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According to Jesus, when your house (mind) is swept clean by Gnosis, the darkness will come. It's those who make it through this darkness, and light multiplies manyfold, that have true knowledge.

Raised a Roman Catholic, I achieved salvation through knowledge/Gnosis by Jesus Christ last week. I was then Baptised by the Holy Spirit (born of water as my infant baptism, and born of Spirit last week, both needed for true salvation), and I am now a Gnostic Christian Universalist. I always loved the natural sciences and couldn't accept the Bible literally, such as a literal hell where God would throw His Children permanently, but now I can marry both Evolution and Creation, as God made BOTH. I appreciate the open-mindedness with religion that the Roman Catholic Church accepts, as it accepts Evolution and looking at the Bible figuratively, although to truly understand, you must look both figuratively and literally, in spiritual truth, and you will see. I don't appreciate the manmade doctrine of Roman Catholicism, which Jesus specifically forbid, although some of the traditions are beautiful. I have been reading the New Testament with new understanding and spiritual eyes since then. I have not felt the coming darkness yet, although some temptatations have come up. I have been rebuked each time and am trying to learn better to please God, but overall my life and demeanour, including my outlook, have changed dramatically, and nothing bothers me anymore, as I know what awaits us, and the love and eternity that God has granted His Children, you just have to seek and find as I did. There are no contradictions between Science and God, only unbelief and blindness. I however, will do my best to be the person God wants me to be through love while I am here, and before I go to Him at the end of my natural life.

As for the darkness... I feel I haven't received it yet because I've been on Effexor for a few months for anxiety. I don't have anxiety anymore in any form, although I did still have some anxieties before Gnosis. When will the darkness come? I am not afraid of it, as I have God and Jesus as my Shepherd and Saviour. I think I will need to get off the medication, helpful as it was when I needed it, to get through the darkness, of which I will emerge on the other side.

When did the darkness come and how did it effect you? Did you get through it successfully?

Thank you! Together in God and Jesus!

And please don't tell me what I said isn't in the Bible and that salvation is through faith alone and that I am wrong. For some it is faith, for others, it's knowledge. It all leads to God. I know God exists, as I have experienced his love, light and eternity first hand, so much that it moved me to tears, laughter and getting down on my knees and praising God! To each their own, and mine is knowledge, which for me is Light, Truth and the Way of Jesus Christ through the Holy Spirit. I am looking for answers from those who have had the same experience as I, thank you.

2007-03-20 11:01:26 · 4 answers · asked by Christine S 3 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

4 answers

"The darkness" is simply a term applied to knowledge that has not yet been sanctioned by the church, and it was the Gnostics that began to look at this darkness and how it could become the works of the followers to achieve miracles.
In my opinion it was this acceptance of the other knowledges that got Jesus killed by his fellow man, but paved the way for future generations to not only survive, but thrive.
For it is Christ who said that perhaps his word was for the world, so to should it be that other knowledge, be it academic or other should also be able to help the word to reach it's eventual pinnacle.
You may find that Gnosticism is one of the more difficult challenges because of the open-endedness, however, when one does discover common threads of thought, it does well for conversion on one hand, and the expansion of knowledge on the other.
It is not the darkness you should be focused on, rather the light that comes from the merging of your knowledges with Christ's.

2007-03-20 11:28:58 · answer #1 · answered by Asterick E 2 · 1 0

I wish you would tell us to what Gospel you are referring. I assume its Thomas or some other "Gnostic" Gospel. I have often found in the "traditional" scriptures what I believe to be support for Gnostic thought. "The spirit of God is within you" etc., but I don't have the faintest idea what the "darkness" is.

2007-03-20 11:21:29 · answer #2 · answered by webned 6 · 0 0

May the gnosis draw you closer to God, my friend.

Blessings in the Light of Christ

2007-03-20 11:06:48 · answer #3 · answered by Guvo 4 · 0 0

Intelligent Design a Hoax
Intelligent Design propagates a lie. It proposes that life must have been created by a higher power because “it is too complex” to have evolved. It blatantly ignores the huge amount of evidence supporting evolution in exchange for a leap of faith disguising itself as science. Religious belief is just exactly that: belief. It should not need justification, and it definitely should not parade around pretending to be based on scientific evidence. If one wants evidence, evolution has volumes of proof to back it up. For example, take the viruses right under our noses. We have to take a new vaccination every year for some like the flu not because it’s been “intelligently designed” but that it changes and evolves each year.
Intelligent Design is a shabby attempt to appeal to today’s scientific mindset (today we look not for miracles to cure our aches and pains but for Tylenol or Aspirin). Just another version of Creationism, Intelligent Design tries to brainwash people into believing a “scientific theory” which cannot be tested or proven correct scientifically. The ignorance of the so-called theory can be seen in its very name. The “Theory of Intelligent Design” is by definition not a theory. A theory is a statement based on observation supported by enough evidence to be accepted among the scientific community above or in combination with other theories. Intelligent Design cannot be a theory, as it cannot be observed directly or indirectly.
On the other hand, evolution is backed by evidence from many different and varied fields of science. Take paleontology and the fossil record. It clearly outlines the concept of change over time as you can see gradual or rapid changes in skeletal structures that can be linked to each other. DNA and observed forms of speciation (how different species come into existence) also back the concept of change over time.
There are also several prominent theories about the origins of life which back evolution and make more sense than Intelligent Design. “Biology”, 6th edition, by Campbell and Reece, illustrates one of the most likely theories very clearly. It contains detailed accounts of how intense energy bombardment (frequent comets, volcanic activity, UV radiation, etc.) could have led to the formation of essential proteins and genetic materials necessary for life. This theory, which completely contradicts Intelligent Design, has been proven to be possible by the Miller & Urey experiment in1953. They replicate an “early earth” environment with little oxygen and plenty of energy. Using a spark as their source of energy, their models successfully created amino acids. These are the building blocks of proteins and their synthesis provided very strong evidence for this theory and its explanation for further change; evolution.
Today, we have more than enough evidence and wisdom to be able to find the truth. Evolution is not the only theory out there and no theory is unchangeable, but Intelligent Design has no reasoning whatsoever. We as humans have the potential to be a great species but we must look past deception. We must see through ignorance posing as wisdom. Only then will we be able to continue our quest on the path of true knowledge.

2007-03-20 11:05:58 · answer #4 · answered by Jedi 4 · 0 1

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