This M/A supply store specializes in swords, 888-770-7599 ask for Carry and tell him Kenpo Tim sent you.
Good luck.
2007-03-22 05:40:04
answer #1
answered by gretsch16pc 6
Before ordering a sword, I would suggest that you think about what you want to do with the sword. If you are looking for a purely decorative sword, then it really dosent matter where you purchase the sword from. There are numerous decorative sword dealers. The price of a decorative sword will vary between 30$ to 45$ for a Pakistany made sword (usually made of stainless steel) and 40$ + for a decorative sword made in China (also made of stainless steel). Decorative swords however are not suitable for actual use. the blades are made of stainless steel and will therefore break with impact. They are simply not intended for combat. If you only intend on using the sword for decorative purposes however, do not waiste your money, stick to a nice but inexpensive sword.
If you want a real sword (combat ready), then there is . Their swords are excellent. I purchased two myself and I have been using them in Combat in my medieval combat group ( ) There is also Albion Armorers ( ). They also make excellent swords, but the prices are quite steep .
Either way, Since there is about 300$ difference in price between decorative and combat swords, the first thing to determine what type of sword you will need. Otherwise you will waste your money.
2007-03-22 20:12:39
answer #2
answered by rebbecas 1
1- what kind of swords?
If you are looking for good quality swords, a cutting blade will run you at LEAST $1000 good quality european swords you can pick up at around $500 or so.
You might be able to find a good quality sword for cheaper, but the fact that you are asking on the internet where to buy indicates that you wouldn't know how to discern quality when you see it.
I can give you links to some reputable websites for japanese and european swords.
places like budk, are generally selling you crap. for japanese swords for custom japanese swords (more expensive) also makes good custom work but expect to wait a LONG time before your order is filled- he has also become quite expensive.
Some articles regarding sword quality and buying a sword:
1- from bugei- ten things you should know before buying a sword:
2- steels for japanese swords:
3- discerning a well-made sword (european-but heat treatment is relevant to every type of sword):
4- heat treatment article:
5- what list would be complete without everyone's favorite video of what happens when you use a stainless steel sword:
martial arts (the guy below me).
In the future please don't post about a subject you have no clue about. the sites you mention mostly deal in crap and will get this guy ripped off. If you haven't trained in a particular type of marital art please don't respond. merely gathering "wikipedia" crap and posting random sites without having the slightest inkling about quality does nothing to help this person and is giving them the absolute wrong information. I have trained in swordsmanship in a number of styles (japanese, european and some chinese bits and peices) for over 8 years. Not forms and katas but test cutting and sparring. while I still don't consider myself an expert, I believe I have more than enough of a background and have handled and cut with (mats and other cutting materials) numerous real swords and know the difference between a good sword a mediocre sword and a peice of crap. is a joke and ebay sells so much crap that even someone who knows what to look for is taking a risk.
How many blades have you ordered that are REAL from those places you mentioned? Have you ever had them looked at by a real swordmaker?
Who made them? the name of the man not the company.
One of the worst things in martial arts today is misinformation. Weapons arts have TONS of it because people try to buy a fake sword and go enact anime fanboy fantasies and end up hurting themselves because they bought a crappy sword that will shatter (like in the video from #5) or hurt someone else who may be standing around, or because they don't have the proper control or respect for the weapon.
In the future it would be appreciated if you refrained from posting such information that could be misleading to the person asking the question when you don't have the background to answer it. If you want the points then just write "2 points" in your answer without giving misleading information. Thank you for your consideration.
A good place to buy "wasters" or "bokuto" (I believe bugei sells bokuto too) is:
This is for purpleheart armory, they make good wasters, but often have shipping delays. I have never ordered a bokuto from them. You don't need a high quality bokuto or waster anyways, just something to get you through the day and won't immediately break when you spar or drill. All wasters/bokuto will eventually break.
try bugei for a bokuto- but I never had to order them online, they were too easy to find in martial arts shops in the city.
Don't order a scabbard for your waster/bokuto, that is just a waste of money.
2007-03-21 15:26:38
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Hi there
Try the sword there not cheap but they are full tan and folded. Be prepared to pay 600 pounds upwards though. If its something cheaper try ebay or battle orders.
2007-03-21 20:35:59
answer #4
answered by idai 5
Google search Bud the number and get a free magazine sent to your house...typically they'll have both show and functionality blades...and not just swords.
2007-03-21 14:56:04
answer #5
answered by Sire_D 3
depends on if you are looking for show or not... the only swords worth buying that are functional are the ones from Japan.... they run from 2,ooo-4,000$
2007-03-21 13:13:06
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
The following are places to order swords from that are trustworth:
Thanks for your time and Good Luck.
2007-03-21 18:04:05
answer #7
answered by Phlow 7
Paul Chen Hanwei makes fantastic blades, and they're at an affordable price (depending on the model of course)
try'll find plenty of deals there on his goods.
2007-03-21 14:00:20
answer #8
answered by Manji 4
These are just to look at and display,just a few dollars.
These are the same,more cost. (a little better looking)
These are a bit better,have a look.
2007-03-21 14:13:51
answer #9
answered by ? 6
swords r us
2007-03-21 12:42:10
answer #10
answered by lutonpa 3