In Mishkat Shareef, it is reported that when Abubakr and Umar asked the holy Prophet[saww] for his daughter, Lady Fatima[sa]'s hand the Prophet[saww] replied she is too young to marry. If this is correct then think rationally over the fact that, Umme Kulthum[sa] whose mother was too young to marry these people, marries these same personalities, does this make sense?
Umm Kulthum was the daughter of Ali Ibne Abi Talib. Sunni Historical evidence shows that the marriage of Umm Kulthum and Umar took place in the year 17 Hijri when Umm Kulthum was 5 or 4 years of age. This would put her date of birth to 12 or 13 Hijri. History of Abul Fida, vol I p 171 - al Farooq by Shibli Numani, vol II p 539
Historical evidences show that Hazrat Fatima ( May Allah bless her ) passed away 6 month after the demise of his father, and thus her date of death was in the year 11 Hijri, and that Umm Kulthum, daughter of Ali was born in the year 9 Hijri. Sahih al-Bukhari, Arabic-English Version, Tardition 5.546 - Anwarul Hussania, v3, p39
Then how is it possible for Umm Kulthum to be born after the death of Hazrat Fatima (as) if the Sunnis claim that she was married to Omar in the year 17 Hijri at an age of 4 or 5 years, that would put the date of birth as 12 or 13 Hijri, which is long after the death of her mother?!
Sunni historical evidence shows that Umm Kulthum (the so-called wife of Umar) died before 50 Hijri, since Imam Hasan (as), Abdullah ibn Umar and Sa'ad bin Abi Waqs offered the funeral prayers. Also it is worthy to note that Imam Hasan (as) was martyred in the year 50 Hijri. Al Istiab by Ibn Abdul Barr Volume 2 page 795 - Tareekhe Khamees vol II p 318 - History of al-Tabri vol 12 p 15
But then other references show that Hazrat Umm Kulthum ( Blessings on her, the daughter of Imam Ali and Fatima Az Zahra ) were present in Kerballa during the year 61 Hijri. Long after the incident of Kerballa Hazrat Zaineb binte Ali ( blessings on her ) died, then it was that Hazrat Abdullah bin Jafer Tayyar were married to Hazrat Umm Kulthum binte Ali (blessings on her ).
There is no contradiction to the fact that before Umm Kulthum binte Ali (blessings on her), Hazrat Zaineb ( blessings on her ) were married to Abdullah bin Jafer ( blessings on him ). Also it is true that till the year 61 Hijri ( incident of Kerballa ) Hazrat Zaineb were alive, and that Umm Kulthum binte Ali were married after the year 61 Hijri to Hazrat Abdullah bin Jafer.
But where does the contradiction lie ? With respect to the first references, the lady married to Omar by the name Umm Kulthum died in the year before 50 Hijri, as Imam Hasan ( as ) had offered her funeral prayers. This leaves us to believe that the Umm Kulthum married to Omar were in fact some other lady and NOT the daughter of Imam Ali (as). Roza tul Ihbab Volume 3 page 585 - Al Bidayah wa al-Nihayah - Tareekhe Khamees Volume 3 page 318
The Sunni scholar Ibn Qutaybah in his book "al Maarif " mentioned that all the daughters of Imam Ali(as) were married to the sons of Aqeel and Abbas with a few exceptions, but he did NOT mention the claim that Umm Kulthum (May Allah bless her) were married to Omar. The exceptions were for Ummul Hasan binte Saeed and Fatima. al-Maarif, Ibn Qutaybah, p 80
For those who claim that such marriage happened; kindly answer the following questions.
What was the age for Omar at the time of the marriage ? When Omar died what was the age of Umm Kulthum ? Could you briefly state the names of the wives of Omar? Could you assert to the truthfulness of the character of the person who narrated this story ? ( I am talking about Zubair bin Bakar ) ? Do you know how many children were born of Umm Kulthum with the marriage to Omar ? Who was this Umm Kulthum then ?
It would be appropriate to mention the other wives of Omar at this juncture, not only during his pagan days but also after embracing Islam.
His first wife was Zainab sister of Uthman b. Mazun. His second wife was Qariba, daughter of Ibn Umait ul Makzami, and sister of the Holy Prophet's ( saw ) wife Umm Salma ( May Allah be pleased with her ). She was divorced in 6 A.H after the conclusion of the Truce of Hudaibiya. His third wife was Malaika, daughter of Jarul al Khuzai, who was also called Umm Kulthum, also she did not embrace Islam and was divorced in 6 A.H. On arrival at Medinah he married Jamila, daughter of Asim b. Thabit who was high placed Ansari and had fought at Badr. Jamila first name was Asia which the Holy Prophet ( saw ) changed to Jamila on her conversion to Islam. Omar divorced her also for some unknown reason. Omar also had other wives namely, Umm Hakim, daughter of al Harith b. Hisham al Makhzumi, Fukhia Yamania and Atika, daughter of Zaid b. Amr b. Nafil. Al Faruq - Volume II by Shibli Numani English Translation
... There was another Umm Kulthum who had been his wife but Historians make a clear distinction between the two ...
Now I would like to pose the following questions: Who is this other Umm Kulthum that has been mentioned in the historical references ? Is she the same Umm Kulthum that was divorced ( Malaika the third wife ) in 6 A.H ? We also know that there were ' two ' Umm Kulthum's as Shibli Numani writes above, correct ? Or is she the same Umm Kulthum that is the daughter of Abu Bakr ? If yes then why doesn't the author point out so ? What is the clear distinction then ?
Here is the answer by from the historical documents: After the death of Abu Bakr a daughter was born to him that was named Umm Kulthum. Please refer to the following Sunni references to confirm this fact. History of al-Tabari Volume 3 page 50, Printed in Egypt - Tareekhe Kamil Volume 3 page 121, Printed in Egypt - Tareekhe Khamees Volume 2 page 267, Printed in Egypt - Al-Isaba, by Ibn Hajar al-Asqalani, Volume 3 page 27
Please also do bear in mind that Abu Bakr died in the year 13 A.H as mentioned in the following Sunni book of reference. History of the Caliphs by Jalal al-Din al-Suyuti, page 551
This would imply that the original claim made by the first references I gave for the age of Umm Kulthum at the time of marriage of 4 or 5 years would stand correct. Since for Umm Kulthum binte Abu Bakr to be born in 13 A.H and married in 17 A.H would give her an age of 4 years.
Since Aisha was the elder sister of Umm Kulthum binte Abu Bakr, for this reason Omar had sent for Umm Kulthum hand's to Aisha, and Aisha had accepted this. Tareekhe Khamees Volume 2 page 267 - Tareekhe Kamil Volume 3 page 21 - Al Istiab by Ibn Abdul Barr Volume 2 page 795
This leaves us no doubt to believe that Umm Kulthum who was the daughter of Abu Bakr was married to Omar and NOT Umm Kulthum the daugher of Imam Ali (AS) !!! You may believe else wise.
2007-03-20 00:05:13
answer #1
answered by Akmal Zaidi 4
AKMAL is bullshitting above.
Ameer ul Mo'mineen, Umer bin Al-Khattab, (Radhi Allahu Ta'ala anhu), wanted to have relationship with the family of Muhammad (peace be upon him), so he requested Ali bin Talib for the hand of Umme Kalsoom, that was agreed by a high amount of Mehr paid to Ali.
The great Caliph #2 of Islam used to visit the streets of Madina at night to get first hand information about public opinion and know how about their problems, so He may solve immediately.
One day he saw a person sitting outside a tent and a women was crying inside the tent. On his repeatedly enquiring about what the problem was, the man said that his wife is going to deliver a baby and no one (any lady) is there to look after her.
The great caliph went back home and brought back with him his wife, Umme Kalsoom, she treated and looked after that woman in her delivery.
If as per above answer Umme Kalsoom was a small girl, definitely The great Caliph would not have taken her to such a risky and great job, that needs a well matured woman's support to a woman delivering a baby.
When that woman delivered a son, Umme Kalsoom told, O ameerul Mo'mineen tell your friend that he has got a son.
Than that man came to know that the man helping him was the Caliph.
He was shocked and regretted on his rude behaviour to the Caliph, on asking before,why the woman was crying.
2007-03-20 00:36:58
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
umme kulsoom was da 2nd daughter of fatima(r.a). she was married 2 umar(r.a) beggetin one son zaid n one daughterr ruqayyah.on umar(r.a)'s death she was married 2 aun bin jafar n after his death, she was married 2 his brother muhammad bin jafar n a daughter was born 2 em who died in childhood. even muhammad bin jafar died in her life time n she was married 2 da third brother called abdullah bin jafar but dint hve ne children . she died as abdullah's wife. her son zaid also died the same day n both were carried 4 buriall the same day.
AKMAL- well wat uve posted is a shiite argument where as da sunnis hold da view as i mentioned in my answer. neways ill try 2 get more info on it if i can n post it ....
edit-akmal- brother, i aint arguin. infact id more thn happy 2 learn sumthin new if im i said i will get more info on it if i can, i dint say u were jus CHILL!
2007-03-19 23:55:42
answer #3
answered by NS 5