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8 answers

First off a 10 week old puppy will chew until his adult teeth are in at around 6-9 months of age. Most dogs chew throughout their lives, keeps the teeth and gums clean.

Give him appropriate chew toys to stimulate the gums and to give him a healthy alternative to peoples hands or shoes.

For biting you must be consistent with discipline and tap on the nose and a sharp NO BITE should suffice then ignore the puppy, do not immediately cuddle it as you then just rewarded the biting behavior. Everyone in the house hold must do this and be consistent.

Good luck with your new puppy.

2007-03-20 13:14:15 · answer #1 · answered by Kim 3 · 1 0

Puppies will bite and chew, we can't stop them. The best thing you can do is get her some chewy toys if you already haven't. Then when you catch her chewing something you can give her a firm "no" and give her a toy to chew on instead. If she bites you, either use the "no" thing or let out a sharp yelp, that's how puppies and dogs warn eachother when the playing has gone too far. Good Luck!

2007-03-20 20:15:34 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

The best way to get any pup to stop chewing is to get a rope to help get rid of the baby teeth. That will take there mind off chewing on other things. You will find teeth laying around the house, those are just baby teeth. Remember it is just a pupie, so be patient. GOOD LUCK

2007-03-20 20:19:16 · answer #3 · answered by matthewbuddo@sbcglobal.net 2 · 0 0

easy, don't play rough with the dog, everytime she bites grab her mouth and shake it a bit while you say no, then turn around and stop the playing, if you don't stop the play she'll thing you're happy with what she's doing, a while after try playing with a toy, if she bites the toy call her good girl and that, give her a treat if you want, if she bites you, take the toy away and stop playing, do that repeatedly and she'll understand she can not bite you or she will be bored... NEVER HIT HER OR SPRAY HER WITH WATER THIS WILL ONLY MAKE HER ANGRIER AND FRUSTRATED!!! PLUS THIS IS CRUEL AND SENSELESS!!!!

2007-03-20 20:13:38 · answer #4 · answered by paulipauli 3 · 0 0

the two breeds are known for playfulness and loving to chew

offer as many sources of play as you can - this may mean toys, chew bones and etc (safe objects of course)

once progress out of the puppy stage will calm down some but you want some of that loving playfulness to remain however for the enjoyment of your friendship

2007-03-20 20:15:32 · answer #5 · answered by Marsha 6 · 0 0

your dog is always going to chew on things. But what you can do is get the rubber dog toys and wet them with water and freeze them, or what you can do is what ever your dog is biting on or chewing on is put vinegar on a bar of soap. rub the soap all over it. my dogs stop biting and chewing on things that they weren't supposed to be.

2007-03-20 20:29:10 · answer #6 · answered by cynthia d 1 · 0 0

hit him on the nose or spray with a water bottle or hold its mouth closed and tell it no it will take a while but it works

2007-03-20 20:11:31 · answer #7 · answered by alicia p 2 · 0 1

Puppies may be just as much work as human babies - maybe more so because puppies can't wear diapers and they have very sharp teeth! It's definitely true that, similar to infants and toddlers, puppies explore their world by putting things in their mouths. In addition, puppies are teething until they're about six months old, which usually creates some discomfort. Chewing not only facilitates teething, but also makes sore gums feel better. Although it's perfectly normal for a puppy to chew on furniture, shoes, shrubbery and such, these behaviors can be a problem for you. A puppy won't magically "outgrow" these behaviors as he matures. Instead, you must shape your puppy's behaviors and teach him which ones are acceptable and which aren't.

Discouraging Unacceptable Behavior
It's virtually inevitable that your puppy will, at some point, chew up something you value. This is part of raising a puppy! You can, however, prevent most problems by taking the following precautions:

Minimize chewing problems by puppy-proofing your house. Put the trash out of reach, inside a cabinet or outside on a porch, or buy containers with locking lids. Encourage children to pick up their toys and don't leave socks, shoes, eyeglasses, briefcases or TV remote controls lying around within your puppy's reach.
If, and only if, you catch your puppy chewing on something he shouldn't, interrupt the behavior with a loud noise, then offer him an acceptable chew toy instead and praise him lavishly when he takes the toy in his mouth.
Make unacceptable chew items unpleasant to your puppy. Furniture and other items can be coated with "Bitter Apple" to make them unappealing (see our handout: "Aversives for Dogs").
Don't give your puppy objects to play with such as old socks, old shoes or old children's toys that closely resemble items that are off-limits. Puppies can't tell the difference!
Closely supervise your puppy. Don't give him the chance to go off by himself and get into trouble. Use baby gates, close doors or tether him to you with a six-foot leash so you can keep an eye on him.
When you must be gone from the house, confine your puppy to a small, safe area such as a laundry room. You may also begin to crate train your puppy (see our handout Crate Training Your Dog). Puppies under five months of age shouldn't be crated for longer than four hours at a time, as they may not be able to control their bladder and bowels longer than that.
Make sure your puppy is getting adequate physical activity. Puppies left alone in a yard don't play by themselves. Take your puppy for walks and/or play a game of fetch with him as often as possible.
Give your puppy plenty of "people time." He can only learn the rules of your house when he's with you.
When puppies play with each other, they use their mouths. Therefore, puppies usually want to bite or "mouth" hands during play or when being petted. With puppies, this is rarely aggressive behavior in which the intent is to do harm. Because puppies are highly motivated to exhibit this type of behavior, attempts to suppress it or stop it are unlikely to be successful unless you give your puppy an alternative behavior. The goals of working with this normal puppy behavior are to redirect your puppy's desire to put something in her mouth onto acceptable chew toys and to teach her to be gentle when a hand is in her mouth.

Encourage Acceptable Behavior
Redirect your puppy's chewing onto acceptable objects by offering her a small rawhide chew bone or other type of chew toy whenever you pet her. This technique can be especially effective when children want to pet her. As you or the child reach out to scratch her behind the ears (not over the head) with one hand, offer the chew bone with the other. This will not only help your puppy learn that people and petting are wonderful, but will also keep her mouth busy while she's being petted. Alternate which hand does the petting and which one has the chew bone. At first, you may need to pet or scratch your puppy for short periods of time, since the longer she's petted, the more likely she is to get excited and start to nip.

Discourage Unacceptable Behavior
You must also teach your puppy to be gentle with hands, and that nipping results in unpleasant consequences for her. Teach your puppy that nipping "turns off" any attention and social interaction with you. After a nip, look your puppy right in the eye, and yell "OUCH" as though you've been mortally wounded, then ignore her. Leave the room if you must, but ignore her until she's calm, then try the chew bone and petting method again. It's even better if you can coax your puppy into a sitting position using food. It may take many repetitions for her to understand what's expected.
Nipping and mouthing hands can also be discouraged by loosely holding your puppy's lower jaw between your thumb and forefinger after she's taken your hand in her mouth. Don't hurt her by squeezing too hard, just gently hang on so that wherever her mouth goes, your hand hangs on. This will quickly become tiresome and she'll eventually pull away. After several seconds, release her jaw, but continue to offer her your hand. If she licks or ignores it, praise, pet and offer a tidbit. If she closes her mouth on your hand again, repeat the procedure.
A third alternative is to wear cotton gloves coated with a substance with an unpleasant taste such as "Bitter Apple." In this way, your puppy will learn that "hands in mouth taste bad." For this method to work, every time she nips your hand she must experience this bad taste. The possible disadvantage to this method is that your puppy may learn "hands with gloves taste bad and those without gloves don't.
Remember that any of these three methods will probably not be effective unless you work hard to teach your puppy the right behavior by offering her an acceptable chew toy.
Jumping Up
When your puppy jumps up on you, she wants attention. Whether you push her away, knee her in the chest or step on her hind legs, she's being rewarded for jumping up (even though it's negative attention, she's still getting what she wants).

When Your Puppy Jumps Up:
Fold your arms in front of you, turn away from her and say "off."
Continue to turn away from her until all four of her feet are on the ground, then quietly praise her and give her a treat. If she knows the "sit" command, give the command when all four of her feet are on the ground, then quietly praise her and give her a treat her while she's in the sitting position.
When you begin to praise her, if she begins to jump up again, simply turn away and repeat step two, above. Remember to keep your praise low-key.
When your puppy realizes that she gets no attention from you while she's jumping up, but does get attention when she stops jumping up and sits, she'll stop jumping up. Remember, once you've taught her to come and sit quietly for attention, you must reward her behavior. Be careful not to ignore her when she comes and sits politely, waiting for your attention.
What Not To Do
Attempts to tap, slap or hit your puppy in the face for nipping or jumping up are almost guaranteed to backfire. Several things may happen, depending on your puppy's temperament and the severity of the correction:

She could become "hand-shy" and cringe or cower whenever a hand comes toward her face.
She could become afraid of you and refuse to come to you or approach you at all.
She could respond in a defensive manner and attempt to bite you to defend herself.
She could interpret a mild slap as an invitation to play, causing her to become more excited and even more likely to nip.
Never play "tug-of-war" or wrestling games with your puppy if you're having a nipping problem. These types of games encourage out-of-control behavior, grabbing, lunging and competion with you. These aren't behaviors you want her to learn.

2007-03-20 20:31:46 · answer #8 · answered by kibbi21 4 · 0 0

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