I'm gay and a former Christian. Apart from the interpretations of the Metropolitan Community Church and it's insistence that the Bible says nothing about gays and lesbians simply by the contrived interpretations it uses, I can tell you that they are incorrect. The Bible taken for what it says without adding to its meaning most definitely expresses that the Christian god does not approve of homosexuality in the least.
But since I have given the matter a great deal of thought and studied many points of view on religions themselves. It's rather clear that all human religions and 'holy' books are simply works of men and god doesn't exist.
The arguments of Atheism is fully in line with the Universe as it stands, and no god is necessary for us to be here.
2007-03-19 13:14:47
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
I don't have the bible in front of me but I'm fairly certain that the if you read the whole Exodus and parts of Mathew or John, I'm not sure.
I'm not attempting to quote the bible just so you know.
I do remember hearing that Yes it does mention that gays should or deserve to be be killed, blood upon them or whatever, something resembling that, but doing so is a much worse sin then the act it's self. I remember the history channel touched upon this topic in the special Sex and the Bible.
Sorry I don't have the exact answer but it goes along those lines. So everyone needs to chill out and let god sort it out.
I have a theory based on the words Judge not les ye be Judged. I might be wrong but maybe we aren't supposed to get mad on God's behalf.
This is all my opinion because I don't have the sources listed, I could be wrong about everything.
2007-03-19 13:19:01
answer #2
answered by Eyerish 5
What part of "abominaation" do you think can be interpreted any other way? Or, when is an "error" not a mistake?
Oh, I know some Christians get way out of line when it comes to persecuting gay people...but let's don't try to say that it is not a sin, when it is. Of course, so are stealing, and lying, and overeating all sins, but, as you say, some of us don't get quite so worked up about those sins. Especially not the ones we might be indulging in our own selves!
And, trust me, I am QUITE upset about banking practices! I think there ought to be a special hell just for bankers and other loan sharks!!
The bottom line, Hun, is...do the best you can to follow Jesus, and He'll take care of the rest.
2007-03-19 13:15:28
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
You are right to question the practice of charging interest, it is wrong. The practice was vehemently condemned by the Catholic Church throughout the middle ages, but is now so ingrained in our society that it probibly will never go away. I have lent money to people, and never charged interest.
On the subject of Biblical condemnation of sodomy, there are pleanty of blatant condemnations of the practice. Here are some I have found. Hopefully you have a Bible handy. If not there is probibly a library nearby which will have one.
1 Timothy 1:3-10
1 Corinthians 6:9-10
"Do you not know that the unjust will not inherit the kingdom of God?(heaven) Do not be decieved; neither fornicators nor idolators nor adulturers nor boy prostitutes(a greco-roman thing) nor sodomites... ...will inherit the kingdom of God."
Romans 1:18-32 emphasis on quoted part 1:26-28
"Therefore, God handed them over to degrading passions. Their females exchanged natural relations for unnatural (lesbianism), and the males likewise gave up natural relations with females and burned with lust for one another (sodomy). Males did shameful things with males and thus recieved in their own persons the due penalty for their perversity."
Leviticus 18:22
"You shall not lie with a man as you would a woman, such a thing is an abomination" Remember this was written in male-centric, so it does work for women too.
Homosexuals turn away from God by acting on their urges, and God is willing to allow these lost sheep to suffer spritually until they return to him willingly. The passages I listed above are preatty self explanatroy, exspecially Leviticus 19:22. You also need to remember that Christians and Jews believe the books of the Bible to be the inspired word of God, not just another book someone wrote.
The Catholic church does not condemn people with homo-sexual tendencies who do NOT act on them. Their urges are just like any temptation, they need to be ignored because following them leads to sinfullness and spiritual death. The Vatican explained Catholic teaching on homosexuals not to long ago. Homo-sexuals who act on their urges, porn is a sin regardless of gay or straight(gay porn also is sinful action on these tendencies) are considered to be cut off from CHrist and are at risk for damnation if they don't repent and change there ways.
2007-03-19 13:18:44
answer #4
answered by 29 characters to work with...... 5
Dear Seraphim,
i can not answer on behalf of every Christian. But i can say that the Bible does indeed teach that homosexuality is wrong, and as you astutely pointed out- the Bible has a lot to say about how people treat one another.
The Bible no where teaches that homosexuals are to be demeaned and treated as second class citizens. They are sinners in need of God's forgiveness- just like anyone who is a Christian.
I can't answer for any of those individuals other than they will have to answer to God. i can tell you that i'm a pastor and i have several homosexual friends whom i dearly love and we often have open conversations about God, religion, life, family, etc.
2007-03-19 12:56:49
answer #5
answered by Nickster 7
You can interpret passages a number of ways, it doesnt mean you should. When God tells us to stay away from something and even repeats it in the NT, why are you trying to reinterpret it? (to fit your beliefs)
The Bible doesnt teach to treat gays like anything, just to witness to them and try to show them Gods way.
There is outrage among believers whenever the poor are oppressed. But many people dont choose to be poor, gays do choose.
The people that demean gays are being overzealous and are taking sin personally which we shouldnt do. But I say its better to be overzealous for Gods purposes then to have no will to do it at all. At least they will have a chance to be saved and may learn their lesson down the road.
What chance does an unbeliever have?
2007-03-19 13:02:33
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
You are right. I question similar things all the time. I wonder why Christian values do not manifest in people who ' claim ' to be Christian. Thats why you have to judge everything versus the Gospel. IF it doesn't match the Gospel then it is wrong. You will be surprised how many times you will find a church or a person, and most importantly yourself, is wrong about something. That's what I use to measure things.
2007-03-19 13:01:19
answer #7
answered by The Angry Stick Man 6
As Christians, we're told to hate the sin but love the sinner. Anyone who treats gays as less then themselves probably hasn't read their Bible as much as they think, but that doesn't mean they have to accept homosexuality as being okay. God has said in a few different passages in the Bible that it's a sin for "men to lie with other men," but we Christians still need to reach out to those people in love and tell them that what's they're doing is unnatural and wrong.
2007-03-19 12:57:59
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
If you were raised in the Christian, most likely you were taught that it does. What does the Bible teach about practicing immorality?
"Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts." Romans 1:26-27
What does God say about homosexuality in His Word, the Bible?
“There are no mention of the homosexual or homosexuality in the Bible."
Why then homosexual interpretations of Scripture been so successful at persuading so many?
They are just being misled.
If God is calling any type of "immoral" activity an abomination in the Old Testament, then He will also be calling any type of "immoral" activity occurring in the New Testament an abomination.
2007-03-19 13:16:01
answer #9
answered by House Speaker 3
I am a Christian and I believe homosexuality is wrong. The bible says so. However, I believe that all sins can be forgiven and that we as Christians are not to judge someone.
I believe that homosexuality should be handled the same as all sin in that as a person works at getting closer to God, they must work at stopping the naughty stuff. As long as a homosexual understands that type of lifestyle is wrong when it comes to Christianity and is making efforts to repent, it is the duty of other Christians to help them, not kick them when they are down. Christians that demean people are sinning when they do it. Shame on them.
2007-03-19 13:02:32
answer #10
answered by GivePraiseToGod 2