WOW - you must have made a big splash when you jumped into that deep end.
you keep talking about a chapter "overview" - i would like the actual chapter and verses please. because in my King James, there are only 2 uses of celestrial and both are in 1 Corinthians 15:40
2007-03-19 20:53:58
answer #2
answered by ELM 2
Hmm, while I am Mormon and love to learn these comparisons, I don't believe this is the way to go about it.
You are being very aggressive, and we shouldn't be. Learn this so that when someone asks you a question, you can answer it. But don't go on the offensive.
2007-03-21 16:52:45
answer #3
answered by Raising6Ducklings! 6
I will answer your questions when you can answer to some of this information:
Joseph Smith's 'secret' polygamous wives (without Emma's consent) in Nauvoo.
Joseph Smith's first story about his 1st vision purported to be just an angel and occurred in 1823. He didn't include Jesus Christ until the 3rd time he told the story, and didn't include God the Father until he actually wrote it down in 1838. In all, there are 8 different versions of the 1st vision with very different facts. Ultimately, he divided his 'first vision' into the two visions we know now; the 'Sacred Grove' vision in 1820 and the 'Moroni' vision in 1823.
Temple members were required to take an Oath of Vengeance against the United States to avenge the blood of Joseph and Hyrum against the government all the way up until 1904, when they had to remove it from the endowment for Reed Smoot to become Senator of Utah.
The 'Prophet's' condo in Salt Lake is worth $1.2 million. The least-paid General Authority earns a $80,000-90,000 "Living Expense Allowance" per year. I don't know what this allowance is used for either, since most "living expenses" are paid on Church credit cards anyway. (gas, groceries, etc) The Church owns over $30 billion in assets and generates $6 billion in annual revenue- all of this without reporting a dime of it to members. 95% of churches (baptist, lutheran, anglican, even 'the great and abominable' [according to momos] Catholic Church) report earnings and use of capital to the public. The LDS Church doesn't. You will never know what your tithing is used for. The Church owns LOTS of stock in LOTS of companies, most prominently Coca-Cola, which manufactures and markets many products (energy drinks, caffeinated cola, some alcoholic beverages) that are against Church standards. Believe it or not, they even own some stock in cigarette companies.
Aside from all that, the LDS Church believes in and teaches several principles that go against the Bible. For instance, they believe Adam is now "a god", along with Jacob, Isaac, Abraham, etc. They believe that they can become gods of their own worlds. They believe that God has a wife (maybe even several wives). Early Church authorities taught that Jesus had a "train of wives" that followed Him around. None of this is in the Bible (or even in the Book of Mormon for that matter).
Until 1990, Temple Members were required to swear death penalty oaths (the Bible says specifically not to swear by anything, especially one's "own head", i.e. life) for revealing the nature of the Temple Endowment. Until 2004, members being "initiated" into the Temple were touched by people on various parts of their unclothed bodies with both water and oil as a "washing & annointing".
Joseph Smith was often drunk in public in Nauvoo (years after having revealed the "Word of Wisdom", and was found many mornings having passed out and spent the night in a ditch.
The Book of Abraham Papyri were actually found in a museum, and analyzed INDEPENDENTLY by several different egyptologists (who were each unaware of the others' conclusions), and they ALL (unanimously) said that the papyri had nothing to do with Abraham, but that it was a "Book of Breathings" (burial ritual document) for a guy named Hor (or Horus).
EDIT: Just so you know, the "chapter headings" in your LDS Bible were written by James E Faust and Bruce R McConkie and are not standard to all prints of the King James Bible. In fact, over 99% of the King James Bibles don't have them. What's more; those 'chapter headings' are mormon interpretations of verses. The reference to 'celestial marriage' in the Matthew chapter is an interpretation of "They shall not marry, neither shall they be taken in marriage, in the Resurrection" by Mormons to say that "They shall be married in the resurrection". Instead of reading the Mormon chapter headings, you should probably read the chapter.
2007-03-23 13:11:16
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Summary overview will not do. Chapter and verse please.
I can give you a summary overview on the Book of Mormon- fraudulent.
2007-03-19 20:52:23
answer #5
answered by Mr Marc 3
I have a KJV Bible translation here presently; what are you referencing (book, chapter, verse please)!!!
2007-03-19 21:32:15
answer #6
answered by 7