True. Its hightime Christians go back to christ
2007-03-21 01:11:05
answer #1
answered by spice 5
CHRISTIANS are commanded to observe the Memorial of Christ’s death. This observance is also called “the Lord’s evening meal.” (1 Corinthians 11:20) What is so significant about it? When and how should it be observed?
Jesus Christ instituted this observance on the night of the Jewish Passover in 33 C.E. The Passover was a celebration held just once a year, on the 14th day of the Jewish month Nisan. To calculate that date, the Jews evidently waited for the spring equinox. This is the day when there are approximately 12 hours of daylight and 12 hours of darkness. The first observable new moon nearest to the spring equinox marked the beginning of Nisan. Passover came 14 days later, after sunset.
Jesus celebrated the Passover with his apostles, dismissed Judas Iscariot, and then instituted the Lord’s Evening Meal. This meal replaced the Jewish Passover and therefore should be observed only once a year.
2007-03-21 01:16:26
answer #2
answered by papa G 6
Jesus celebrated the last Passover of the Jewish Religion that was commanded by God.
Jesus became the true Passover Lamb when he died.
Now Christians need to look to the true Passover Lamb, Jesus, and put faith in him and obey him.
Then at Judgments times, like the great tribulation and Armageddon, the angel of death will passover the ones who have faith in the shed blood of Jesus, not unlike the original Passover where the angel of death did not kill those who obeyed by putting the blood of the lamb on their doorpost.
The purpose of the Passover was to continue until the true Lamb/Jesus was sacrificed. Now there is no need for it because it was fulfilled.
Although, we are counseled to remember all the laws given to Moses, the rituals of the Law Covenant ended when Jesus died, hence the torn curtain between the Holy and the Most Holy.
The temple and the worship of the Jews, was a forshadow of the future worship for Christians. Galatians 3:19-25 calls the Law a tutor leading to Christ.
2007-03-21 02:18:57
answer #3
answered by tienna 3
The Passover is part of the Old Testament customs. Jesus came to fulfill the law. (Matthew 5:17) The last time that He celebrated Passover was just before He was murdered on the cross. (Matthew 26:26-29) This is when Jesus instigated the Lord's Supper (Eucharist, Communion). So as Christians, we join together to remember Christ's sacrifice for us by passing the bread and the wine.
In the same way as each family slew a lamb and spread its blood on the lintels to be saved when in Egypt, Jesus was slain and His blood spilt so that we (ie: anyone who follows Christ and gives their life fully to Him) can be saved.
We no longer need to make sacrifices because our Messiah: Jesus Christ; has come and given us salvation through His ultimate, perfect, sacrifice.
Hope this helps! Ask again if you are unsure.
Blessings, Gypsy Queen
2007-03-21 01:26:50
answer #4
answered by Gypsy_Queen 3
Being Christ-like is not doing everything that Christ did and in fact quite impossible. It means to live with as much of Christ's characteristics as you can. The more we read in the bible about Christs character the more we learn what kind of man he was, never judging and ever forgiving in nature. We are not to do the ritualistic things Christ did as in the passover and we're not to be literally crucified on the cross or heal other people. We weren't given the instruction from God to do those things, those things were given to Christ in his power and will, and for a purpose that has already been played out. We do however, celebrate the very things he did for us, the very reason he came, and those things are all wonderful, but that is not what it means to be Christ-like. We are not deity.
2007-03-21 01:13:44
answer #5
answered by sassinya 6
Jesus is the Passover lamb. When we accept Him as our Savior we are 'celebrating' Passover on a daily basis. Each day we take up our cross.
Further being Christ like isn't just mimicking the 'celebratory' days. It is instead an ongoing transformation of the individual through communion with God by the Holy Spirit.
Each day we are changed by Him, in our spirits, in our souls... as much as we are yielded to His direction.
We can not fake it, nor put on the clothing of a Christian, nor just live by some of the words of Jesus.
But we must be transformed by the renewing of our minds.
We are changed by our faithfulness and our love for God.
We are changed the more we exert our will to behave as Jesus did in His character, love, and obediance to the Father.
I really hope this helps.
2007-03-21 01:17:44
answer #6
answered by thankyou "iana" 6
Passoever is a Jewish festival/holiday that has nothing to do with Christians. It happened even before Christianity was founded. Jews are the OT and Christians are the NT. I have celebrated Passover before though, and I'm a Christian, and I wouldn't mind doing it again.
2007-03-21 02:14:21
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Christ changed the passover to the Lord's Supper. The passover was looking towards Christ's sacrifice and the Lord's Supper is remembering his sacrifice.
2007-03-21 01:31:35
answer #8
answered by Laura H 5
"Keep doing this in remembrance of me." -- Luke 22:19
Those were the words of Christ Jesus while passing the emblems representing his body, during his last Passover observance. He actually instituted the Memorial of his death, to take the place of the PAssover, because by his death he would fulfill that which the Passover lamb represented.
Jehovah's Witnesses celebrate the Memorial of Christ's death each year, at sundown, on Nisan 14 (this year equivalent to Monday, April 2, 07. In fact, we are passing out invitations to interested ones right now. This Memorial is held all over the world by us:
2006 Report of Jehovah's Witnesses Worldwide
(shown by country)
One of our Elders gives a talk that explains the importance of Christ's sacrifice, & how it affects us today, then the emblems are passed, for the remaining of the little flock to partake. Anyone who would like to respectfully attend in their area is welcome.
Reliving Jesus' Last Days on Earth
- Nisan 9th to the 14th, After Sundown
- Jesus' Life and You
This explains where you can find us,
& what our meetings for worship consist of:
2007-03-21 01:21:43
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Christians do celebrate Passover.
2007-03-21 01:13:42
answer #10
answered by Anonymous
All I know is different religions have different beliefs. Some baptize be sprinkling, some by immersion. Some don't eat pork, some do. Some don't eat meat on certain days, some do. But if a person studies the word of God and is living to the best of their knowledge and believe are they not a christian?
2007-03-21 01:14:02
answer #11
answered by ebby 5