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Watching any cookery programme, every chef seasons all food with salt and pepper. Why is this and how much should you use? I've never seasoned anything in my life!

2007-03-21 04:41:16 · 11 answers · asked by Phil H 2 in Food & Drink Other - Food & Drink

11 answers

Ingredients added to food to intensify or improve its flavor. Some of the most commonly used seasonings include herbs (such as oregano, rosemary and basil), spices (like cinnamon, nutmeg, cloves and allspice), condiments (such as Worcestershire sauce, soy sauce and mustard), a variety of vinegars and-the most common of all-salt and pepper.
Salt may be used to draw out water, or to magnify a natural flavour of a food making it richer or more delicate, depending on the dish. For instance, kosher salt (a coarser-grained salt) is rubbed into chicken, lamb, and beef to tenderize the meat and improve flavor. Other seasonings like pepper and basil transfer some of their flavor to the food. A well designed dish will combine seasonings that complement each other.

In addition to the choice of herbs and seasoning, the timing of when flavors are added will affect the food that is being cooked.

In some cultures, meat may be seasoned by pouring sauce over the dish at the table. A variety of seasoning techniques exist in various cultures.

Infused Oils is another method of seasoning. There are two methods for doing an infusion—hot and cold. Olive oil makes a good infusion base for some herbs, but tends to go rancid more quickly than other oils. Keep your infused oils refrigerated.

2007-03-21 04:55:07 · answer #1 · answered by cookiesandcorn 5 · 0 0

Seasoning helps to bring up the natural flavor of each item. You can definitely over-season if you aren't careful, or you can pick seasonings that overwhelm the food you are trying to make! Here are some basics I keep in my cupboard:

1. Kosher Salt
2. Peppercorns (for grinding fresh pepper)
3. Peppercorns and lemon zest (for grinding)
4. Garlic powder
5. ginger
6. sage
7. chili powder
8. thyme
9. Italian seasoning
10. Hot Paprika
11. Red pepper flakes
12. Celery seed
13. Lavendar sea salt

I have others, but these are the ones I use most prevalently in my cooking. You need to experiement and you might find it helpful to look at recipes first that call for spices and seasonings. See how they taste. Do you like the flavor? Also, rule of thumb: a pinch of sugar brings out the full flavor of tomato dishes!

2007-03-21 06:05:56 · answer #2 · answered by JennyP 7 · 1 0

Its really up to your taste . Most proffesional chefs use salt and pepper as it enhances the flavours of many foods ( so they believe) nowadays what with organic foods and the health issues it may be prudent to use less salt but many different seasonings can add flavours

2007-03-24 13:42:45 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

i love both, even a undemanding tomato sandwich should be gently pro with salt and pepper. I also like a flavourful curry, see you later because that's not too warm. I actually have got here across that maximum of the chinese language ingredients we get have a lot soy in them they overpower the style of each thing else. you may basically besides drink the soy sauce correct out of the bottle, with different foodstuff I actually have had. i'd particularly make my personal and upload soy to slot my style.

2016-12-02 08:41:42 · answer #4 · answered by allateef 4 · 0 0

I use a tiny amount of salt an sugar just a couple of pinches ,but i don't use pepper as i don't like it it your chose what to add, it adds a bit of flavour to your meat or vegtables or what ever your cooking .

2007-03-21 04:51:53 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

seasoning just brings out the flavours and everyone seasons differently, some like a lot of salt some don't.

its up to you.

2007-03-21 04:45:54 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

To season the food and bring out the flavours - try it with and without to see the difference.

2007-03-21 05:00:56 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Remind me not to accept an invitation to yours for meal, no salt or pepper ugh.

2007-03-24 22:29:42 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

the season for flavor. and pepper, or even lemon pepper are very tasty seasonings with no harmful side effects to your body. However, salt is bad for you (and everyone else). It causes high blood pressure, clogged arteries, yuk, yuk, and more yuk................. i don't use salt very much, can ya tell? besides, salt causes meat to get tough.

2007-03-21 04:52:28 · answer #9 · answered by krazyshadowkat 2 · 0 1

To give the foods more of a flavor otherwise the food would taste bland or boring.

2007-03-24 12:44:54 · answer #10 · answered by Roxas of Organization 13 7 · 0 0

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