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Does secret military tribunlas have any credibility i.e. Gitmo. What happens with a guilty verdict. Are the defendants put in prison for life- if so where, or executed by the US military based on secret evidence and trials with a water down public transcript.

2007-03-19 13:42:13 · 7 answers · asked by roydono 2 in Politics & Government Military

7 answers

These tribunals have precedent and there is no evidence that they are being abused.

And if you have a problem with those tribunals - please tell us how you would conduct trials where some of the evidence is a legitimate military secret?

Or do you think that we should just turn these terrorists loose?

2007-03-19 14:34:03 · answer #1 · answered by MikeGolf 7 · 0 0

Sorry, I don't have a response for your question, just a comment for keepitreal... you said " I just wonder how many journalists have been killed - accidentally, of course - by the americans during this war ??"

Do you know how the media gets their stories? More often than not, some poor unit gets stuck with the troublesome task of having a journalist tag along on their missions. If anyone is getting killed/wounded in that situation, it is the American troops, not the journalists. The media is a liability, an unarmed, untrained nuisance that the soldiers have to worry about in addition to protecting themselves and the members of their unit. The battle field is no place for a reporter, I'm sorry. You want the news? They have career fields in the military that do exactly that. Get your news from them.

2007-03-19 22:03:14 · answer #2 · answered by ? 3 · 1 0

Military tribunals have plenty of credibility. Do a google search, I'm not going to take the time to educate you when you can educate yourself.

2007-03-19 20:49:27 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

Military tribunals are constitutional. For illegal combatants, it is more than they deserve. Even the Geneva Convention does not protect illegal combatants and allows for their immediate execution.

2007-03-19 20:49:23 · answer #4 · answered by Jacob W 7 · 1 0

I am sorry for you if you are asking this question.
Why ?
I believe it shows that you are probably a rational , thinking person who has some degree of morals /ethics ,a curious mind and possibly a good heart.
It would seem against all known principles of history and mankind that such a thing should happen in a supposedly free and civilized society.
Even in the days of old and even in tribal and less civilized cultures :any similar so called trials ( held in secrecy and with the defendants having no way to defend themselves ; nor even knowing what they are charged with !! ; and being judged by the people that want to kill them !! ) - any unbiased person or even child would have to say that something is terribly wrong with such a situation.
This is reminiscent more of the days of SLAVERY AND LYNCHINGS.
I believe that back in those good " old boys " days that there were many such mock / sham trials ... as a matter of fact I think one could see a DIRECT relationship between what is happening now and the "trials " held before those lynchings.
These are proceedings more in line with those of the lynchers of yesterday / the NAZI/ and renegade outfits and goverments ....
it would seem to go against the grain of ANYTHING a free and civilized society would and should tolerate...
BUT ...
it would seem that this is where american DEMOCRACY is taking us .....
I could go on and on in a similar vien ...
To more directly try to answer your stated question ...
yes , there are many that would view such trials as credible ..after all there were many that have bought everything the american president and his republican administration have told them .. even up to now .. there are still a hardcore 1/3 or ~ 33% of the american populace that essentially agree to all and everything that this current president and his admin have stood for .............
even to not having journalists report freely on the " war" ( did Congress declare war? - was this a pre-emptive strike against a country that had not done anything military or otherwise against america // was this a country and a leader that america had actually totally and wholly supported for many years .. even when iraq was fighting iran .. a country and leader to whom america had supplied nerve gas and /or other chemical agents and even given him the green light to use it !! (( I believe somone called Rumsfeldt was the american seen shaking Husseins hand and smiling jollily a week or so before the chemical agents were used against humans ))....((( oop's .. I just wonder how many journalists have been killed - accidentally, of course - by the americans during this war ?? )))............. the american people have shown themselves to be so gullible that they seem to snap up the same old regurgitated lies that has been shoved down their throats for the last few years .. or the elections have allowed for the " country jacking " of said country and for the take over of the country by a minority 1/3 of the people that have then set out to implement their ideology and change the laws to their suiting .. after all america does not abide by the Geneva Conevntions , condones and practices torture:strikes pre-emptively at peaceful nations; attacks soverign nations : has set up torture and concentration camps across the world ( in other countries too ? ) : does something with a quaint name of " renditioning" : etc etc etc ...
YES, there are many americans ( ~ 33% ) that will believe in their hearts and souls that the secret military tribunals are credible... I wonder if the vast majority of that 33% of believers are republicans ?
As to the rest of your question .. I have no idea what happens to anyone found guilty in these sham courtroom proceedings ...
but I believe you ask an intelligent and fair question .
I am sure the gonzalez's and riceys and cheneys and busheys will come up with something that they will be able to sneer and smirk with .
Of course , such a set up as at Guantanamo and the ensuing renditions and torture and secret military tribunals could lead to abuse and unjust and unfair practices against many innocent peoples ... who knows we might just end up with the president deciding that he can decide who is or is not qualified to be given a chance at
" GITMO JUSTICE"...................and that may even include american citiizens as well ( if the Decider has his way ) ... whoa.. we may even see illegal wiretapping of the country and e-mail and other searches and what the LLLL why not .. just rewrite the CONSTITUTION the way the Republicans want it ..
who knows ....
I could go on and on .. but it is up to Historians and good people to dig through and sort out the ramifications of the actions and deeds of this current administration that have begotten us the legacy of Abu Ghraif , Gitmo , Torture, american marines and troops raping little girls and then killing all their families ( of course the little sister was at least three years old and the mother and father were fully grown even if the girl was only fifteen ), not to forget the shooting of unarmed paraplegic old men ( and then the coverups !! ) .. who knows maybe there may even be coverups at the highest levels of ?? torture, renditions, firing of American Attorneys who do not kow-tow to their masters but do their job as they were entrusted to by the American People ,maybe even cover ups when AMERICAN CIA/FBI AGENTS are " exposed " too ...
who knows where we are heading ...
but as to what happens to those who undergo the secret military trials ... who will really care? ...even if they are killed .. they will soon be forgotten .. and if anything illegal goes on at the " trials " who will know ? .........
on the bright side ... we will MAYBE have the watered down public transcript .. and let us remember .. that is more than many who were mutilated and lynched and burned alive ( men , women and children too - mostly black peoples for some strange reason ? ) had after they too underwent american justice...

2007-03-19 21:56:09 · answer #5 · answered by keepitreal 2 · 0 3

In prison for life, a death sentace would be too easy on them

2007-03-19 20:49:47 · answer #6 · answered by David A 3 · 1 0

you talk like they are just ordinary criminals. they want to slice your head off. don't you understand that?

2007-03-19 20:46:22 · answer #7 · answered by patriot07 5 · 3 0

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