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There are no adequate answers to these questions. But it may be important to us that we keep asking them.

Stephen Hawking brings up these questions in his recent address at Berkeley. He offers the perspective of a cosmologist, a scientist well able to look into the origins of the physical universe.

Are there helpful ways of studying these questions? Not just the cop-out of a quick fix, such as quoting passages from one or another of the world's many bibles. Something thoughtful - and hopefully provocative of further thought. Nourishment for reflection.

What's your understanding? Why are we humans here? Where did the universe - of which we are a component - come from? Why is there something instead of just nothing at all?

2007-03-21 05:34:05 · 27 answers · asked by fra59e 4 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

27 answers

I look through the answers you have had so far and despair. Most of them are so utterly banal - "Read your Bible!" and so on. Let's try to be a bit more rational.

The scientific discoveries of the last several hundred years have shown us unequivocally that all life on Earth is of common descent and is the product of an unthinking natural process - evolution. We understand very well how life is constantly changing, due to variation and selection, thus accounting for the diversity of life. We can also see that it is in the nature of the universe to produce order and complexity - atoms and molecules bind together in the presence of energy because it is in the nature of their chemical bonds to do so. They readily form complex molecules (amino acids and many other organic compounds exist in vast abundance in interstellar space, in comets and so on). We don't yet know the details of exactly how abiogenesis occurred (i.e. identifying the first self-replicating units of matter which were the precursors of all life on Earth), but it's clear that this happened and is not a great surprise, given the properties of matter we observe.

It's also clear now why there is something instead of nothing - simply because 'nothing' is a human concept which cannot exist in reality. There is no such thing as empty space, because space is pervaded by fields, such as the fields which carry light and gravity. Those fields cannot be exactly zero as that would violate Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle, so there are constant random fluctuations (vacuum fluctuations) which are effectively pairs of elementary particles and their complementary antiparticles appearing in space and (usually) coming back together and annihilating each other again. We know this is true because the existence of virtual particles has been confirmed by experiment.

So we can say with confidence that something exists because 'nothing' can't exist, and that life on Earth is a natural consequence of the properties of matter. What we *don't* yet know is why the universe has these particular properties, rather than any other. If the values of a number of different fundamental forces were different from what they are, the universe as we know it would not be able to exist - Maybe it would be cold and dead, or only last for a millisecond instead of many billions of years. One possible answer is that there are an infinite number of universes with random properties, and (inevitably) we find ourselves in one which was conducive to our existence. That's about all we can say on the matter at the moment.

In conclusion I would say that we don't yet know all the answers but it's certainly fascinating to ask the questions.

2007-03-21 07:04:45 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

What god? There are over 2800 of them so how do you know you picked the right one?

Why not worship Marduk, or Odin?

Why is it christians always demand "proof" when they have no idea what proof is?

In science, unlike in common usage, a successful “theory” is an overarching explanation that accounts for all known facts, hypotheses, and observations.

It is a fact, supported by millions of observations over at least 150 years that life has evolved on this planet. This fact of evolution did not have a scientifically satisfactory overarching explanation—a theory—until Charles Darwin developed his complex ideas. His explanation rapidly convinced the scientific minds of his own age and of every generation since then.

No scientifically supported theory of why life on this planet evolved rivals basic Darwinian theory. If there was a legitimate alternative, scientists would go to great lengths to win prestige by testing and developing the alternative.

2007-03-22 08:01:44 · answer #2 · answered by Melanie T 3 · 0 0

IF you truly want to learn about God here is some advice. Seek him out own your own and gain a personal testimony through prayer and research.

There is a difference between reading the bible and other peoples perspective but you will only have a answer through personal revelation and or conviction. This requires faith and obediance to the commandments of the lord.

If there is one thing that has been proven that is that Jesus walked the earth but is still could have been a self rightious suicide right? Or he may not have walked the earth right? How will you know the truth of anything without works and faith and the confirmation of God.

Once you get that it will eliminate scientoligy, evolution and mans theory. Then you will have one straight path in your life and save yourself some confusion.

Good Luck
Check out www.lds.org to find out the way to get the answers to your ?'s

2007-03-21 12:47:10 · answer #3 · answered by SEAN M 2 · 0 2

Physics and science can certainly explain more and more about the HOW regarding our existence.

We know that our planet Earth is in a "Goldilocks" zone in terms of distance from our sun, that gives our forms of life a favorable set of temperature ranges and chemical composition in the land, sea, and air to sustain them. We can see that life persists in remarkably harsh conditions. We have been able to unravel many of nature's mysteries through analysis and application of the scientific method and deductive reasoning.

Yet we still don't know the WHY. At least I don't, I can't speak for anyone else. Unlike some who claim to have had "religious" experiences, communes with a god or gods, or other revelations or perceived reasons for our existence, I haven't had any, other than the fact that I am a self-aware human being on this earth with the rest of you.

I sincerely feel, and at the same time fear, that our existence may be as the sand mandala of Zen monks, intricate and colorful and flamboyant yet at the same time structured, but in a strong exhale, gone forever. "All we are is dust in the wind," as the song goes.

I largely live by this philosophy and try to maximize my enjoyment of life since in my opinion it is finite and is my "one shot" at existence. In turn, I also believe that prejudice of any kind is fundamentally flawed and wrong. Live and let live, life is too short to spend it being hostile to others because of their race, gender, sexual orientation, or even how they choose to dress or cut their hair.

2007-03-21 12:48:15 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

The original purpose was for perfect men and women to populate the paradisaic earth and live forever upon it.

Man was not meant to live some 70+odd years and then die. Look at the complexity of the human brain. The way we only use a fraction of it in our day to day lives before we grown old and die. Look at the human body. The cell structure. The cell was magnificently and creatively designed. Not just something that came about.

If you are walking in the middle of the desert, and come upon this beautiful 5-story mansion. Would you be content if someone told you that it just came up one day, no one is supposed to live in it or anything at all? I wouldn't! That house had a builder, just like the earth we live in today. It had a creator, like us.

Adam and Eve sinned in the Garden of Eden when they partook of the fruit they were told not too. That is how sin and death entered among us.

But God's orginal purpose has not been forgotten. He will one day rid the earth of it's wickedness and the righteous will dwell perfectly upon it forever on a paradise earth.

Don't know about you, but I sure do like the sound of that.

2007-03-21 12:37:57 · answer #5 · answered by ♥LadyC♥ 6 · 1 3

Just like 1000 years ago we could not adequately understand Nuclear Fission, in 10000 years we may completely understand the answer to the question

2007-03-21 12:39:28 · answer #6 · answered by bolt1 3 · 1 1

I think even if I was tell you what I believe about this, you would just see it as religious dribble with no substance at all. As you said, you don't want a cop-out bible answer, so you really don't want to know what we all think. You are just looking for an answer similar to what you think.

If you really wanted to know the truth, you could pray about it, read about it all you want and take the time to ponder what you have learned. But since that answer isn't good enough, I have no others. If you really want to know what I think, feel free to contact me. I'd be more then happy to explain what I think, but it would be religious, and some of it would be from the bible. Sorry to disappoint you.

2007-03-21 13:03:47 · answer #7 · answered by odd duck 6 · 1 2

Why do you need a reason?

Does anyone ask a coin why it came up heads?

Are you looking for a cosmic purpose for humanity or a specific purpose for you? Do you wonder why you were born into your particular set of circumstances? If you don't, why wonder why humanity?

Isn't it possible that there is no greater purpose for humanity any more than there is a greater purpose for amoebae. We evolved to fill an ecological niche and have expanded from there.

A better question would be whether humanity can come up with its own goal for existence.

2007-03-21 12:38:28 · answer #8 · answered by Dave P 7 · 2 2

First of all, do you really want to hear truth or are you a person
who picks and chooses the truth they want to hear? In other words, are you objective or subjective in your thinking? I have
to believe you are subjective because you dismiss spiritual truth as a cop out! Since spiritual truth is apprehended only through faith your intellect however analytical cannot possibly understand spiritual things. They come by revelation from God and God alone. The fallacy of trying to understand God comes from the fact that we are finite trying to understand an infinite being. It will never happen without revelation.

Evolution is a lie! I am sure you don't want to hear that, but it is truth nevertheless! You seem educated enough to be able to grasp that a "Hypothesis" is merely a big name for a guess. Further research into evolution that is not polluted by subjective thinking would reveal multitudes of flaws which any thinking person could easily discover for themselves if they wanted to be honest in their evaluation of Darwin's theories.
More and more scientists are leaving this field of study that bears no resemblance to reality. Some of them are seeing God as a very real possibility, while others look for their answers somewhere else for whatever reason.

Starting with the infinite concept that the universe was truly created by a God who never had a beginning and never will have an end will stupify anyone. We don't have it within our brain cells to understand how anyone could have existed but was never created and yet that is exactly what the Bible says.
Many scriptures tell us that to understand God is impossible to the natural (carnal) mind, and so it is. God gave us what we need to know while we are on this planet, and I believe we will continue to receive more and more revelation through the long ages of eternity but we will never be able to comprehend God completely because we will still be created beings and not God Himself.

Science tells us that the most intelligent person on this planet uses only 1/10 of 1% of their brain power. That leaves a lot of waste unless God is going to help us learn to use the rest of it when we get to Heaven. I believe we will be getting ever increasing revelations of Him throughout eternity but will never
have the remainder of that capacity filled. I look forward to spending an eternity learning all I can about God and His vast
creation. It is exhilariting to me knowing this will happen.

The scriptures you think are a cop out clearly reveal God's creative power and purpose for us. Have you ever studied them rather than relying on the writings of sinful and inadequate people of any gender. We are all sinful and our understanding is defiled by our very nature. We hardly are what constitutes a good source for information while our mind
and heart is polluted with sin. The cleansing power of the risen Christ enlightens our pathetic understanding and gives us true wisdom - not the "wisdumb" of human beings.

Your assumption that there are no adequate answers to the questions is just that - an assumption. When I was in college a wise professor once said, "Never assume anything." That is one of the wisest pieces of advice I ever heard. However, your next statement that it may be important that we keep asking them is a good one. If you ask the right person you will find the solution to your questions. The right person to ask is God. He has never failed to answer an honest seeking
person that I know of. Faith is the key!

Steven Hawkins, the cosmologist, will come to the conclusion
that Christians have it right if he does his research objectively.
The fact that he still has questions tells me that he is only relying on human understanding which will never satisfy him or anyone else searching for truth.

Simply put - stop relying on man's understanding which is tainted by sin and open up a Bible and pray that God will give you a revelation of Him that will answer the most important questions you will ever ask while living on this planet, and on into eternity. The Bible isn't a cop-out. It is the revealed word of God written through human instrumentality so humans can understand it and written with the author's personality and style by men whose veracity was and is above question.
--OR-- continue to believe that some man or woman outside of God can come up with answers that satisfy. The first choice is the wisest and most satisfying.

Hopefully this helps.

2007-03-21 13:47:12 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 3

It seems that the reason we are here depends very much on how we got here. If we got here because of one of the many religious books, then why we are here is in that book. If on the other hand we got here because of evolution, then there is no why. We are here to eat other living things and in the end to be eaten by bacteria. And in the meantime, have a few pleasures and dream high dreams.

Enoch Ant

Momentarily, I had set my open bible on the desert floor, and looked away to the distance. When my eyes returned to it, they saw a strange thing. A large black ant had scaled the pages and was striding stiffly across the broad plain of Genesis. Now he was a dandy fellow, shiny, strong, and seemingly possessed of some urgent business. Most evidently, this business was not going to be hindered by the huge letters beneath him, nor the blue expanse above him. I dearly wanted to see what exactly it was that he was treading under those tiny feet. To my delight, it was Gen. 5:24 which reads: "And Enoch walked with God: and he was not because God took him."

How high above him were those amazing words that he was trodding underfoot with such blissful ignorance. All the glory, and the history, and the longing, and the implications of that verse passed under those six feet like the dead leaves of a spent Fall; just six feet under. He could never know that was a Divine communication he had just passed over. He was totally uninterested in something so far above the wildest dreams of his entire species. It was too high for him. He could not possibly be interested in such things. He had no hope of ever understanding, leave alone partaking of that eternal truth and the glory of God. His destiny was just to gather bits of the little things strewn on the desert floor and to drag them back to his little hole in the ground. His was the business of sorting sand grains, tunneling about the earth, and storing provender for the dreary months and approaching Winter. God would never take him; never take him away to his glorious, eternal realm.

But unlike the ant, there are those who have been given the intelligence, destiny, and high creation to perceive and embrace the lovely and powerful words of the Most High God. Tragically, like the ant, many of these will trod ignorantly over the leaves of the Scriptures in a blind stupor deeper than that of the ant who can't. Self doomed now as any ant to an ant like life; to merely enumerate, collate, and propagate. Self destined now to the gathering of dim bits of leaves and fodder into little tunnels in preparation for the long decline and at the last to be buried with the six feet under. And all the while, beneath the scurrying feet is trod, the promise and call from heaven. What a tragedy that creatures of such high destiny would clamp mandibles so tightly on bits of earth and fallen things; to become tunnel bound, wingless, and godless. No doubt, some like the shiny fellow across Gen. 5:24, have glossy moments of the rattling applause of men, and stride a bit loftier than their fellows. There are big important ants after all. These also are full of great endeavor. What great thoughts must fill their minds; perhaps of a fallen bit of moth wing, or a more spacious place in the hill nigh the queen?

But Enoch was a man that chose to walk with God. He was a man who had eyes to see beyond the fleeting bustle of this present life. He could hear in the silence, the eager, and loving invitation of the Most High God. An ant cannot walk with God. But a man or a woman can. Ants were not created to walk with God. They are too dull for the matter. They can only be oblivious, and preoccupied. I wonder what will be said of each of us at the end of our days. Will it be said that we walked with God? Or rather that we busily piddled it away like some dim bug, bent on the bangles below? Will our ant~them only be Sand Spangled?

2007-03-21 12:50:01 · answer #10 · answered by Frak 3 · 1 2

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