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I'm looking into getting on a sushi diet from hearing that it is pretty healthy and I'm trying to learn what kind of sushi is the best to eat and the easiest to aquire a taste for. If you know of an online guide or introductory explanation, please post. Thanks!

2007-03-21 04:50:36 · 11 answers · asked by bignate_2000 2 in Food & Drink Other - Food & Drink

11 answers

Sushi is great to eat! I recall the first time I ate it I did not like it. Luckily I gave it another chance and adore it. I have enclosed two links that talk about the etiquette, foods and other great tidbits to be helpful for you.

Sushi----is mainly makimono (rolls) and nigiri (fish on top of rice) and just plain pieces of fish are sashimi.

It can be an expensive habit as sushi/sashimi is not cheap and depending on where you live. Freshness of the ingredients is key as well! I love the buttery taste of sake (salmon) toro (fatty tuna) and hamachi (yellowtail). Be careful of the wasabi, it is used in moderation. The pickled ginger "gari" that is pink or tannish in color beside the wasabi is used as a palate cleanser.

Enjoy !

2007-03-21 04:57:50 · answer #1 · answered by Smithie95 2 · 0 0

Find the BEST sushi bar you can. I say best, because there's all kinds of sushi, just like there's all kinds of hamburgers. Really good sushi is just unbelievable. There's a lot of mediocre sushi out there, but sushi from a good sushi bar with warm rice and mirin and rice vinegar can just be wonderful. The cold stuff in the store just pales in comparison.

Tell the sushi chef you're new and could he introduce you to sushi? Most of them love to show off their talents and should give you a very good tasting.

As to how you eat it... in a good sushi place (at the sushi bar), the waitress handles everything but the food order itself. She gets soup, takes your drink order, and most importantly handles the money. The sushi chef doesn't sully his hands or workspace with money.

The waitress may bring you a hot rolled-up towel at the beginning. This is so you can clean your hands. She may then bring you some miso soup - it's a clear broth, and good.

Unless you've asked the chef to introduce you and give you recommendations, you have a check list where you mark down what you would like for that order. Put a line (1) for each dish you would like. Two orders of, say, nigiri sushi, would be | |.

There are a few kinds of "sushi". Sashimi is just raw meat. Slices of it. Sushi is raw meat over rice, usually held together with a band of nori (seaweed "paper"). Maki is the rolls of sushi - usually wrapped in rice and nori, wrapped, often spiced or with other vegetables, rolled, and cut, usually into sixes or eights. Finally there are hand rolls, which look like an ice cream cone wrapped in nori. I don't like these as much - too much nori. But they're worth a try.

Most sushi is cold with warm rice, with the exception of eel, which is usually coated with some kind of sauce and heated. I don't know why eel is the only one heated (except for fried crab), but either because of the sauce or the heat, I don't care for it. I'd like it better cold, I think, but everywhere I've ever been always heats it.

You will have a small dish, a small sauce dispenser, and with your meal, a lump of green. The green is wasabi, sort of horseradish-ish, and in some places, extremely pungent. Pour some of the sauce into the dish, take some wasabi and mix it in.

Then when you have your food, dip it slightly into the soy sauce/wasabi, and eat it (use chopsticks if you can pull it off).

Do NOT drench the food in soy sauce. Also, if you really want to be good about it, with true sushi (meat wrapped over rice) put it on your tongue meat-first so you can taste the meat. This doesn't apply to maki, obviously.

It is bad form to leave sushi behind, so only order what you can eat. At a sushi bar, it's very common to make multiple orders, finish a dish, then order another.


2007-03-21 05:19:23 · answer #2 · answered by T J 6 · 0 0

start by eating veggie sushi and gradually move to raw fish.
I love sushi and I wish I could afford to eat it everyday.
I even bought a book how to make sushi, it's not bad but requires a lot of practice and it's a pain in the @ss to roll them. I could eat anything raw or cooked. I love sushi, sashimi roll. Remember sushi means compressed which is inside the roll and sushimi is just raw fish out side the roll.
Also, sushi it's a lot healthier but watch out for cholesterol.
For starters try, unagi (eel) tako (octopus) and saba (mackerel) if you like those you can pretty much start eating everything!. Don't forget to end your meal with a delicious
green tea ice cream-mmm!.


2007-03-21 05:11:16 · answer #3 · answered by Sabine 6 · 0 0

tuna is pretty mild tasting.
many people like salmon and yellowtail. they are both flavorful.
i think it's easy to start off eating rolls because they don't have the texture of raw fish but that is probably not the point of the diet since that will have rice and avocados and mayo.
so i guess you are eating sashimi? i would go for the standard fare at first and move on to more exotic things if you feel ready for the tasting the ocean! standard fare includes but isn't limited to: tuna, salmon, yellowtail, halibut, red snapper, shrimp, surf clam, albacore.
sweet shrimp is actually raw so be prepared if you order it.
for a more ocean-y taste try: octopus, sea urchin, oyster, monkfish liver, mackeral, either kind of roe.
i love sushi!

2007-03-21 05:02:26 · answer #4 · answered by skybluezoo 2 · 0 0

Pray before eating sushi and go to a reputed Japanese restaurant other than that nothing special is needed to start eating sushi.

2007-03-21 04:55:09 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

ok and right here all of us pass returned. what's meant to be the main non violent faith, is now being contradicted by ability of the strikes of specific people. To the asker: i'm hoping you acquire some exhilaration from this. you like seeing muslims against eachother do no longer you? disgrace on you and all and sundry who joined in. you are the explanation why there only isn't peace interior the middle East. thank you for the thumbs down people. you're proving my factor better:)

2016-10-01 06:44:15 · answer #6 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

If you've never had sushi before i find it easiest to start off with tekamaki

2007-03-21 04:53:43 · answer #7 · answered by xdivineknightx 2 · 0 0

Go to a Chinese buffet. You can try it at no extra cost and see if you like it. My girlfriend introduced me to it that way and I found I loved it, especially dipped in soy sauce. We would go for lunch at the Mandarin and for about $5 eat as much as we like.

Enjoy !

2007-03-21 05:01:48 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous 7 · 0 2


2007-03-21 04:57:47 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

You need a rockin' bank account...that stuff is awesome but expensive...Lucky You

2007-03-21 04:56:39 · answer #10 · answered by ohwhatshername 2 · 0 0

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