The Bible, while it is a very consistent collection of texts, has different areas of complexity.
Some things in Scripture are quite easy to understand, such as the doctrine of repentance, salvation, etc.
Other things in Scripture seem to be quite decisively difficult to understand, to the degree that mankind has been wrestling with the interpretation of some concepts for centuries, such as temporal views of God's existence, the plausibility of a God who is both just and merciful, the Trinity, etc.
I firmly believe that God has made some things in Scripture very cryptic because he wants us to remember just how much more infinite He is than us. Through these passages and doctrines, many people have come to different conclusions regarding God and his relationship to us. This causes some of the denominational differences. They aren't major, but they can be significantly different views on more minor issues.
Another thing that has caused denominational differences is false teachers. As long as Christianity has existed, there have been people who have deliberately intent upon destroying Christianity, some of them from the inside out. When these false teachers arise, if they are not caught quickly enough, they can take people away with their own version of Christianity, which is really no Christianity at all. This gives rise to groups that are cults, such as the Jehovah's Witnesses and the Mormons.
The third thing, which should never be an issue, but sadly is, can be political differences in an area. Some denominations have been formed not by any theologian, nor any doctrinal issue, but by rulers of countries who decided to manipulate Christ's message to serve their own selfish gains. When this happens, you can end up with different portrayals of Christianity based off of a single person's desire for power, rather than any semblance of Scriptural accuracy.
2007-03-19 20:29:33
answer #1
answered by GodsKnite 3
Dear Amber W,
Denominations while man-made does not mean that the church is "corrupt" as people would like to suggest. Yes it is true that over the course of history there have been corrupt churches (tele-evangelists as a good example) and those who are teaching false doctrine.
But many denominations have come about in an attempt to protect the integrity of the church. As someone who has pastored under a presbyterian leadership, a non-denominational leadership, and now a Baptist leadership. Some of the denominational differences have more to do with how the church is ran-- and the important thing is that they agree on some key fundamental beliefs- ie: Jesus is God!
i think the most important thing is that churches remember that Jesus is the head of the church. And the church ought to function following the teachings of Jesus in the Bible.
Just there are many forms of governments: democracy, capitalism, etc. Some churches (ie Baptists: are governed by a board and through voting) while others like a non-denominational church are lead by the Pastor along with deacons. i think the most important thing is that the people leading the church are following God, and running the church based on the Bible and not their own personal motives, etc.
Hope that helps. Kindly,
2007-03-19 20:32:17
answer #2
answered by Nickster 7
1. because we do not full understand every thing and people disagree on some thing. The bible was written in Greek (n.t)
which had more words then English so sometimes you have to go back and study the word. Or different writing styles too,
depending on the book another fact to take into account.
2. other reason is some people like modern music other like hymns, some rock, rap, Calypso you name it.
3. we are not made the same and some people have different passions.
4. but we all have the core belief that Jesus die on the cross and rose again to forgive our sins.
5. man made up some traditions like lent. and the world was under the roman empire at the start so I think the romans tried to put thier touch on it.
6. new revelation of what something mean
2007-03-19 20:26:03
answer #3
answered by jobees 6
The denominations have the same basic doctrines and beliefs. Most of the differences come in the areas of spiritual gifts, baptism, traditions and interpretation of prophesies. Some people are uncomfortable in churches where speaking in tongues is common. Others are uncomfortable in churches with very rigid services. Although we are all the body of Christ we tend to gravitate toward the denomination that is most comfortable for us. If it's a Bible believing church they will still be fed the same food.
2007-03-19 20:30:58
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
There is no such thing as denominations in the Bible what we have is man made organisations based up on witchcraft, wealth, with the aim to control people through deception.
That is why the Lord God said "come out from amongst them".
2007-03-19 23:09:41
answer #5
answered by repent 4
There are 2 Christianities.
Those who Follow Christ in everything, 24/7, as closely as they possibly can ...
Then there are those who Claim (& many actually believe) that they do.
Those that follow Christ follow the Bible. their teachings, beliefs, practices, daily life, & worship ... all reflect this.
The others mostly don't know what the Bible even says.
They go by what their clergymen teach them ... man-made doctrines ascribed to God! They are not in agreement. They follow their own feelings about what each group or individual wants to believe & do ... They are independant of God. Therefore, God cannot protect them from his most powerful enemy, and they often seem 'wrapped around that one's finger'.
1 Are all religions pleasing to God, or is just one?
2 Why are there so many religions that claim to be Christian?
3 How can you identify true Christians?
2007-03-19 20:34:48
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Because as most people will reject the the Christ when they hear the Gospel, so will people forget that God has time for them. They rely on traditions that make them feel comfortable. They accept the things that certain people will tell them they ought to do. Instead of relying on Go, they rely on a priest. Or a pastor. Or a 'friend'. Instead of the Spirit of God and His word.
2007-03-19 20:23:37
answer #7
answered by Christian Sinner 7
Fact is - all these denominations differs from each others belief, yet, they're all using the same book? Everyone runs after FAME... IDENTITY... & MONEY.
All of them believes they've been CALLED to preach, yet, they cannot unite into just one denomination? Did their "God" called them to be divided? Everyone runs after FAME... IDENTITY... & MONEY.
Everyone is trying to convert everyone...taking one's out of the other. More members, more money...Everyone runs after FAME... IDENTITY... & MONEY.
18: For they that are such serve not our Lord Jesus Christ, but their own belly; and by good words and fair speeches deceive the hearts of the simple. (Romans 16:18 King James Version)
Is this what we call "religion"?...does it make sense?
2007-03-19 20:48:38
answer #8
answered by GH 2
Who would Satan target as his primary goal?? Obviously, the people who really have the truth. Jesus said that the congregation would begin to divide from within almost immediately. Now, the trick is to find out which Christian religion is closest to what Jesus actually taught. Can you find it?
2007-03-19 20:29:10
answer #9
answered by Sparkle1 6
If you were to see a car accident, and three other people saw it, all of you would have different views and beliefs about it. That is what happened to the Bible. Because everyone see's things differently they then base their beliefs differently. I know it is strange, but it is true!!!!
2007-03-19 20:18:04
answer #10
answered by Shyler 4