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I'm not talking about people who work a 40 hour week and get along okay, but they take medication for depressioin or anxiety or whatever. I'm talking about people diagnosed with Schizophrenia who's behavior is unacceptable to others around them and who can't live outside of a mental hospital or boarding home? Should we tell them there's nothing wrong with them and let them go to fend for themselves or what? All I have heard of the anti-psychiatry people is their criticism, what do they offer as alternatives?

2007-03-20 02:44:05 · 11 answers · asked by majnun99 7 in Health Mental Health

To put things in perspective, I have worked for a state mental health system for 20 years. I have seen people who eat their own feces, drink out of toilets, set their own houses on fire, drink urine, cut themselves repeatedly, swallow object like needles, batteries and so on.

One person said they are offended by the word "crazy", I wasn't sure what word to use since I am directing the question to people who believe mental illness doesn't exist. I am a mentally ill person, and I have no problem with the word.

Somebody asked what would I do if my mother "went insane." Well, my mother did have dementia, my father, my wife and took care of her as long as we could until we sent her to a nursing home. She died within months. I am confident that we did everthing we could have done.

I don't see why we need to prove a biological cause of mental illness, or lab tests. The behavior can be so extreme that it's pretty obvious something is wrong.

2007-03-20 12:46:40 · update #1

A guy is admitted to state hospital because he nails his own hand to board, this really happened to a patient at the place I worked for. I don't see why we need a lab test to find out if he's mentally ill.

Nor can it be proven that medications change a "chemical imbalance", but there is proof that they stop the symptoms of mental illness. I know that from my own personal experience. I wanted to kill myself, I got on medication, and I felt better. That's enough proof for me.

2007-03-20 12:53:52 · update #2

Some mental illnesses do have an obvious physical cause--head injury, metabolic disorders such as hypothyoidism, late effects of neurological diseases such as meningitis, late effects of chronic drug abuse ("flashbacks").

Genetic predisposition of mental illness cannot be proven, but it can be strongly presumed because people in the same families often have the same or similar mental illnesses. For example, I have Major Depression, and my brother has Bipolar Disorder.

In my 20 years with the Dept of Mental Health, I have never once heard a psychiatrist use the term "chemical imbalance."

2007-03-21 02:09:19 · update #3

You can say "dismissed" if you wish, but I wish I could invite you to the state hospital so you can actually meet some of these people. A coworker of mine has a son who was diagnosed with Schizophrenia, he refused to take medication, and his mother supported his wishes. He was in law school, but they kicked him out. He had a tendency to yell at people and comfront people face to face in public, and some of them called the police. A girl living in his neighborhood told the police she was afraid to leave the house. He got put in jail, and he had involuntary admissions to the state hospital. He finally agreed to take his medication and his behavior improved--at least he doesn't spontaneously yell at people he doesn't know.

The anti-psychiatry people, from what I can tell, deal in words. What are they doing for real people with problems?

2007-03-21 02:30:22 · update #4

Somebody wrote about the "sadistic scum that usually work at those places." Actually, we have good staff and bad staff. People who get caught abusing clients are fired. There was one aide who I worried about, I felt uncomfortable about the way he talked to clients and how agressive he was. I never saw him hit anybody, but I saw patients try to hit him on two occasions; I didn't blame them for feeling provoked. I was happy to hear this guy got a transfer and he went to work for the prison instead.

2007-03-21 02:40:16 · update #5

I don't know much about private mental hospitals, but I'm sure it's against the law in the USA to to hold anyone in one of these places against their will unless the person displays risk of harming himself/herself or others. If a hospital is holding someone because "they aren't liked" and it can proven, the facility should be shut down.
Someone else apparently said all self harming behavior is caused by drugs--do you think a hospital can't do a drug screen?
I rather liked the one answer about "therapeutic massages"--that might be enouch for some people with mild anxiety or depression. Some psychotic people are so agitated they would have to be tied down with belts for someone to give them a massage; because they would beat up and bite the masseur And the hospitals I know have all kinds of games, classes and activities--you can play cards, lift weights, watch TV, some people can go home on the weekends if they are well enough, etc. There are other things beside "drug tutorials."

2007-03-22 13:29:52 · update #6

11 answers

To be honest here- I've been in those hospital's & they're horrible to the pat ient's!! I was mis- diagnosed W/ bi-polar, I have anxiety disorder!! Have right Dr. now-but, for 9! long yrs. I was on 6!! different med's!! insane!! wish I had'nt trusted them then-But I've been in there w/ schizophreic's & hosp. stay is'nt alway's the answer- they don't really get the treatment they NEED!They NEED support from whoever care's about them(family.etc) more than hospitalization-Also, from the scizophrenic's I've seen they do need medication,very hard disorder to live w/-To say , fend for yourself to them seem's so unhumane!They are people in need of help not to be shunned away because of something they can't help being!!Alternative's would be talk therapy & working on behavior's& such.People need to be more caring, because I've alway's said- be careful,'cuz it could happen to you! this is MY opinion.But, sometime's they do need to be hospitalized,because they're disorser make's them "lose it" at time's. In one hospital I was in a nurse(lead!) YELLED at a patient-"I don't have the time for this RIGHT NOW!!!"- I told her, Lady, you make the time for this RIGHT NOW , my husband & I pay your paycheck- unfortionatlly, there are some VERY uncaring caregiver's in there, & some of these patient's.. they're all they've got!! no family support & such. I witnessed some real bad stuff in there! there ARE some good caregiver's, But, I think there are fewer than there should be!

2007-03-20 03:53:51 · answer #1 · answered by mgle3 2 · 2 0

There is no way to know who is crazy and who isn't. Psychiatry is NOT a science. If someone is actually a danger to themselves or others that is one thing. However in reality, many many people are admitted to mental hospitals not because they are a danger to anyone, but simply because they are not liked.

Who are you to decide which people need to be tortured in the psychiatric system?

Also you are talking about the state psychiatric hospital which is much different. In other mental hospitals anyone can be admitted. If a cop doesn't like your attitude you can be admitted. The police use mental hospitals as a way to get around the "innocent until proven guilty" clause. They don't have to prove a thing to anyone. they don't even have to go in front of a judge.

2007-03-21 12:43:44 · answer #2 · answered by ........ 5 · 3 1

The option to be in a home of some sort, professionals to talk to. No tranquillisers generally, activities, discussions, NOT tutorials about meds and so forth. A wide range of relaxing teas, fresh healthy food etc...nt the usual garbage most people eat. Perhaps massage therapists from time to time, or yoga classes, and ONLY qualified intelligent staff, not the sadistic scum that usually works there.
With this kind of treatment they may have a chance of bouncing back to life, instead of pinning them down for life with drugs and disrespect.

2007-03-20 03:15:42 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Addicts will do just about anything when hooked on drugs , legal or illegal .
Self destruction is common from drug use .
Drugs destroy the ability
to self preservation , dignity , respect .
In response to harassment , under the circumstances of loss of rights , freedom, and life, there cant be many expectations for progressive growth .
Psychiatry has had enough, the family has had enough , the friends have had enough.
The patient is a filled in blank .
In adult life, adults fend for themselves .
I am not your patient, I am answering a question .
I will resist Psychiatry as a coercive science, until I am unable .
Psychiatry to me is human bondage slavery.
There is something wrong with you . You are a Psychiatrist .
That profession is unacceptable behavior .
I refuse to admit defeat to
failure .
Psychiatry is failure .
You are dismissed .

2007-03-20 20:09:53 · answer #4 · answered by none of your business 1 · 2 0

Personally I think that LOVE, patience and understanding is the best therapy for the insane. I also think that we all treated each others with Love and respect no one would go insane. Have you ever heard of an Amish person going insane? Maybe I'm being too civil for people to understand me. Our modern society doesn't tolerate the insane, we marginalized them, and we stigmatize them, take them away from their homes, deprive them of their freedom and try to force them to be sane.
What would you do if your mother goes insane? Send her to an institution? Get rid of her?
Why is it that the more modern the civilization the greater the insanity rate?
Could it be that we by being intolerant of each other are creating insanity?
Sanity is the ability to make clear self determined choices in full awareness.
Sanity is to “know”. Insanity is confusion, chaos and unawareness.
You can’t electro shock someone to be sane, you can’t torture someone to be sane, you can’t lobotomize someone to be sane and you can’t drug someone to sane.

2007-03-20 05:15:21 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

i assume for a similar reason that professional-choicers call professional-lifers (like myself) anit-decision. that's a dig to make the different area look a lot less valid. there are extremists in each team. i know what i believe and experience no favor to "de-validate" everyone to get my aspect in the time of. that's a tactic i in my view discover counter effective.

2016-12-02 06:58:11 · answer #6 · answered by bulgarella 4 · 0 0

The problem is, that many of them need help desparately, and will not admit it...they think that YOU are the one with the problems, and that you are lying to make them look bad..I pray a lot, and this is about the only thing that truly can help...I pray for the answers to help my friend...it is a slim line to tread...they refuse help, then when something happens, want to know why you did n't help them...I have left the answers up to My Father in Heaven, through His Son, Jesus, for my answers...it is very hard to deal with...and doctors can only sometimes give pills, unless they are truly gifted with compassion also.

2007-03-20 03:53:57 · answer #7 · answered by MotherKittyKat 7 · 0 2


2017-02-19 13:00:25 · answer #8 · answered by ? 3 · 0 0

Hello Majnun
Well are you speaking about human beings or some sort of aliens...???? According to me schizophrenics should be accepted as they are.... as they are not aware of what they are suppose to do, but there are people (as you have mentioned them as anti-psychiatry folks) are the ones who are crazy about money, positions, recognitions....etc . schizophernics are far better than those who are crazy behind materialistic life and also those who are happily roaming in this world without even feeling guilty about it.... so definitely all psychotics need a place to live in ...people to take care of them.....and all the stuffs for survival.
When You and I are living in this world why cant them... they have all rights to live and to be treated equally.
Let us make this world a better HOME to live in.

2007-03-20 03:10:55 · answer #9 · answered by jasmin 2 · 1 3

we are talking about humun beings so I don['t like to talk about them as crazy.

2007-03-20 07:06:00 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

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