Ok first off as a long time breeder and one who has 11 of them we need to put the record straight. Hyper implies a medical condition. The Pin is not a hyper dog, it is extremely ENERGETIC. This is a ratter that is sight oriented and needs to exert energy and requires time to play off lead. A Min Pin secured fenced yard is a requirement. This dog is a great escape artist and is never a first time dog for a novice. It is by nature a very independent breed. Therefore excessive handling is not recommended. The breed was bred for non human intervention and to work independently of instruction by its owner/master for the sole purpose of removing rats and mice and vermin from German farms. Though very loyal, they can and will try your patience. In the circle of breeders we refer to them as perpetual 2 year olds. They can and generally get into everything. Though they can do ok with children it is not recommended. Though listed in the toy group in the US and UK this is in fact a member of the Terrier group. Over handing can create to nipping or biting. Lap dog, yes but when they initiate it. Picking them up and forcing them into ones lap is not advisable. These dogs in addition by nature are not good apt dogs. Rated the 3rd worst due to their natural guarding instincts which creates a barking problem. Though generally not barkers for no reason, noises due create this issue. They are very playful and amusing but for all that they are they are still a working dog. Out of all the "toy" breeds in the US this is the only breed that will instinctively due what it was bred to do over 200 years ago. Hunt out mice and rats. Bad breeding over the years has also created health issues, Luxating patella, leg pertheis are not uncommon. Premature ocular degeneration (blindness). They can have very fragile legs. Bone structure due to bad breeding. It is no uncommon for a pin to suffer broken legs. Though many breeders have worked to improve this there are some that still have this issue. When the breed was introduced in the early 19th century the American public found it to be a cute little dog, The AKC in the early years put it in the Misc group and just called it a Pinscher. People discovered shortly that it was not a good little cute dog and was totally unlike other small dogs as it was a terrier thus not a lap dog. But initially excessive early over breeding flooded the market with poor quality dogs. Only to see a decline once people realized that they were not what many thought they would be. They are not related to Doberman's Pinscher and though some believe they are or were created using the German Pinshcer there is no facts to support this. In 1836 Dr Reichenbach noted that the Min Pins was a cross between the short haired Dachshund and the Italian Greyound. At one point considering the Pug but concluded it was just these 2 breeds were the stock breeds. The modern day German Pinscher though is in fact a mix of the Miniature Pinscher and the German Pinscher. This came about in the later 1940's when Werner Jung during WWII realizing that the German Pinscher nearly extinct wanted to save. Finding only a couple of registered females left and no males, used 4 over sized Miniature Pinschers for breeding. All 3 breeds share the title of Pinscher which is a German expression for the way this breeds bites. The Min Pin in is a breed that needs to have something to do on a regular basis where it can work off energy. Running around a living room is not sufficient enough therefore yard space and freedom to run in an enclosed secure space it important. The best way is to take a look at your lifestyle when determining a dog that is best for you. Too many people get dogs like they buy cars, on looks instead of reality. Thus is how I ended up with 8 of mine. Left overs and cast aways because these people could not handle the breed. When if only they had taken time to research they could have spared these dogs. Good Luck.
AKC breed standards for male and female is 10 to 12 1/2 inches.
2007-03-21 05:23:08
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
The Miniature Pinscher is a small, compact, muscular, sleek dog with square proportions and well-chiseled lines. The topline is either level or sloping slightly towards the rear. The front legs are straight and the dewclaws removed. The feet are small and catlike. The muzzle is strong and in good proportion to the rest of the dog. The teeth should meet in a scissors bite. The dark bright eyes are oval. Cropping the ears is optional, but the tail is always docked. It appears naturally well-groomed and self-possessed. The Miniature Pinscher's short, easy-care coat usually comes in red, but may also be black & tan or chocolate. The dog has an unusual high stepping gait.
The Miniature Pinscher is a hardy little fellow that is very demanding and headstrong. This proud, overly courageous dog likes to bark. They are loyal to their masters, spirited and alert, with high energy. Intelligent, lively and brave, it is a big dog in a little dog's body. The Miniature Pinscher is moderately protective. Some can be very aggressive with other dogs, but they are generally good with other pets and children provided the children do not pester. They are rather suspicious towards strangers, but their behavior depends entirely upon how they were brought up as young pups. Don't spoil this breed too much or the dog may become a tyrant. The Miniature Pinscher can learn extremely well and wants very much to do so. It is certainly beneficial for its socialization to take the dog to puppy courses where it can meet other dogs and people. You will be amazed at how fast the Miniature Pinscher understands and obeys you. Pay particular attention when housebreaking this little Pinscher, since a little puddle from such a small dog can easily be overlooked; the dog may get the idea that you are happy to accept it fulfilling its natural needs indoors. The Miniature Pinscher is often called "King Of The Toys." Beware, this little dog will chew small objects and may choke on them. Do not overfeed this breed.
Height, Weight
Height: Dogs 10-12 inches (25-30 cm.) Bitches 10-11 inches (25-28 cm.)
Weight: Dogs 8-10 pounds (4-5 kg.) Bitches 8-9 pounds (about 4 kg.)
Health Problems
This is a very healthy breed.
Living Conditions
The Miniature Pinscher is good for apartment life. It is very active indoors and will do okay without a yard. The Miniature Pinscher should be protected from the cold.
These dogs do not require a lot of exercise but should be given regular opportunities to run and play. Make sure any yard in which they can run loose has a fence high enough to prevent their determined efforts to escape and explore.
Life Expectancy
About 15 or more years.
The Miniature Pinscher's smooth, short-haired, hard coat is easy to groom. Comb and brush with a firm bristle brush, and shampoo only when necessary. Loose hair can be remove by wiping over with a warm, damp washcloth. This breed is an average shedder.
The Miniature Pinscher is not related to the Doberman Pinscher, and is in fact an older breed than the Doberman. Developed in Germany from terrier breeds, including the German Pinscher, the Miniature Pinscher's original use was in hunting rats to keep the population down in the stables that it frequented. Italian Greyhound blood may have been added to produce such a tiny, high stepping-dog. The word "Pinscher" means "terrier" in German. Today the MinPin's high spirit and bright personality make him a charming companion. Some of the Miniature Pinscher's talents are competitive obedience, watchdogging, and agility.
Terrier, AKC Toy
I would rather suggest you for Labradors which are the best home companion dogs
2007-03-21 02:22:42
answer #2
answered by doggiesdude 2
The Min Pin is a very loyal, funny and courageous dog. They are brave and alert. They are VERY intelligent. It can be a good guard dog and will protect you from an intruder. They are very much a "small dog in a big dog's body"! They can be dog aggressive, animal aggressive and some aren't good with children. Those factors really depend on a) WHO you buy the dog from and b) HOW well you socialize the dog as a puppy. When they are properly socialized, they are good with children. Providing that you supervise the dog and child together. Min Pins don't like to be annoyed by children and will not tolerate poking, pulling of tail, pulling of ears etc. As said before, make sure to socialize him as a puppy extremely thoroughly and do NOT "baby" this breed by carrying him around or dressing him up. They take a while to housebreak and need a lot of patience and a firm owner. They learn quickly and MUST go to training classes. They LOVE to chew so make sure to supply your little pup with lots of Kong toys and chew toys. NEVER give him COOKED bones as they may splinter. Don't overfeed the Min Pin as they are prone to becoming over weight. They don't have many major health issues and don't require much grooming. They are active little dogs and enjoy running around the park.
I think that if you spend the time training the dog and you supervise children when around the dog, it would be a good breed for you.
Height: 25-30 cm (10-12 in)
Weight: 8-9lb (4kg)
2007-03-22 01:36:38
answer #3
answered by Elena 5
MinPin's are 25-30cm high at the shoulder, and averaging around 4kg. It is part of the toy group but it has the heart and mind of a much bigger dog.
It's a small, clean low maintenance suited for any sized premises and any family situation. It is a great watchdog and perfect for elderly people or people living alone but also adapts well in a family.
It is very intelligent! Most people buy these dogs on impulse without realising the training they will need at the beginning. If these dogs are taken to obedience classes, are socialised well and know who is the pack leader in the household then they will make great pets. I think a MinPin would really suit your situation.
The main thing to remember when looking after a MinPin is to make sure you are the leader not the dog. There are many simple, yet effective ways to show the dog you are the leader . Here is a list I have compiled:
1. Always make sure you enter and exit through doors before your dog.
2. Your dog must have his food after you.
3. Pretend to eat some of your dog's food before you give it to him. In the wild the alpha dog would do this to show the other dog their place in the pack.
4. When playing games like tug-of-war makes sure you win the majority but do not win too much otherwise the dog will get bored. Eg. You win 3 out of 5.
5. Do not make a big thing of saying goodbye to the dog when you leave the house.
6. When you arrive home ignore the dog for 10 minutes to show him he is not the most important person.
7. Do not make a habit of going down to your dog's level otherwise the dog thinks they can over power you.
Hope this helps!!!
I think a MinPin would be perfect for you as long as you're willing to put in th effort at the beginning because in the long run you'll reep the rewards!!!!
2007-03-21 05:12:14
answer #4
answered by Shivi 1
Aside from the AKC description that is posted here which is a good guide by which to go by.. Min Pins are nicknamed "The King of Toys" - They have no idea how small they are (like most Toy breeds but more noticable) and are very active and athletic dogs. I recommend you call a local rescue and try fostering one first. They are extremely smart and crafty. A friend of mine breeds them and they like to tear up their crate pads if they have filling in them, and they have figured out how to open their crates so now she has to lock them in. They are able to problem solve in a way that is uncanny. For me personally, I am a pure breed dog fancier and I personally couldn't live with one. They are much more of an active dog than what I prefer in a pet. It definitely has to be a personality match and you have to really be ready for that type of a dog. They are great with kids as they are a very hearty and healthy breed that can withstand children, but are also intelligent enough to figure out how to avoid the kids if they want to. Good Luck with your decision.
2007-03-21 03:09:53
answer #5
answered by Dreanika 2
Very hyper dogs! Bark alot, run wild most of the time, can be kind of aggresive sometimes. Maybe not the best choice. Try a Shitzu good small even, mellow tempered.
2007-03-21 02:14:36
answer #6
answered by ddvdl 1
they are known to be very hyper. my mom found a mini pin pup and she is very hyper. they are small. the one she has is very affectionate. likes to give lots of kisses. and play play play. research them online. breeders web sites are usually very informative. check out poodles (min not toy) or min snauzer?sp italian greyhounds are really nice buy expenisve. look at pugs and boston terriors, mixes are great. chichuaua/jack russell mix is a great dog. you know poodles dont shed. any dog is as good as their owner. if the puppy is around the kids alot, he or she will love them no matter what breed you get.
2007-03-21 02:21:04
answer #7
answered by dune nana 3