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Evolution is a scientific explanation on how life developed on Earth. It has no bearing on why it developed. The why is best left in the field of philosophy and theology. The how is best in the field of science.

Why do people always try to mix the two?

2007-03-19 16:59:59 · 12 answers · asked by Gamla Joe 7 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

12 answers

There is plenty of evidence AGAINST EVOLUTION:.

First, the 'Cambrian explosion'...... the millions of fossil types in Cambrian rock (oldest fossil bearing rocks) appear suddenly and fully formed and without any previous forms...IOW, there are no transitional forms.

Most well educated evolutionists, when forced to, will admit it, but very unwillingly, and even then they always want to seem to make new excuses for it. Usually they just don't say anything about it and hope noone finds out.
It is amazing to me that those who push evolution theory so vehemently don't even know what most evolutionary scientists have said about the fossil record....

Even Charles Darwin was honest when he confesses in 'Origin of Species'; " But as by THIS THEORY innumerable transitional forms must have existed, why do we NOT find them embedded in countless numbers in the crust of the earth?" -Charles Darwin

To the above fact, even the most world renown (evolutionary) biologists agree...." New species almost always appear suddenly in the fossil record with NO intermediate links to ancestors in older rocks in the same region. The fossil record with its abrupt transitions OFFERS NO SUPPORT for gradual change". - Stephen J. Gould (Natural History , June, 1977, p.22)

"The extreme rarity (of transitional forms) in the fossil record persists as the 'trade secret' of palentology. The evolutionary tree (diagarms) that adorn our textbooks is.....NOT the evidence of fossils". - Stephen Gould (Natural History, 1977, vol.86, p.13)

The thing to remember is that evolution is still just a theory - a hypothesis, a speculation, an unproven assumption, and certainly is NOT supported by the fossil record.

2007-03-19 17:05:23 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 4

Evolution is NOT a scientific explanation of how life developed on Earth. There is nothing scientific about it. It is not science because it is not based on the Scientific Method. It has never been observed, duplicated, and it cannot be falsified.

It is a speculation of how life developed without a Creator. That, doesn't make it science.

As regards the conflict with religion, it certainly does conflict with the Bible. According to the Bible, death came after man's first transgression. According to evolution, various animals had been dying for millions of years. Is the Bible wrong? Or is evolution wrong? They can't both be right.

Evolution is a pseudo-science, just like phrenology. It has continually changed over the last 150 years, as science has shown it's errors. Eventually, it will be discredited, along with Y2K, Global Warming, the "Hole" in the ozone layer, and the rest of the junk science.

2007-03-19 17:10:35 · answer #2 · answered by iraqisax 6 · 0 3

They want an all powerful do-it-in-a-minute-god so they can justify to themselves that there is a god. They rationalize that if god needed to set the forces of evolution in motion, than this for many people makes god fallible - if he's all powerful then why not create man in a day (or seven? Hm)?

So even though a god who could create the forces necessary to (or maybe even just manipulate the forces) toward evolution over billions of years and thereby create a conscious being is incredible, it's not enough god power for most.

Also, many people can not abandon their literal interpretations of the bible. While it makes perfectly good sense that someone who understood evolution could not previously explain it in less than the biblical simplistic seven day story, the current crop of fundamentalists (in their simplistic understanding) hold on to literal interpretations because that's all they understand. A symbolic biblical interpretation creates a dilemma for them because literal interpretations permit their limited thinking to remain viable - they don't need to think about what the bible means or which sections may or may not be symbolic tales - they can continue to follow it in a mindless word for word kind of way.

Finally, if the story of Genesis is really a story of evolution - how could we explain that someone thousands of years ago understood evolution and broke it down in to a seven day story?

2007-03-19 17:29:11 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

The short (religious) answer: Evolutionists are not allowed to say the Bible is wrong, the world is billions of years old, all life evolved without God, we're natural - not supernatural so there is no right or wrong AND THEN claim not to be a religion.

The long (scientific) answer: I oppose evolution for three reasons:

1) I work in the field of radiation protection. I've actually worked all of the radiometric dating formulae, and know there is not one fact that supports the idea that the world is millions of years old - not one! You've been taught nothing but a continual restating of assumption being presented as fact. This is dishonest. Science cannot be based upon dishonesty.

2) In my work, I'm aware of the tremendous advances in genetic research since our mapping of the human genome. I know we've taxinomied over 4,000 mutations in an attempt to build a genetic based medicine. Over 3,200 of these result in a loss of biological information and NONE result in an increase of biological information. Evolutionists keep pushing the idea that mutation creates diversity, but it just ain't so - and they know it! This is dishonest. Science cannot be built upon dishonesty.

3) And the last reason is the religious fervor of the evolutionists themselves. They "believe" in evolution, but none can explain it in a way that passes the test of the scientific method. They believe it because they want to. If anyone points out modern verifiable evidence against evolution, they call people names, ridicule, and/or intimidate their fellow scientists. Their only option is to silence their opposition because they know they cannot refute modern scientific findings. So, they see to it this information cannot be heard. This is dishonest. Science cannot be built upon dishonesty.

Evolution is a religion without any scientific support whose only purpose is to draw people away fom God. It's not a question of science against religion. The real debate is between evolutionists and science - but you're not allowed to hear this debate. I'm old enough to remember the greatest evolutionsts of our day: Dr. Stephan Gould and Dr. Dean Kenyan. And remember why both abandoned evolution.

If you wish to expose the lie, ask your professor two simple questions "Sir, please name four mutation which result in increased biological information"and "Sir, under what condition can the theory of evolution be proven false"?. Then go find that proof on your own. For the geologically minded, read how Mt. St. Helens in Washington State created a miniature grand canyon in three years. http://www.creationism.org/sthelens/ would be a decent place to start. This will lead you to the place where modern geologists are; they know the grand canyon formed within one year. But, you're not allowed to be told that.

2007-03-19 17:48:22 · answer #4 · answered by "Ski" 5 · 0 1

Extra props to you, gary, for dropping Gould's name. Sounds like you've actually read some of the philosophy. Darwin does give some explanations of why the fossil record is lacking (parts of chapter 6, and a good deal of chapters 10 and 11 in the 6th edition if "The Origin..." pertain to geology and the fossil record). You may not accept his proposed reasons, but they're still worth a read.

Now for the unjustified, question-pertinent claims.
Science is designed for the how, but aimes at the why.

Religion pertains to both questions, as it pertains to everything.

2007-03-19 17:14:33 · answer #5 · answered by soulinverse 4 · 0 1

Gen 1:23 makes macroevolution impossible, so at least 3 religions are contradicted by Evolutionary Science. But you are basically correct, Evolutionary Science makes no claim about a deity in general.

2007-03-19 17:07:38 · answer #6 · answered by neil s 7 · 0 2

Because the pastors lie to their sheep.

Evolution says nothing of God. Science has disproven the literal reading of Genesis. Some churches have a doctrine that the Bible is the literal truth. To defend the doctrine, those churches have placed it over truth.

2007-03-19 17:08:17 · answer #7 · answered by novangelis 7 · 0 1

the Bible makes a pretty big deal (builds its entire history) out of the FACT that God specially created humans in the form of Adam and Eve. Their story explains our rebellious nature, and why to not give in to it. If this story/history is shown to be wrong, then the rest of it falls into question.

2007-03-19 17:07:47 · answer #8 · answered by ajj085 4 · 0 1

Fundies will fight anything that goes against the literal meaning of the genesis account of creation.

2007-03-19 17:03:57 · answer #9 · answered by Harry P. Ness 2 · 3 2

Overarching desire to talk badly about other people, I think...

2007-03-19 17:10:14 · answer #10 · answered by XX 6 · 0 1

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