels were actually written hundreds of years after Jesus's death. There are mistakes, and there are mistranslations. People need to stop reading it literally.
2007-03-21 07:21:26
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Hmmm, I take it by "gay" you mean queer or a sodomite (I'm trying to be Biblical). Why can't people just tell the truth about what they are? Why are they so ashamed that they have to lie by substituting words such as "gay" for queer or fags? Oh well, I guess that just shows that if you're a pervert in one thing it'll soon spread to other things - like words.
For the rest of you (I've talked with these people that "hear from God" and I know that they're so self deluded they're beyond hope - Does God forget what He has written as to how these people are to be dealt with?
Lev 20:13 If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them.
Cannibals didn't even commit these acts of abomination!
) I think that you should know that although sins are forgiven by faith in the shed blood of Jesus Christ it's not just a matter of repeating words because God knoweth the heart and . . . Well, He's just hard to fool.
There is another aspect of sins though that, for some reason, not too many people catch and that's your life (your life now) is affected by your sin and your sins. If you steal from a bank it's still stealing and you still go to jail for it or get shot in the process and whoever shot you during the course of that is in no jeopardy of punishment - as a matter of fact they often get a reward!
Although your sins are forgiven that's for the eternal life you have and that's so that you are able to stand before the Father in Heaven. I hope you all understand that. It's pretty obvious if you read the New Testament that there are two things going on in your life because of the circumcision of the Spirit of God in Col 2. You now are a bit of a Jeckyl and Hyde. There is one who wants to do good and another with whom a war rages to do evil.
Read Rom 7 and you'll see that this is what Paul is talking about. But Paul is the same guy who says in Galatians that . . .
Gal 6:7 Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.
You're not going to mock God. You pay the punishment for violating the Law down here on this earth by reaping in some way and some form the penalties for your sin. Also your children reap of your sins by having to be your children walking in the path that you left them with. That's what hurts the most - when we hurt our own kids and grandkids and then we see them doing the same thing to their that we did to them - only worse.
So, while there is forgiveness - it doesn't mean that we start life all over again. True we're a new creature in Christ but if say, we've committed an act of murder and there are witnesses against us - under God's law we're to die. It doesn't matter if we're saved or not - we are still to die and we have forfeited our life. Actually, that was a thing given before the Law was given to Moses.
That's why "jailhouse confessions" don't get the prisoner a pardon from the Governor (only campaign contributions can do that - don't you know?) and well they shouldn't. All a man has to do is say that he got saved and so everyone in the jailhouse would get "saved" if that were the case.
So while we're forgiven by the blood of Jesus Christ for our sins - and that's past, present and future (yes, God knows our future sins too and He forgives them all at the same time because God doesn't dwell in time - He's the maker of time and He dwells in Eternity) the penalty for sin has not diminished one iota.
I laugh at Christians who, just because they're saved, reject God's own word (you know like the words that he got saved with in the first place) about how to live after they get saved. What a bunch of fools we live in the midst of today.
Rev 22:20 He which testifieth these things saith, Surely I come quickly. Amen. Even so, come, Lord Jesus.
2007-03-21 07:51:54
answer #10
answered by cheesphht 6
What if you die automatically in a car crash? You wouldn't have time to ask for forgiveness. You can't just ask to be forgiven and then continue to lead a sinful life. You have to accept Jesus as your saviour and mean it. It's not like you can fool God.. You then have to try to live a life that is pleasing to God. Loving and having sexual relations with the same sex is not pleasing to God. Cheating on your spouse is not pleasing to God, etc.... I am not going to tell you that you will go to Hell because your Gay, that is for God to judge, not me. But I do know what the Bible says, and it says you will only go to Heaven if you admit that you are a sinner, accept Jesus as your saviour AND try to live a life pleasing unto the Lord. No sin is pleasing to God. You cannot commit your life to Jesus and continue to sin because you think if you ask for forgiveness you will be forgiven. Continuing to live a knowingly sinful lifestyle is a sin as well as being hypocritical. Not all people who claim to be christian live as they should. They to shall be judged. May the Lord show you the way.
2007-03-21 07:26:26
answer #11
answered by Anonymous