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What was published in 1986,that refers to treatment for high denial alcoholics, using this model?

2007-03-19 12:40:07 · 1 answers · asked by arcy 1 in Health Mental Health

1 answers

ERICKSONAIN HYPNOTHERAPY - can be described as: an opportunity for a person to by pass limiting thoughts & experiences, and go into trance, where the resources of the unconscious can be used to bring about the changes he or she desires.

Hypnotherapy can be used to increase self-esteem & resourcefulness & to help you achieve your goals.. It can also be used to solve a wide range of problems including:

lack of self esteem & self confidence:
smoking & addictions,
eating related problems: habit control e.g. nail biting:
sleep difficulties;
pain management;
health problems
anxiety& panic attacks,
driving test, examination or interview nerves.
improving concentration & study skills
children's problems
personal growth issues.
Beneficial change is often quick, easy and painless, with the advantage of no side effects.

Hypnosis induces an altered state of awareness, commonly known as trance. Trance is a natural state of deep relaxation and concentration. In trance the mind turns inwards, where it focuses on memory, thoughts, fantasy, plans, etc.

There are two major factors that are central to Ericksonian hypnotherapy. These are:

1 Each person is a unique individual - therapy is designed to meet the individual's needs, rather than expecting a person to fit into a set formula.
Each person has his or her own particular " map the world". In the initial session, the therapist will discover what his client's individual map of the world is. This means finding out a lot about the life-style and experience of the client, and of being aware of both their conscious, and unconscious communications. The therapist will then use the client's own map of the world as a basis for problem solving and change.

2 Every person has within himself or herself all the resources and capabilities needed to overcome any problem. The job of the therapist is to enable the person to access and use these resources.

People have far more resources and abilities than they are consciously aware of - sufficient resources to be able to live happy and very satisfying lives. The problem is that these resources are disassociated, separated from their on going experience. It is as if you know what you should do to arrive at a solution to a problem, but are unable to use whatever that might be. My strategy is to discover what the individual is able to do, and then work out how this can be used with the problem.

This approach is based on the assumption that the unconscious mind can operate in an intelligent and creative way. The hypnotherapist’s task is to guide and supervise the client. The client is offered the opportunity to decide if, and when to respond to the therapist’s suggestions.

The Ericksonian therapist is able to take the things that people do in the course of everyday living, and use them in the therapy. Most people, for example, do many things automatically that are mostly out of conscious awareness. A few of the items or states experienced during each day include:

remembering past happenings,
thinking about future happenings,
creating imaginary scenes on an inner screen,
remembering past conversations and sounds,
thinking of future conversations,
forgetting much they have done simply because those things are not important enough to keep in conscious awareness,
not being aware of surroundings unless they impinge on consciousness (i.e. switching off external seeing and hearing when we want)
carrying out normal everyday activities through the use of well established behaviour, or habit patterns,
breathing in different ways depending on what you are experiencing,
adopting various different body postures,
experiencing many emotions and often having little or no control of most of them;
Because consciousness is critical and analytical, it can interfere with what happens in the trance state. It can be advantageous for a client's consciousness not to remember. An excellent example of a resource, therefore, is amnesia-the ability to forget. Many people will have experienced being introduced to a new person, being determined to remember that person's name, but no sooner than the name has been said, forgetting it.

2007-03-19 13:56:21 · answer #1 · answered by msjerge 7 · 0 0

When you hear "hypnosis" you might think of the traditional form of Hypnosis where the powerful, authoritative hypnotist implants suggestions in his subject, such as, "you are getting sleeeepy. Your eyelids are growing heavier and heavier. You will quit smoking," ...

2014-07-01 16:15:31 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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