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Anyone knows any bakery that does 3D cake with reasonable price in KL?

2007-03-19 20:31:39 · 3 answers · asked by Hero 2 in Dining Out Malaysia Kuala Lumpur

3 answers

repairman, azayi1, after google-ing, i found it's a cake that looks like of a 3-dimesional thing like this:

back to your question, almost all bakeries or cake houses sell the thing. don't worry, cakes are cheap here.

hehee repairman, that's 'dinosaurous', remember Barney is a dinosaur

mr. trishaw repairman will surely be dissapointed, you just changed a repairshop to a bakery

2007-03-19 22:22:30 · answer #1 · answered by ¥op 6 · 1 0

3D cakes?
how does it look like?
i only knows that secret recipe quite expert on cakes.. not sure wether they have 3d or not..

2007-03-19 21:49:41 · answer #2 · answered by azayi1 5 · 1 0

'A three dimensional cake'
What's that all about then?

(Do you mean a three layer cake?)

Boss, hehehe

That reminds me of a joke:
A cowboy is sitting at a bar and a lady walks up to him and asks "Are you a real cowboy?" to which he replies "Well, I repair fences and hustle cattle all day, so I guess you could call me a cowboy"

Ten minutes later a pair of lesbians walk in and one of them goes to the bar to order the drinks and the cowboys asks "Excuse mam are you a real lesbian?" to which she replies "Well, I wake up thinking about women, I take my shower thinking about women, I eat my breakfast thinking about women, I work all day thinking about women, I spend all evening thinking about women, I fall asleep and dream about women, so I guess you could call me a lesbian"

Ten minutes after that another lady walks in and asks him "Are you a real cowboy?" to which he replies
"Well, I thought I was, but it appears that I'm a lesbian"


2007-03-19 22:06:43 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0