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I was raised Catholic but over the past few years have really not practiced a religion. I don't care for the beliefs of the catholic church as an organized religion and don't know enough about others to commit to one.what I'm getting at here is I have a beautiful 3 year old daughter who has not been baptized yet. I want her to be.My whole family goes to a church and my Grandma said I could have her baptized there if I register for envelopes and send the church money every week for 2 or 3 months. I don't like this. My family has said that if something were to happen to my daughter(God Forbid)she would not go to God because I didn't have her baptized.Does anyone know if this is supposed to be true? Would God really punish a child 4 what the parent didnt do?? In any other religion either? My born again christian friend says they have their children "dedicated" to God. What is this? I have also heard that this isn't an acceptable baptism. I'm confused. I love and believe in God and Jesus

2007-03-19 18:39:36 · 26 answers · asked by Arraya 6 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

26 answers

All baptismn is, is a promise between you, and the priest that you will raise your children in a Christian home. THAT'S ALL!

In Romans, and no, I don't know the scripture off hand, but, in Romans it says: Confess by mouth that Jesus is Lord, and then be baptised". Well, since infants can't speak, and young children can't comprehend this, DON'T be concerned. It is up to the individual anyway. Infant/young children baptismn is a LIE!!!

ALL children under the age of consentment if they die will go DIRECTLY to God!!! "Jesus loves the little children"

Being 'dedicated' is the same as 'baptismn', only better because it is based on TRUTH instead of a LIE! I suggest you ask your family to open up the New Testament and *read it* for themselves.

Furthermore, baptismn is FREE. Your born-again friend is ON the right track. Perhaps you ought to go with her/him to their church to learn the TRUTH about what the Bible *really* teaches!

Start with reading the book of Romans. It's all in there in black and white. This is where I based *my* personal experience with! Several years ago, I wanted to get baptised like how Jesus did, and invited my parents to come and watch, but my father didn't want to come, becuase he said that I had *already* been baptised. LOL! He didn't have a leg to stand on when I presented the *facts* right before his face, in Romans. Both of my parents came to MY baptismn! It was MY choice! (And it was Awsome, too!)

I pray this helps! May Christ Bless you, and yours.

2007-03-19 19:09:32 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Children are innocent in God's eyes. Do not be afraid for your daughter. It would be good for you to find a church, but not one that says you have to pay money or be a member for a certain span of time before they will baptize her.

In more orthodox churches (Catholic, Anglican, Episcopal, etc) children are baptised. The thinking being that God honors the sacrament and keeps that child until they make a mature statement of faith.

In other churches it is believed that a child should be dedicated to God and then as an adult become baptized as a part of their confession of faith.

Either way, God knows that this child is his and the intention of the family is that the child will be raised a Christian.

Visit several churches until you find a church in which you feel comfortable. Ask God to guide you in your search. He will help you.

2007-03-20 01:55:47 · answer #2 · answered by Christopher 2 · 2 0

i know of churches that will baptize a young child. Actually it was a Baptist church. I was born into a catholic family, but also did not agree with some of their teachings. When I was eight my mom joined a Baptist church and I was baptized at 9 years old.I am now non denominational because I was tired of hearing each religion put down another. I fallow my heart and do my best to trust and be loyal to God. I read the bible and try to make sense out of it for myself. I do not believe that God would punish an innocent child.

2007-03-20 01:52:00 · answer #3 · answered by uuummk 5 · 3 0

No where in the Bible does it mention infant baptism! This is a man made doctrine! Children are considered innocent until the age of accountablity. Use this time to investigate the Church that you want to join. Ask God and He will lead you by His Holy Spirit. I suggest a Born Again Church that believes in the baptism of the Holy Ghost.

About dedicating your child, it is Biblical. Hanna dedicated her first born Son to the Lord. His name was Samuel. He became one of the greatest Prophets of all time. It is a simple procedure which you can do on your own. You just go before the Lord and say what the Holy Spirit has put in your heart. Some type of declaration or commitment that you are willing to do.

Our children are a gift from the Lord. If we raise them as His Children, we will see them in the proper light.

If you have anymore questions, please write me.

Sincerely Yours, Pastor Jeff Ludin

2007-03-20 02:05:03 · answer #4 · answered by Apostle Jeff 6 · 1 0

Stop and think for yourself. You need to stop listening to everyone elses beliefs and find your own. If you decide to follow more the Catholic path, then by all means, have your kid baptized. If you decide to go your born-again friends way, then by all means have the kid "dedicated" (whatever the hell that means). But make up your own mind, dont let other people push you around with their beliefs. Personally I think you should wait until the kids older and let her decide then if she wants to be baptized or not, but you do what you feel is right.

But you wont get the answer youre lookin for here. The fact of the matter is that no church can prove that its ways are right or accepted by god (assuming he/she exists in the first place).

Personally I dont believe in the Christian god, no matter what version of it. I think that if there is a force out there or a god, he/she probably wont give a damn about baptisms and silly human rituals like that.

Point is, its up to you, not your grandmothers, nor your friends. You and your beliefs.

Good luck

2007-03-20 01:49:11 · answer #5 · answered by Jesus W. 6 · 1 1

If you want your child to be baptized as you have mentioned here, then that is the right thing to do. This must be God inspiring you to have her baptized. If she is baptized these are the benefits she gets. She has more to gain than to lose. She becomes a child of God. Original sin is washed away and all her sins are forgiven. She receives sanctifying grace, which is the life of God in her soul. God will begin to dwell in her soul more fully. God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit will dwell in her and shower her with their blesings. She will receive the gifts of the Holy Spirit. These gifts are knowledge, wisdom, understanding, counsel, piety, fortitude and the fear of the Lord. The fruits of the Holy Spirit will begin to grow in her too. These fruits are love, joy, modesty, goodness, chastity, etc. Her life of sin ends and her life as a daughter of God begins. She then becomes a member of God's family. She becomes a citizen of heaven. If she dies, her soul will go to God and to heaven for eternity. The theological virtues of faith, hope and love are infused into her soul. She becomes part of the Church. She becomes a daughter of Mary. The angels and the saints will intercede and watch over her more closely. She becomes part of the Communion of Saints. With all these benefits, I think there is no harm in having her baptized. She may even lead you to rediscover God and your faith. She may even be the way to your salvation also. At least you will do your obligation as a parent. Now is better than later. Later on, she may be too old and set in her ways. She may already get lost and never find her way to God and the Church. At least, she can't blame you for all the time she will lose. Having her baptized now is the more loving thing to do.

2007-03-20 05:53:53 · answer #6 · answered by hope 3 · 1 0

I don't know if it's too late or what you have decided for your daughter. But i suggest you go to zenit.org and type in "On the Sacrament of Baptism" read it thoroughly see if ti helps you. In this day in age you see children more and more living a secularized life where God doesn't exist anymore in their lives. Check it out. Hope it helps you.

2014-10-29 12:57:17 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

No one really knows what god is thinking, but we would like to think that NO god would not punish a child for what their parents did or did not do.

If you are really wanting to have your daughter baptized then all you really need to do it go into a church of your choosing and as the minster or pastor or priest if he would baptize your daughter. A good one will do it weather you do to their church or not. If you have one that say no they will not cause you do not go to their church, thank him and move on to the next church.

Being 'dedicated' to god is just saying that you will have them grow up and teach them about god and will have them baptized when they are a little older.

2007-03-20 01:46:22 · answer #8 · answered by LadyCatherine 7 · 0 1

I think you should get your daughter baptized because when you do, its like telling god you and your daughter accept him. If you dont want to make payments just go to a different church cause not all have the same rules, they do but dont. Even though you dont practice it just do it. My niece was just baptized 2 weeks ago and before she was baptized she was a normal little girl and very cute. After she was baptized, she had this glow to her face as if her guardian angel were there. Maybe they are assigned as soon as you get baptized. I dont practice it either, and i am catholic, i am still baptizing my kids(even though my future husband is buddhist, he 's all for it).

2007-03-20 01:49:02 · answer #9 · answered by Honeybear 2 · 1 1

Hello Arraya,
Jesus and his apostles always quoted the phrase, "Repent,
and be baptised...." Think for a moment--for someone to
repent, they would have to understand that they have sinned
and need to change their ways. Does a 3-year-old have this
understanding?? Not hardly! The child does not have the
knowledge to make that rational decision to renounce her bad
deeds and conciously choose to follow God. Baptism should
be a personal choice because the person is entering a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.
"Dedication" is usually a ritual reserved for mid-to-late teens
who choose to devote their lives to God's service. That, too,
is a concious decision by that teen.
Arraya, I hope you find the right path you're meant to travel.

2007-03-20 02:05:40 · answer #10 · answered by SlownEasy 4 · 2 0

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