The best thing that ever worked for me was the Isagenix fat and burn cleanse system. Its not a diet pill! Its great. For more in-depth information on Isagenix go to
2007-03-20 17:40:23
answer #1
answered by Turtleman 3
2016-08-16 08:25:03
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
there is no such thing of diet pills for weight loss. Don't get caught up with those commercials. FYI, you might not notice this but a lot of diet pills contain caffeine in it. Once you consumed caffeine; most likely you would stay up all night and want to be more active. By you staying awake and active, of course you'll burn calories. So, actually that's how it works. If you did not want to spend a lot of money on diet pills, go get yourself an espresso. I guarantee you will stay all day long and work out endlessly, hihihi..good luck. Anyway, the answer would be there is no the best diet pill for fast weight loss. The fastest diet pills are exercise pill and eat right pill, hehehe...
2007-03-20 17:20:51
answer #3
answered by sweetcherry 2
There is no such thing as a diet either.
If you want to be fit, feel good, shed excess weight, there is only one way to do it.
Think healthy. Get rid of processed foods. Eat real food. Real foods don't come in packages with all sorts of additives.
Eat half as much as you do now and start on an exercise program. Do an activity you think you might enjoy. Walking, tennis, skating, kayaking, swimming, hiking, anything! Take up dancing.
Eventually you get hooked on good foods and being active and you are now on a new lifestyle rather than being on a diet.....
Take your time, imagine yourself the way you would like to be and have fun getting there!
2007-03-20 17:28:14
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Glucomannan-It is a really good fiber pill that fills you up, keeps your blood sugar stable (which help prevents cravings), and keeps you digestive track moving (which reduces bloating and over digestion of food in the bowel). You take a couple of capsules before meals, and you will feel full.
I have tried everything else (prescription meds, hoodie, yerba mate, Trim Spa) and they didn't really work, but Glucomannan really has helped. Some health foods store sell it (a few GNCs have it), but I buy mine online. It costs about $10.00 for a bottle that lasts a month, so it is a good deal.
2007-03-20 17:24:51
answer #5
answered by MissM 6
None. Pills to loose weight are not only bad for you but they can be dangerous too. If you want to loose weight, do it the right way so you can be healthy and keep it off for good. Eat healthy, exercise, drink lots of water, limit your fatty foods, no sodas at all and you will change your life.
2007-03-20 17:17:59
answer #6
answered by MadforMAC 7
First off, I don't care what kind of pill you take, without a proper diet and exercise routine, the pills won't help. Supplements are there to enhance the workout, not to do the workout for you.
A lot of people believe that every diet pill you see in a magazine or on TV are miracle pills, which is why people say they don't work - it's because they won't work alone without a healthy lifestyle. All of the models you see advertising the pill, they were in shape before they used the pill and then were hired and paid to sponsor the pill. They got all bloated out and then went on a strict diet to make the results look easy.
For all you lazy people out there, that don't want to buy into my diet and exercise routine thing, I suggest t3 thyrotabs by Gaspari Nutrition since they do a number of things such as heat your body temperature up, speed up your thyroid gland, speeds up your metabolism, and tells your body how to use every nutrient that you take in, good, or bad; more efficiently. You can combine that with any generic fat burner you see around.
I've worked in the supplement business for several years now, and I've seen a countless amount of people piss away their money on expensive products due to good advertising. I try to tell them that spending a few hundred dollars on diet pills isn't going to help without any physical effort. So don't go making the mistake of wasting your money on expensive supplements; until you are ready for a healthy lifestyle which means exercise and a proper diet! Now, if you do have a good diet plan and exercise regimen; diet pills will help, but they still aren't miracle products. They will not make you drop weight in a matter of days, that is done through physical exercise.
Now becareful on the amount of caffiene you take in, especially if you have never taken a diet pill before, because regardless if you have experience with diet pills or not, if you are trying a new pill never go by the dosage on the back of the bottle! Consider the first 5 days a trial period, take one pill twice daily before breakfast and lunch (not dinner because you shouldn't have a high dose of caffiene/stimulants before you go to bed as it may be hard for you to sleep). After your 5 day trial period is up, if you felt that your energy levels were good, then stick to just before breakfast and before lunch. If you felt that your energy levels needed improvement, you can go for 2 pills before breakfast and lunch. This is just to establish your tolerance to massive amounts of caffiene.
Now there's also ephedra. Ephedra is in lame man's terms a much stronger version of caffiene derived from an asian root called ma huang. The only reason why ephedra was banned for a period of time was because people who were stupid and irresponsible weren't intelligent enough to use the products correctly. Some people were injured, a couple may have died, but as long as you are in perfect health and take it responsibly; they are safe and can significantly aide in weight loss.
There is also ECA stacks. They can be used for all of the "tolerant" people out there (those whose bodies are used to ephedra and high amounts of caffiene, not for someone just starting, you must first know what your tolerance level is). It is much more effective and gives you much more energy to burn, then just regular caffiene or ephedra. ECA stands for ephedra, caffiene, and aspirin. The aspirin thins the blood out, so when adding caffiene and ephedra to it, the blood stream can then absorb the aphedra and caffiene much more thoroughly. In return, you get a much stronger energy boost.
When shopping for products go to a supplement retail store, you will usually find good guidance. The only negative thing about the retail stores is the price. If you are looking for good prices, go to They have 99% of products on the market and 100% of the time, best prices.
I hope I have been of some help.
2007-03-20 18:42:32
answer #7
answered by staceandrea 2
Forget anything you have ever been told about Diabetes.
And get this - it has nothing to do with insulin, exercise, diet or anything else you've heard in the past. It's all based on latest breakthrough research that Big Pharma is going Stir Crazy to hide from you.
Visit here : to find out what all the fuss is about.
2016-04-30 19:54:25
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
I've lost 5 kilos in my first week. It's my 10th day and I have included salad with some protein (eg. egg/ lean chicken) as you suggested. After 4 years of trying, the fat is finally coming off. It truly feels like magic!
Get started today!
2016-05-14 18:10:47
answer #9
answered by ? 4
Try fit clothes
2017-03-06 02:51:45
answer #10
answered by ? 3