The hypnotist idea is good. Ghosts can't hurt you anyway.
2007-03-20 13:04:48
answer #1
answered by waia2000 7
What kind of jobs do you have if you're a 13 year old?
But, to supply an answer, let me tell you this: because my parents weren't very smart and used to let me stay up late at night watching movies like "Dracula's Blood Bath" and "The Omen", and "Willie Wonka", as a child I used to go to bed absolutely terrified of things like vampires and demons and oompa loompas, things that don't exist and can't harm you.
Being told that, however, is of course little comfort to a 12 year old. A "magical" problem requires a "magical" solution. I got my Mom to give me a crucifix to wear to bed and that helped soothe my fears quite a bit. Even though as an adult I'm not religious, I still have it and treasure it for the "protection" it gave me.
Do some research about ghosts on line or in the liberry; there's got to be some old folk charm or ritual or Harry Potter spell or something to help ward off ghosts. Just do that, and even if you don't really believe it all the way, having taken some action against your fears goes a long way toward dismissing them. And eventually you'll grow out of it.
Well, good luck!
2007-03-20 21:44:22
answer #2
answered by mrsullenbeauty 2
Have you seen the movie 'Ghost'? This might seem silly, but think of them as Patrick Swayze.
If you couldn't communicate with people you would try your hardest to get their attention by doing what is in your power to do. For the most part, they aren't trying to frighten you. They're just trying to get your attention.
If something happens that scares you, say something like (in your head if you are more comfortable - but if no one is around - out loud) "I heard you - but I'm not ready to communicate with you.". This helps. Perhaps psychologically but you WILL feel better & calmer.
Most 'ghosts' don't have much energy so for them to make a sound, knock something over or talk to someone is a lot of effort. They can't hurt you. You can hurt yourself if you get into a panic and run though!
Hope this helps :)
2007-03-24 05:07:41
answer #3
answered by paranormalaustralia 1
Maybe you shouldn't be so afraid. Not all ghosts are bad, and the chances of you encountering one in everyday life are slim. So just try to live your life and like I said, they aren't all bad, and i'm sure if you were to ever come into contact w/ an evil entity you would feel it and not go any further. Just don't let your fear limit you unless you feel like something is seriously wrong.
2007-03-20 20:01:33
answer #4
answered by beautyinfire 2
I dont believe in ghosts but I do in spirits and I have always told my children as they grew up when they said the same thing that people who die still like to visit people they know here and to visit there home they lived in, just like people who r alive, there is nother to be affraid of cuz they wont hurt u they r only visiting. So just think about the people u love that have died and remember they may just be saying hi, and they miss u.
2007-03-20 20:03:35
answer #5
answered by c_schreel 3
Fear of ghosts is just a phobia. I used to have a phobia of spiders. I RELEASED THE FEAR and now, while I still do not like spiders, I am no longer afraid of them.
I released my fear using EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) or Emotional Tapping.
Emotions (like fear) are just ENERGIES IN MOTION in our bodies.
Every time you don't allow yourself or you aren't allowed to fully experience an emotion, to feel it, and to move through it, the energy of that emotion becomes stopped and blocked in your body. It remains blocked until you go back and re-experience that emotion. Then the energetic block is freed and cleared. Virtually all of our physical ailments come from energetic blocks in our bodies, energetic patterns that are connected to our emotional patterns
One good way to release your fear of ghosts is to use EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) or Emotional Tapping. In EFT you apply gentle accupressure tapping to specific body points to release blocked emotions. EFT is easy to learn (you can learn the basics in 15-30 minutes). You can use EFT anytime, anywhere for any emotional or physical issue. One basic round of EFT takes about one minute. EFT works quickly and is painless. I released my fear of spiders in one session of EFT that took about 20 minutes.
Please download the FREE EFT Instructional manual from the EFT website (
I learned how to use EFT last year and now use it everyday. EFT really works
2007-03-20 20:06:27
answer #6
answered by dragonsong 6
Just Know what they really are, and realize they have no power over the name of Jesus.
I believe they are really just fallen angels who are trying to scare people or trick them. Weird things have happened to me and my family members... but when I say the name of Jesus I have nothing to fear. Pray, keep your bible near by and read it. Ask for God's peace and comfort to help you through.
2007-03-21 02:57:24
answer #7
answered by luv2laf 1
I have a friend who is the same way. He is 31 and is afraid to sleep because he thinks that there might be "zombies" at the foot of his bed.
2007-03-20 19:58:07
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
go to a hypnotist and ask them to relieve your fear of ghosts.
2007-03-20 20:01:56
answer #9
answered by Ask Tara 3
they exist. but you have to understand that they can't hurt you. they're on a different plane. you're fine.
2007-03-20 20:02:52
answer #10
answered by Decoy 2.0 4