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Ok we all know the ''MARK'' because most of us have read revelations.MY MOTHER is a christian and what she said upset me in a way.She said she would never accept the mark of the beast because of her beliefs,BUT if myself and my two other siblings were starving to death and we were going to die,she said she would accept the mark because seeing her own children die is worse than hell.I can see her love and If in my lifetime,the ''MARK'' were to be implemented,I wouldnt want to see my mother burn for us,its such a dilemma.wouldnt you agree??

2007-03-19 17:30:30 · 23 answers · asked by J-Bone 2 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

23 answers

oh dear, I am so sorry she feels that way. I understand her love for her children but what concerns me is that God said that HE must be our FIRST love. It sounds as if she has put her love for her children above her love for God and that is out of order. It is better to see your children starve and go to heaven then to have full bellies and wind up in hell. This life is transient anyway but the next is eternal. I pray that she sees the eternal view of her choices.

2007-03-19 18:27:09 · answer #1 · answered by wd 5 · 0 0

The problem is why put yourself in this dilemma? This is why we need to accept Jesus and His salvation and follow Him now, so that we won't be here when all this takes place during the Tribulation. I will NOT be here. I will go with Jesus in the Rapture. If you are left behind due to your not having the faith, then you will have to choose between the mark and loyalty to the antichrist or martrdom for Jesus by refusing the mark. Would it be humanly hard to watch loved ones starve for not taking the mark and even die --Yes! But NOTHING is worth losing your soul over, nothing! To die sooner here on earth versus to die spiritually for eternity - hmmm, you do the math, doesn't even compare! Besides, if you are around when the mark is given, probably means you missed the rapture. It's taught that if you've been given the opportunity to accept Jesus as your Savior and refused to make Him Lord of your life, then you will not get a second chance in the tribulation period - read 2 Thess.2:10-12 "They perish because they refused to love the truth and so be saved. For this reason God sends them a powerful delusion so that they will believe the lie and so that all will be condemned who have not believed the truth but have delighted in wickedness." The Lord tells us "Today is the day of Salvation" Others teach that we will have a second chance, but will have to die a martyr rather than take the mark and be condemned to hell forever. Me, I'll skip the tribulation period all together and live for my Lord now, thank you!

2007-03-20 00:58:07 · answer #2 · answered by connie 6 · 0 0

God certainly would not put someone through something that they could not handle. Although Job was tested similarly I think that God knew that Job had a firm grip on life and by allowing certain things to happen it was making Job a stronger person. The mark of the beast, weather it be metaphorical or an actual mark will be given to those who refuse to worship God. I'm not sure if i believe that the rapture will happenthe way that many people believe as well as other things, but I do know that those of us who are Christians won't have to experience that. You know some say the rapture already happend long long ago, there are lots of theories... i'm just not strong enough to know which one I believe!

2007-03-20 01:31:18 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

It's the love she has for her children, but she would go to hell if she took it.

If it came down to letting family starve, die from lack of medical attention needed or taking the mark to help them.... I'm here to say family would have to die. I will NOT take the mark.

There is a thin to moderate size book out title "Rapture". It talks about three different families or so in it. One couple lived with the man's mother, who was Christian. She was taken in the rapture. The man's wife became very ill and was on her death bed. The doctor had received the mark and refused to come assist the woman unless the man got the mark.

So, the love this man had for his wife caused him to go and receive the mark. By the time the doctor and this man got back to the house, the wife had passed away. The man lost his life in heaven .. so no I will not do it even loving my family as I do. It is only ME who will be accountable for MY OWN actions.

Your mother needs to rethink this before that happens, if she is still here when the "mark" comes on the stage. If she is a believer in Jesus, accepted Him as Lord and Savior, and asked forgiveness of her sins... she is a child of God and if she is still here when the rapture takes place... she will be gone and not have to make that decision. PTL

2007-03-20 00:40:45 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

The Mark of the Beast---What Does It Mean? :
- 666--Not Just a Puzzle
- Identifying the Wild Beast and Its Mark

What Has Happened to Hellfire?
- What Really Is Hell?
- - Life After Death?
- - Unending Torment or Common Grave?
- - Hellfire--All-Consuming?
- - Hell will be Emptied!

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2007-03-20 05:51:10 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I believe if you truly are a Christian, God will protect you from receiving the "mark". There will be such an aversion to it, that you will not be able to accept anything from Satan. And, if given the choice of the mark or dying and waking up in Heaven would make it a real easy decision. Tell your mom that...Heaven would be just on the other side...split second away..food wouldn't even matter.

2007-03-20 00:44:11 · answer #6 · answered by Debbie R 3 · 2 0

Your view of 'hell' is incorrect.
In Revelation, 'hell' is termed 'Hades [ Greek]
And Hades is to be eliminated.
(REVELATION 20:14) “And death and Ha′des were hurled into the lake of fire. This means the second death, the lake of fire.”

Anything going into a fire is eliminated.
And death being eliminated matches;
(REVELATION 21:4) “And he will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore. The former things have passed away.””

So what is closely associated with death?
It is man's grave.
No death = no grave
therefore 'hell' = man's grave.
So 'hell' is not a permanent place where anyone will 'burn'
Your mother has been taught a lie.
And the mark of the Beast is simply compliance with the world's governments.
Those without the mark, possibly as simple as an I.D. card, will have difficulty functioning in the world scene. They will have to depend totally on Almighty God.

2007-03-20 01:23:43 · answer #7 · answered by pugjw9896 7 · 0 0

If you are of age she is not accountable for you and your siblings. I can understand her thinking that way though, because I have children of my own. This is were Faith will have to come in and grab your heart and hold on tight. Because when that time comes, there will be pregnant women and children. Woe to them. Tell your mom to pray and pray about it, because once you take that mark, you are wiped from God for-ever. Another thing, please study what the word hell actually means. I think you will find comfort to know that it is not a eternal fire of eternal torment. Another thing that you could point out to your mom is that God went through somewhat the same thing, the day he watched his own Son beaten, mocked, spit upon, rejected and put to death. He will know how the Parents are feeling, and his heart will be breaking, but even more so if she chooses Satan over him.

2007-03-20 01:40:17 · answer #8 · answered by GraycieLee 6 · 1 0

There won`t be children here .That is children who aren`t accoutable for their sins.You must be old enough to stand before God to be judged.Your mother you say is a Christian then she won`t be here either ,only those who aren`t saved will be living here in the time of the beast.There will be those who did serve God but decided to go their own way ,living in a sinful world ,these will be here.They will know what is going on and they will have another chance if they don`t except the mark,and they might even be killed for that but they will be saved in the end.

2007-03-20 00:44:47 · answer #9 · answered by greenstateresearcher 5 · 3 0

No dilemma for me, I would never want anyone to go to hell, no matter what, especially my own mother. The worst death imaginable is better than one moment in hell. I would rather starve to death than see my mother in hell.

As for my children, that choice is up to them; I cannot make it for them. They can always take the mark, live for that day, and then go to hell forever. I have taught them better, so hopefully they will never make such an insane choice.

Of course never accepting God as one's own God is the same as taking the mark. It is always best to do the right thing, in this case, accept God as one's own personal Lord and Saviour and live forever in joy and peace.

2007-03-20 00:40:28 · answer #10 · answered by Shawn D 3 · 2 0

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