While ther may be a depressive component here, the symptoms you elaborated are known as Derealization and often accompany a Depersonalization Disorder. You did an excellent job expressing the symptoms "on paper" so I'd suggest that you make notes for yourself and take them with you when you contact a therapist. I would start there for a more thorough evaluation of your symptoms before heading to your PCP for meds-the therapist can consult with your PCP or recommend a psychiatrist. The therapist wil also help by asking questions that will make it easier for you to describe what you're going through and when it started, how frequently it happens. etc. Good Luck!
2007-03-20 17:55:06
answer #1
answered by Opester 5
Your symptoms seem to be a little bit more serious than just, "don't worry, it will get better!" I come from a seriously depressed genetic pool, and it seems to me that you should get some counseling. This feeling of "drifting in and out", as well as being in a "slightly hazy bubble", are serious and can be totally life disrupting! They have alot of different medications to help with depression now, it is just a matter of sticking with it until you find the right combination. Don't give up! What works for one person, may not work for another. Mixing this with some one on one, or group counseling to begin with should really help. I know that depending on your insurance situation, you may not be able to do all this at once, but it is important that you get started as soon as possible. It is the difference between "living" and "just being alive"! Hope this is helpful.
2007-03-20 12:06:32
answer #2
answered by T.J. 1
I've done alot of this, and use to wonder if I was going crazy also. I still day dream alot. Its away of disconnecting. You should see a therapist, and maybe get something for anxiety to help with your social anxiety. And maybe you have adult ADD or ADHD also if you can't pay attention or your easily distracted, talk to your MD and your pshyciatrist and see what you can find out. Don't worry so much, I work with people with schizophrenia and you don't seem to have any of the symptoms or anything.
2007-03-20 12:02:22
answer #3
answered by Kellie 5
First let me tell you, you are not alone. I have the same problems that you are describing maybe a little different. What you need to do is go to the doctor so they can put you on medication. Alot of people have a little bit of mental illness, its nothing to be ashamed of, what you dont want to do is turn to drugs and alchol to make you feel better which is what I did, and now Im really screwed up, so go to the doctor and write down what your feeling, they will help.
2007-03-20 11:57:14
answer #4
answered by Tara S 1
suffering severe depression can cause derealizations. I, too, suffered from depression. I lost contact with reality along with my self-esteem, and some relationships. I was having anxiety attacks also, something i rarely dealt with before. It shattered my personality and to gain it back takes much time for me. You haven't described your depression as much as the other things, but I suggest you get some help with that first. Whether it be self-help books, or a trip to the psych. i can assure you that life is cleared when not depressed. take care. best of luck!
2007-03-20 12:37:09
answer #5
answered by flowerchild 3
I read the other answers...and I, too, think you are showing signs of depression. Depression is an OVERLOAD of unreleased/unresolved emotions. We all have things happen everyday that we cannot deal with at the moment, so we ignore the issue or push it down. The problem is the feelings don't go away. Too much unreleased emotion will make you depressed. All of your energy is spent keeping those emotions in check. After a while, you get tired, numb and just ZONE OUT.
The good news is those emotions are just ENERGIES IN MOTION in our bodies.
Every time you don't allow yourself or you aren't allowed to fully experience an emotion, to feel it, and to move through it, the energy of that emotion becomes stopped and blocked in your body. It remains blocked until you go back and re-experience that emotion. Then the energetic block is freed and cleared. Virtually all of our physical ailments come from energetic blocks in our bodies, energetic patterns that are connected to our emotional patterns
One good way to get release old emotions and CLEAR YOUR MIND is to use EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) or Emotional Tapping. In EFT you apply gentle accupressure tapping to specific body points to release blocked emotions. EFT is easy to learn (you can learn the basics in 15-30 minutes). You can use EFT anytime, anywhere for any emotional or physical issue. One basic round of EFT takes about one minute. And, after using EFT you will start to have energy and begin to focus on what's real.
Please download the FREE EFT Instructional manual from the EFT website (www.emofree.com).
I learned how to use EFT last year and now use it everyday. EFT really works. It works fast and painlessly.
2007-03-20 12:10:56
answer #6
answered by dragonsong 6
you can go to the local mental heath dept and get counseling for free and also medication if neccesary. it sounds like you may also have a social disorder or mild panic attacks with the depression. you should see someone soon, there is no reason for you to suffer. i am on paxil for the above and am now happily married.
2007-03-20 11:52:22
answer #7
answered by iwill 4
that's like...Wow!! A concepts blowing question!!! reality... what's reality besides?? Is it a definate ingredient?? or in effortless terms a mindset??? Whoa!! i'm like... Freakin myself completely out here.. damn...basically lost my grip!!!
2016-10-02 11:34:12
answer #8
answered by kopec 3
Definitely sounds like depression, coupled with anxiety. I dealt with those symptoms for years, then decided to finally cave to medication. Medication has been a literal LIFESAVER for me, and my family. Talk to your GP, and good luck to you! Medications can really, really help you! I've beenthrough the same thing!
2007-03-20 11:49:59
answer #9
answered by Geoff_and_Katie 2
That sounds like depression to me. I went through the same thing. Don't worry it will get better!
2007-03-20 11:46:41
answer #10
answered by Anonymous