It's plain simple that they do not understand themselves, that is why they just cop out. If their priest or their pastor tell them from the beginning that the earth is flat, they just accept it.
2007-03-19 23:37:52
answer #1
answered by halo 3
I am a Christian and I have never said anything like that. If you don't question it then why should you believe in it. If we are all knowing then we would be God. (I'm not by any means)
I understand how some people, not true Christians, have stated things like this. Every religion had someone who makes them look bad. Knowing who is a true Christian is hard, the same with any religion.
Knowing that God holds the answers is true, but we need to question everything otherwise there is no reason to believe in it.
2007-03-19 23:48:45
answer #2
answered by ? 2
Ok so what's the difference between "beyond our understanding" or "no one could ever understand the concept?"
As a Christian, I understand the concept of the Holy Spirit (a Triune God) this way:
One egg: shell, yoke, white
One apple: stem, core, seeds
Water: frozen, liquid, steam
It'really not that hard to grasp.
As a former Catholic - I was never encouraged to read my Bible for answers. As a born again Christian (attend a non-denominational church), I am encouraged to pray for Gods wisdom, seek for answers in God's word. It is not wrong to try to understand the mind of God or His will - but then again - He is the LIving God and Creatoar and we are not. In heaven, the BIble tells us, we will have full understanding.
Even God does not want us to be deceived - that's why He gave us His WORD. It is HIS TRUTH
2007-03-19 23:41:59
answer #3
answered by what's up? 6
OK Moonman or whatever the heck you avatar is. Lets just analyze what you just asked. I've read a lot of Christian answers in this forum but have never seen a SERIOUS Christian answer consisting of just "who are we to question His wisdom" or "He's beyond our understanding". Now, as to those two statements: Are you seriously suggesting that God is NOT beyond our understanding? Of COURSE He is! So even though serious Christians never just RELY on THAT as an answer, it still is a Truism. And what about "who are we to question His wisdom?". Now I've got a lot of respect for many of the questions that atheists and sceptics ask, but any question that even implies that somehow a person has any kind of "right" or even a POSSIBILLITY of them knowing anything better than God (if there is one) or of there being any kind of chance that they COULD be right and God could be WRONG, I've got no respect at all for. I see this type of nonsence implied in all sorts of ways. Such as, "If I ever get the chance to see God, I'm going to ask Him to explain Himself about all of the evil He allows" or "If I was God, I would do such and such or I would NEVER allow such and such". This is Stupidity carried out to the nnth.. degree. When you are arguing with God, you are arguing with the very Power that makes you able to argue at all. It is no more possible for YOU to be right, and God to be wrong than it is for a biological son to be older than His father. ALL of your reasoning power COMES from Him. The fact of the matter is, is that NO ONE CAN question His Wisdom without showing themselves to be a very, very shallow thinker. They need to take "Reasonable Thinking 101" all over again.....theBerean
2007-03-20 00:05:05
answer #4
answered by theBerean 5
Of course it is a cop out. Just like saying, "It is God's Will" or "The Devil made me do it." There are always reasons why things happen as long as we are willing to look past finding a scapegoat.
Blessed Be )O(
2007-03-19 23:49:00
answer #5
answered by Stephen 6
Since the concept of the Trinity is so straight forward, please explain it to us in detail ... you know, how three divine persons can exist as one supreme being.
And since you seem to have all the answers, please explain how God has always existed, with no beginning and no end.
2007-03-20 00:06:18
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
I have some interesting news for you. If you would study theology and spiritual formation, beyond the sixth grade level, you might actually know something about God. I suggest you begin studying at the link below.
St. Thomas Aquinas:
The truth of this question is quite clear if we consider the divine simplicity. For it was shown above (3, 3) that the divine simplicity requires that in God essence is the same as "suppositum," which in intellectual substances is nothing else than person. But a difficulty seems to arise from the fact that while the divine persons are multiplied, the essence nevertheless retains its unity. And because, as Boethius says (De Trin. i), "relation multiplies the Trinity of persons," some have thought that in God essence and person differ, forasmuch as they held the relations to be "adjacent"; considering only in the relations the idea of "reference to another," and not the relations as realities. But as it was shown above (28, 2) in creatures relations are accidental, whereas in God they are the divine essence itself. Thence it follows that in God essence is not really distinct from person; and yet that the persons are really distinguished from each other. For person, as above stated (29, 4), signifies relation as subsisting in the divine nature. But relation as referred to the essence does not differ therefrom really, but only in our way of thinking; while as referred to an opposite relation, it has a real distinction by virtue of that opposition. Thus there are one essence and three persons.
The Holy Ghost proceeds from the Father (John 15:26); and He is distinct from the Son, according to the words, "I will ask My Father, and He will give you another Paraclete" (John 14:16). Therefore in God another procession exists besides the procession of the Word.
[...]There are two processions in God; the procession of the Word, and "another". In evidence whereof we must observe that procession exists in God, only according to an action which does not tend to anything external, but remains in the agent itself. Such an action in an intellectual nature is that of the intellect, and of the will. The procession of the Word is by way of an intelligible operation. The operation of the will within ourselves involves also another procession, that of love, whereby the object loved is in the lover; as, by the conception of the word, the object spoken of or understood is in the intelligent agent. Hence, besides the procession of the Word in God, there exists in Him "another" procession called the procession of love.
2007-03-19 23:49:24
answer #7
answered by QueryJ 4
Or the Lutheran benediction:
"May the peace of God, which passes all human understanding, keep your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus."
There IS an answer for everything with religious people, and it drives me nuts. Children dying; It's a test of faith! PUKE.
2007-03-19 23:39:12
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
At least you got something about the trinity.
All they taught me was to defend the catholic church.
Apologetics I think they called it.
No bible just defend.
Every once in a while use Jesus name.
2007-03-19 23:42:18
answer #9
answered by chris p 6
we no the is no god its just a way to keep them gowing to the churches and paying there bills it is just a con
2007-03-20 00:14:28
answer #10
answered by Anonymous