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I'm taking someone to a fancy steakhouse and don't want to look like an idiot because I don't know the different cuts of steak. I know filet mignon is supposed to be the most expensive but why? Which has the most flavor? Help! Thanks.

2007-03-19 18:23:33 · 9 answers · asked by girlintheworld 2 in Food & Drink Other - Food & Drink

9 answers

The first answer correctly describes where the different cuts come from, so I'm not going to be repetitive. But I will tell you that the filet is a wet-aged steak, sealed air tight in its own juices. And while it is extremely tender (the most tender cut) I think it's a little bit mushy. A rib-eye has more flavor that the NY strip, because it comes off the ribs. Any meat cooked on the bone has loads more flavor, so if there's a bone-in ribeye (sometimes called a cowboy) on the menu, I highly recommend it. It has so much flavor and if it's prime or even Kobe beef, it will have a very high level of marbling, or fat running through the meat, which will melt when cooked and make the meat tender. Word of advice - if you decide to shell out the big bucks for Kobe beef, order it medium well. If you order it rare to medium, all the marbling will not melt, and you will have chewy jelly-like fat to eat. When cooked to medium-well though, it's amazing!

2007-03-23 16:49:07 · answer #1 · answered by Glory 2 · 1 0

A NY Strip Steak has a large fat cap along one edge. Some people love a good NY strip if cooked on a slanted grill. The fat melts as it cooks, and adds a lot of flavor to the steak. The NY strip is a little bit tougher cut. The NY strip is usually a pretty nice size steak...More meat for the money.

The Ribeye is a cut with fat marbled through the meat. Again, as the meat cooks, the fat melts, adding more flavor to the meat. The Ribeye is usually smaller than a NY strip, but is more tender in most cases. (There can also be a very thin fat cap around the edges of a Ribeye)

The filet mignon is the most tender cut, and when cooked rare to medium rare is almost like a bowl of jello in a sense that it is very soft, and almost melts in your mouth. This will be the most expensive, and smallest cut of the three. Some people will die for this cut, others prefer a bit tougher cut of meat. If you go with this cut, eat slow, and really try to taste the meat. I don't think the flavor is as bold, but if you are into really tender meat, this would be the route to go....I like to have to chew my steak a bit more.

2007-03-19 18:40:51 · answer #2 · answered by Justaguess 2 · 1 0

Hey bud,
As an avid cook, I can say that your most flavorful steak is the Ribeye, believe it or not, the fat that surrounds the meat gives it a lot of flavor while cooking. The meat is nice and juicy and pretty tender. The NY Strip is good but not as flavorful as the ribeye, it can be much dryer specially if you eat it well done, so if you are looking for a tender piece of steak, don't take the NY strip. The Fillet Mignon is your most tender piece of meat you will eat, the flavor is also very good for some fatty veins that are within the meat, you won't really see it, but the fillet Mignon brings you flavor and a very tender piece of meat. If you are truly a steak person I wouldn't recommend cooking either one of them higher than mid-well. I actually eat all of my meat mid-rare.

2007-03-19 18:36:13 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

Ribeye Filet

2016-11-11 06:53:49 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Cowboy Ribeye Vs Ribeye

2016-12-26 15:20:32 · answer #5 · answered by stanberry 4 · 0 0

I don't know which steak comes from which part of the cow, but I do know I am a very picky steak eater. I can't stand fat or gristle (I know the fat supposedly adds to the flavor) I don't like ribeye because of the fat all through the steak. Filet is my favorite, because there is very little to no fat and it is quite tender. NY Strip is decent as well, but I actually prefer sirloin, provided it is cooked right. From what I've found, sirloin is similar to the filet in that there is very little fat, and it is cheaper too. It isn't as thick as the filet and dries out easily, but I prefer my steak that way.

2007-03-20 03:58:53 · answer #6 · answered by AnastasiaBeaverhousen 4 · 1 0

NYs and filets are from the Short Loin section of the cow. Think of a T-bone steak: The NY strip makes up one half of it, and a filet Mignon is the other half. The muscle that the filet is cut from is right below the spine, so it doesn't get much exercise. Consequently, it is VERY tender.

Rib eyes are from, well, the rib section of the cow, which is in front of the Short Loin.

2007-03-19 18:35:20 · answer #7 · answered by q_bertk57 2 · 0 0

Ribeye steak is the meat part of a prime rib roast sliced without the bone; it is very tender and is called a steak when the bone is removed.

Filet Mignon is the tenderloin part of the porterhouse steak - the small tender part is cut away from the porterhouse and is cut very thick.

NY Strip, what is left of the short loin after the tenderloin is removed - not as tender as Filet

2007-03-19 18:33:56 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

New York strip is a nice cut of steak,,small,,not the big whopper,,tender,,nice for dinner and leaves room for desert..ribeye,,no grocery store material,,T-BONE is the way to go,,wanna impress your date,,Order 2 t-bones there the best and the restaurants know how to cook them,,medium rare is the best to order them,,want them juicey a bit, not dried out..Sirlion is too big and they are dry,,always order medium rare,,when you get it and still don't like it can always send it back to cook a little more,,but well done, there is no going back..So order 2 t-bones,baked potatoes,,tossed salad and favourite veggie and should have a nice meal..good luck on your date and will be fine,,you will have the best meal ever,,don't forget the red wine,,always red with steak

2007-03-19 18:41:15 · answer #9 · answered by lisadivirgilio 3 · 1 0

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