Exercise everyday like jogging around the block
Skip meals. Eat 2 times per day than 3 times per day
Dont eat until you're full
Eat fruits at night if your hungry.
Drinks lots of water and stop all the fast food and chocolate.
There are more tips and info.
there's a video on success fitness too.
2007-03-20 16:19:52
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Sorry to say this but if you fast for even 1 month, you would be dead. The body cannot any longer than 7 days without food. Losing tons of weight isn't going to happen over night so you need to be patient. Eat healthy, workout everyday, drink lots of water, but don't fast. It doesn't do your body any good. If you want to cleanse your body that is a whole different story. You can buy Daily Detox Tea through Arbonne, it will rid your body of toxins and help you lose weight. It also curves your appetite so you won't get cravings. Hope this helps
2007-03-19 16:13:01
answer #2
answered by karyn 2
Don't give yourself a fixed time to lose weight. the faster you want results, the more you will think about food. Doing tough diet will last only for short period, after then you will just collaps, not from the shortage of food, but collaps mentaly just thinking of all the food around you but you can't touch it. you will find yourself not standing it anymore, and unconscious just want to EAT what you have missed during the diet... the result is gaining weight.
Good diets bring results maybe after a year. plenty of food lists contains less fat will just do the thing... remember again, don't be too gough on yourself.
2007-03-19 16:30:38
answer #3
answered by Tea 2
find a local gym and if that costs too much buy a pilates mat and a pilates dvd and that really helps. also eat healthy food in small portions and do that all day to get your metabilism going. like have sliced carrots then like 2 hours later eat another healthy food. no fatty foods!!! that will only make you gain weight so give up the mc.donalds and say hello to subway.
2007-03-19 15:56:35
answer #4
answered by Angie,, 2
a million. do away with all salts, processed meals and get decrease back to mom nature by utilising juicing. JUICE for as long as you could or until eventually you attain your wanted weight. Drink a lot of water--as much as you could. Get a juicer, a sturdy one. sparkling veggie juice as much as you like: carrots, ginger, spinach, beets, apples (apples in effortless terms in effortless terms in morning juice because of the fact of sugars) etc. ideally organic and organic. you will detox, loose weight, supply up keeping water and get your physique decrease back in track and do away with each and every of the chemical factors besides. 2. exercising with a lot of stretching (stretching is extra substantial than the exercising itself). Swimming is the terrific, yet yoga and go coaching will suffice. it is going to likely be no longer effortless the 1st few days yet then you certainly'll start to experience impressive...your pores and skin will look extra perfect, tooth, you will see extra perfect, hair, coordination gets extra perfect, and the kilos will start to fall off straight away. stay far off from chemical factors that come as supplementations, capability bars, processed food plan meals--they're crammed with guy made factors that do extra injury then the honestly extra fat on your physique will do. organic and organic is a thank you to circulate.
2016-10-02 10:25:28
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Stop eating highly processed foods
Eat more veggies and fruit and less meat
walk 30 minuets every day
It works. You just have to WANT to do it bad enough. What makes me sad is seeing my overweight friends. They could lose their fat so easily, they just do not try. They are in a rut. It is not hard to lose weight. Just remember it takes time. It will not melt off after just a few days. t takes time but it is worth it.
2007-03-19 15:51:25
answer #6
answered by Velvet 4
fastest way too loose weight is eat propperly salads ,steamed vegs fish nuts and lots of excercise have smaller portions than usual eat breakfast and all meals at the same time of the day\ night try not too eat after 8 pm but dont stave yourself it only puts on weight
2007-03-19 15:50:24
answer #7
answered by chiccka_420 2
By eating small, healthy meals every 2-3 hours. If you eat three big meals everyday, then this will cause you to gain weight!
2007-03-19 15:49:50
answer #8
answered by j u g g a l o h o b o h o 1
Gastric Bypass. A friend I know lost 100 pounds in less than a year.
2007-03-19 17:32:36
answer #9
answered by Zumbagirl 2
Fast. I fasted for almost 4 months with only liquids and lost 47 pounds.
2007-03-19 15:48:59
answer #10
answered by ? 7