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I don't know if I should go back out with him or just move on

2007-03-19 21:53:54 · 18 answers · asked by Sassy girl 1 in Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

18 answers

If he forced you to do something you didn't want to do, you should just move on. He's not worth your time.

2007-03-19 21:59:05 · answer #1 · answered by Wendy 5 · 1 0

If you stay with someone who tries to force you into things you don't want to do, you are treading on dangerous ground, and I mean that quite literally. If he is insensitive to your feelings, your wishes, your fears, you should steer clear of him. If he loves you, cares for you as a person, he will be sensitive to your needs and respect your values. Don't settle for less. To stay with someone like that means that in the long run you will lose much, suffer much, and it won't be worth it. You'd be better off alone. Be your own best friend and protect yourself, be kind to yourself, love yourself. When you do this, you are much more likely to attract a healthier companion/partner- someone who will treat you with the respect and love that you deserve. Good luck!

2007-03-20 05:02:33 · answer #2 · answered by It's Ms. Fusion if you're Nasty! 7 · 0 0

Move on. Anyone who tries to force you to do anything is bad news.

2007-03-20 04:57:01 · answer #3 · answered by rustybones 6 · 1 0

well my lady, im a guy, and i dont know if u r gonna like what im gonna tell u or not, but after all guys and gals r nothing but human beings, so they have needs, desires, feelings, etc., so just think of how did u get to know him, and what happened between both of u. try to think of all the memories u have together, trust me if u just did that with lil fairness u will find the answer if he really wants u or not, and after that simply go on with ur life either with or without him. wish u all the best in your love life.

2007-03-20 05:03:02 · answer #4 · answered by falconthefirst 3 · 0 0

The law says "No means NO--no gray area there". And if this guy doesn't know that fact, then he's best left alone. And tell him next time he calls why you don't want to be around him.

Levy some common sense with your safety in mind here.

2007-03-20 04:58:43 · answer #5 · answered by Mr. Wizard 7 · 0 0

Forcing means????I m sure he may have done that coz he likes you so much, and may have been able to control himself. Now that you have refused it, I m sure he will not try it again.
Its not easy as you think to loose a person you love. I m sure you dont want that bad experience.

Just think well and give him another chance. Every one deserves a second chance.

2007-03-20 05:14:13 · answer #6 · answered by banju 2 · 0 0

i think move on you should never be forced to do anything and if someone want to force you to do it then they aren't right for you anyway

2007-03-20 05:01:19 · answer #7 · answered by yo 2 · 0 0

this is wat i would do...Let him noe about how i felt wen he put me in that position. stay away from him for a while and give each other a bit of space. if he is willing to come back with me then id make sure its worth it. id tell him my opinions and tell him theres no point getting back togther unless he is willing to accept my morals and requests. if he does and promises he would and I was sure he still liked me I would give him another chance, but probably start off a little slow.

but it depends on wat he wanted u to do

if he is untrustworthy or abuses his second chance and/or takes advantage of you move on!

2007-03-20 05:09:22 · answer #8 · answered by ahhhhhhhhh!u 2 · 0 0

Sounds scary. Do you want to be in an abusive relationship? Stay away from this guy, he is bad news. Most abusive relationships end up in domestic murder.

2007-03-20 04:57:53 · answer #9 · answered by lucky 2 · 1 0

explain to him that you don't want him to force you into anything.. make him understand...if he does, good for you. if not, move on...

2007-03-20 04:59:20 · answer #10 · answered by Gaby 2 · 0 0

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