no. and you are born of two organisms who got it on just like a couple of elephants do or lions or kitty kats. you know that is true. plants even have their way. think of it this way, god make a big garden for fun and watches because it amuses him and he is just interested. are you more to god than a baby kitten or a maple leaf falling to the ground. god designed this such that it has taken millions of years to evolve to this. he has all the time he wants but god is patient. he has forever. and he is not a he probrably. we assume so much and the three abrahamic religions are just crazy. it is a system to control the masses in collaberation with government (usually). accept that you don't really know anything about god but a bunch of bs that some whackos wrote and printed and trranslated and contradict and claim to be quoting god and jesus and mohamed and so many. pack of lies. buddhism is better. claims none of that. it is more like psychology and is a self seeking way to make the most of the time you are here before you float to the ground like the brown little maple leaf. this is your time saavor it. don't blow it. this is all you have for sure. the rest is all conjecture. notions and literature and fantasy. but a hot cheeseburger and a cold coke with hot fries, now that is real.
2007-03-21 15:13:28
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
It is just a way of speaking. Those who strive 2 follow God & his way are children of God. Then there are those who do everything in their power 2 go against him. These are the children of satan.
Examples could be found in this very Q&A forum & even in some of the answers 2 this question. U will see that there are many who have rejected God. They will even try their hardest 2 convert others into their belief that God doesnt exist or that he is a bad God. These obviously are being used by satan & because they are so fixed in their opposition 2 God, they are therefore the children of the wicked one as they are doing satan's work even though they may not realise it. It would be next 2 impossible 2 get them to see the way of God as they have rejected him & satan would never willingly allow them 2 escape from him. Of course, there is a way out, for all they would have 2 do would be 2 call on the Lord for help, but satan have led these people 2 believe that God doesnt exist meaning that they would never call on God & ergo, they are dammed & the gnashing of teeth part happens eventually.
On the other hand there are those who have accepted God & try their hardest 2 follow him & convert others 2 him. These obviously would be the children of God.
2007-03-22 15:52:29
answer #2
answered by Ethslan 5
You must first read from the beginning then you will be able to get the full understanding maybe this verse will cut the light bulb on:
Matthew 13:25 But while men slept, his enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat, and went his way.
We are all born into sin but the wicked ones are the ones that do NOT choose to do good and don't believe.
2007-03-21 10:55:06
answer #3
answered by Child of God 5
I think it's fine for that to confuse you - and no, this is something I really didn't understand until I was at least a teenager, so don't feel bad.
All of us here on earth are spiritually the children of God to begin with, we're born pure and all that - but then Christianity also talks about becoming the children of God (or the devil) through our choices that we make. Our choices and actions decide whose we are (a lot of us humans can even switch back and forth as we sin and repent, and sin and repent).
Another interpretation (which I think could also be correct) is the fact that Satan has his little evil angels too - the bad spirits working for him -- the verse could also be talking about them.
2007-03-21 11:13:30
answer #4
answered by daisyk 6
SILLY-FU EXCELENT QUESTION The answer to this question starts in the garden of Eden. These facts will help you figure it out. The serpent in the garden is Satan. The tree of the knowledge of good and evil is also Satan. And the fruit she partook of was not an apple. She was told by god to not to have anything to do with Satan but she did. At the same time she messed with Adam. And , yes now she was pregnant by both, twins although not paternal because they have different fathers. Able was a product of Adam and eve.
while Cain was a product of Satan and eve. Sorry that is just the way it is.The verse you quoted explains it pretty well.
NOW SILLY-FU if you will please remember or read what God said to Cain? Didn't God say to Cain " If you do well will you not be accepted ? Accepted where SILLY? He was telling Cain (and us) ,that if He (Cain) did well that he would be accepted into the kingdom of heaven. So even descendants of Satan are going to heaven. Ergo , if you accept Christ as your savior , you automatically become a child of GOD. And so are welcomed into heaven. And a victory like that will really make gods day. For it IS written that there is more joy in heaven over one repentant sinner than there is in 99 who have no need to. If you want to know more about this i can be emailed.
2007-03-21 12:17:36
answer #5
answered by swindled 7
Sure enough many of the verses and scriptures (that we are told are God's words or are intimately connected to the practise of our religion) can be interpreted to suit our attitude towards God or the practise of religion.
I am a Hindu and I find many instances and verses in my own epics and scriptures that sound contradicting one another or contradicting the popular interpretation.
The point I wish to make however is that let us intellectuals not be misled into narrow alleys and by lanes of these if not Godly, at the least Very Great books and Guides. Let us keep our focus in the centre of the flow. Let these holy books liberate us and let us all benefit from the Great wisdom that is the sole cause of Mankind's survival all these years despite the many instruments of self destruction.
2007-03-21 11:19:43
answer #6
answered by smartobees 4
"As I understand it, Christianity essentially revolves around the notion that we are all the children of God, and that "life" is a proving ground whereby if we accept God/Jesus and repent our sins we'll eventually get to heaven, but if we don't we'll go to hell"
Well, that's the misconception right there. We aren't s'posed 2b trying 2 prove our worthiness to live in Heaven; we weren't meant to live there in the 1st place. As for the born of the Devil, it means those whose desires are not contradictory to God's will.
2007-03-21 10:58:05
answer #7
answered by DwayneWayne 4
One of the conundrums I've never got a good answer for from any religious leader is about the nature of God and who goes to heaven and hell. Essentially, according to the Christianity, God is all-good, -powerul, -knowing, and eternal. So eternal means not only previous to us, but also after us. The question then is: since God is already after us and his consciousness spans all eternity (He knows everything, remember) then he knows who it is that is going to heaven and hell. In the end free will doesn't really seem to matter and it is already predetermined who is going where.
The best answer that hasn't been total gibberish and/or inane bible thumping was from a Catholic bishop. What he says is that God knows (Jesus and the Holy Spirit too, can't leave the rest of the Trinity out) but that he chooses not to 'watch'. I dunno though, it still doesn't make a lot of sense to me. If you get a good answer, let me know.
2007-03-21 11:05:44
answer #8
answered by Chris A 3
It is a common misconception that we are all children of God. The Bible does not teach that. We're all created by God and as such we are children of the natural world. But to be a child of God you need to be a child of the spiritual world and that is done through a spiritual birth that makes you part of God's family. You need to have a second birth or be "born again" to become a child of God. Jesus told the scribes and pharisees of his day that they were of their father the devil, because the devil was a liar from the beginning, and because they did not believe the truth they were his children.
2007-03-21 10:56:54
answer #9
answered by oldguy63 7
Apparently, there are some 'bad seeds' and/or those with the mark of cain on them; whose sole purpose in life is to 'kill, steal and destroy'... Think of serial killers, the enron bunch of theives, some presidential administrations and one of the 'askers' on here who proclaims he wants to 'deconstruct' Christian beliefs.
But, there are soooo many more, who hear the word of God and start growing and then their faith is robbed from them or they let other values and priorities interfere with their faith and they become victims of the evil ones'.
I think the teaching to 'hate the sin, but love the sinner' was promulgated to give even these 'tares' a chance...That is, if Christians are forgiving, pacifists and tolerant of wicked people; then, Christians cannot be blamed for the wicked person's choices.
You know, God Himself went from 'warrior' to 'pacifist' and He did this in order to fool the evil ones'...If He had not done this, He'd have been left picking one side or the other; as men declared war on each other....It is really quite Brilliant; when you think about it. And sending an infant into the world, instead of a conquering warrior; was also a stroke of Genius, because it tricked the 'scribes and pharisee's', herod and the masses of people....Who had already been Divorced, by God, 400 years previously.
This pacifistic part, by the way, has it's time and place: specifically until "the time of the Gentiles be fulfilled". Once that occurs, we are told to go buy a sword and fight; knowing that we'll be killed.. (Some of us buy the sword, others will apostasy and take the mark of the beast, others' will go into concentration camps). Waaaaaaa...I want to be raptured !!!! hehehe
**Someone brought up cain, which demands some elaboration. Because there are about 4 Biblical doctrine points in the story of cain. If you recall: Abel's sacrifice was acceptable to God and cain's wasn't. This enraged cain. God went to cain and said: "sin is stalking you (croaching at your door), you must master it". And cain failed to master his rage and murdered his brother; out of envy. God then, being the detective He is, learned the truth of the matter and pronounced a 'sentence' upon cain. cain complained that the sentence was too severe and God mitigated it. But, he did not pardon cain; and the 'sentence' remains: to be a vagabond, to be a killer, and for justice to be meted out to him (read, his descendents) only by 'lawful' (read, the proper) authorities. cain walks (read travels the interstates in his van) among us right now; sometimes cain looks like a teenage girl with a very bad attitude, who's been smoking pot and dabbling in the occult. But, he's out there.
2007-03-21 11:08:33
answer #10
answered by Bill S 4