religion has been a hindrance of mankind since its inception. even with the best intentions, its been used to control people and bend their wills into submission of an imaginary, all knowing, all seeing, being. knowing this information, man is supposedly given free will to do as he pleases even though this all knowing being knows what the outcome will be. so its a game to it?
man has evolved the concept of divination to suit the needs of the era. just as people, the search for truth of the unknown has grown differently in seperate regions. the religions of the past became the mythology of present day and new revelations continue to change the ideology.
fortunately, with the help of mass media, people that at one time had no choice but to learn what was passed down through the generations were given actual free will to explore alternate, more proven reasons for existence.
do i feel as if we have a productive future ahead of us? no. religion will bring the end of days or at least the battle for the proper religion will.
2007-03-19 17:29:53
answer #1
answered by nimbo 1
It has reached it's boundaries. Religion was used in the olden days as a suppliment to help maintain law and order. You can find in history books where hell was invented as a means to help deter crime. An eye in the sky. But now days we actually have eyes in the skys. Religion has had a free ride wielding a lot of power as an indeispesible sidekick to government but these days it is no londger necessary to put up with it's negative side effects as other, better means of social control are in place. At this point religion is in it's dying hours as more and more people are abandoning it. A world ban on religion is not too far off. The UN has 5 signatures on a proposal needing 7 signatures to begin the abolition of religion as it obviously more trouble than it is worth in modern times. It's over.
And yes I'm aware some religions are still gaining followers for now. The Jehovahs Witnesses are in first place gaining over a million new followers a year, with the Muslims not too far behind and many new age Bhuddists. But, all the leading countries are leeting go, and now China (the most populus country) is a big world player, a country that has already outlawed religion and is very proactive in erradicating it. And they have plenty of religious people.
2007-03-19 17:20:09
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
religion has become too much like politics. Once it was a social setting for community and a place to find help and comfort. Now the growing globalisation of the world has exposed people to each other in was that make them question what they thought their corner of the world is all about. Not to mention that people with religious beliefs are either too extreme and unaccepting of differing views, or they believe in something but it has so little an impact on the world around them they don't stand up for it or often dont admit to it.
Science destroyed religion - and even became a religion itself! What we see in the world today is not necessarily the destruction of all religion, but simply the continuing evolution of it. Sacrifices and burning witches was once the order of the day. Is it so bad that that aspect of a religion no longer exisits? Crikey! I could go on forever, it's such a complicated subject. But I'll shut up now...
2007-03-19 17:22:13
answer #3
answered by nj h 3
Religion has reached its boundaries only for those people, who beagn to think wrongly. But majority of the people are those who became more closer to their religions.
We need for God or religion will rise exponentially when people would become helpless in certian matters. For example, in calamities like Earth-quake, flood, starvation and so on, people are forced to believe that there is SOMEONE else who is controlling the World and even after the developments made in Science and Technology CANNOT control the quakes and floods.
For more information, plz click on the following site:
2007-03-19 17:21:26
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Personally I think that science seems to be challenging Religion even more in this day and age. Also things like homosexuality/bisexuality continuously challenge it because many people feel their religions don't include them (depending on the religion and versions people choose of course).
Religion limits things that Science may not, so many turn away from it in order to be more freely liberated, yet others believe that without belief in something higher that they aren't liberated either.
It all depends.
2007-03-19 17:14:29
answer #5
answered by Anonymous