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I have never cooked anything more than burgers and chips but I have promised a girl I will cook her a nice meal this weekend and I want to impress her.

Can you suggest something foolproof that I can make, I want something that is not too expensive but also something that is a little different.

2007-03-19 12:31:24 · 56 answers · asked by Anonymous in Food & Drink Cooking & Recipes

56 answers

try a pasta dish. they are usually pretty easy. you can buy pre-stuffed pasta @ trader joes, and just buy an bottle of alfredo sauce it will take about 20 min to heat up everything, serve w/a small dinner salad, and for desert serve cheesecake.

2007-03-19 12:36:57 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

Chicken Oreganata:
Boneless Skinless Chicken Thighs
Juice from 1 Lg or 2 Sm Lemons
3 Garlic Cloves-smashed or pressed
Grated Parmesan Cheese
Grape Tomatoes-sliced
Olive Oil
Put the Chicken, Lemon Juice, and Garlic in a large ziplock bag and marinate about 15 minutes.
Mix some Breadcrumbs and Parmesan Cheese together and then bread the thighs and place them in a casserole dish.
Pour the sliced Tomatoes over the chicken and drizzle w/ a little Olive Oil.
Bake at 450 for about 30minutes or until the juice from the tomatoes cooks down and the chicken start to brown (its ok if some of the tomatoes get a little "charred" around the edges of the dish
Serve w/ rice (for an extra special twist, add a little mozzerella cheese and a touch of milk to the rice when its just about finished cooking-stir the rice until the cheese melts)

For a quick easy side dish take some veggies (Broccoli, Cauliflower & Carrots work best) and put them in a large ziplock bag. Add about 2 tbsp. of oil and shake to coat the veggies. Then sprinkle in some Parmesan Cheese or Dry Italian Dressing Seasoning Mix and shake again. Put the veggies on a cookie sheet and bake at 400-450 for about 10 minutes tops.

You also can't go wrong w/ a salad.

If not these suggestions, you can also do some very impressive dishes that are not that hard to make (Chicken Carbonara, Beef Stroganoff, Chicken Cordon Bleu). If you would like any other recipies, let me know. Also it could be fun to cook it WITH her. Good luck!

2007-03-26 21:44:39 · answer #2 · answered by alan1854ebay 1 · 0 0

I'm Italian, so you lot out there stop insulting us... Pasta, Pasta, Pasta, (your all so boring!). Real spaghetti bolognaise takes real time to make (the sauces takes time, love and care with real attention - Italian food is meant to be bellisima), it's not fast food!!! Not your rushed job!!! You have all come up with the same (not even original)!

Why not buy two chicken breasts and stuff them with your favourite cheese, some chopped mushrooms and some bacon (this recipe is so simple and not long winded)

Method: -

1) How to prepare chicken breasts. Be generous, purchase good plump breasts.

2) lay the breast fillets onto a chopping board. Put your hand onto the fillet to prevent it from moving (keeping it steady for the next step).

3) With a sharp knife slice the fillet 3/4 of the way through (similar to slicing a roll).

4) Next open the fillet out (this is called a butterfly).

5) fill with the ingredients I've mentioned above then close the fillet with a small skewer and wrap each fillet in foil and bake in the oven for 35-40 minutes at gas 6 or 200 degree Celsius and serve with either a Mediterranean salad with a baked potato each, or your favourite vegetables.

Hope that your girlfriend enjoys!!

2007-03-24 23:34:32 · answer #3 · answered by ? 3 · 1 0

Because you know how to make a burger, why not try this:

Grilled Mini Meat Loaves

1 lb. ground beef
1 small onion, finely diced
1/3 c. bread crumbs
2 T. chopped fresh parsley
1 t. chili powder
½ t. Dijon mustard
¼ t. salt
¼ t. freshly ground pepper
1 egg
Barbecue sauce

Heat grill. In large bowl, combine all ingredients except barbecue sauce. Divide mixture evenly into 3 or 4 sections; shape each into a small loaf about 4 inches long and 1 inch thick.

Grill on lighlty oiled grill over medium-high meat for 5 or 6 minutes a side (until no longer pink in middle). Brush barbecue sauce on each side. Serve with extra barbecue sauce.

You can serve it with a baked potato or any side dish and corn on the cob or a salad. Serve with beer or red wine (shiraz).

2007-03-24 11:28:20 · answer #4 · answered by biscotti2milotti 2 · 0 0

spaghetti bolognese would be my boring choice. (about as Italian as the Eiffel Tower) try a simple packet mix (coleman's, Schartz etc). Chicken Chasseur, or Coq Au Vin. Sounds complicated but they are simple. They give you the ingredients you need on the back and the preparation time and the cooking time just prepare everything in advance before you start cooking and make a note of the cooking times.

Then learn the basics, cook a meal from scratch and blow her away with your culinary skills. Good Luck.

2007-03-19 12:53:28 · answer #5 · answered by Quizard 7 · 0 0

Cheese 'n' Rice Stuffed Peppers

4 green peppers
1 cup grated cheddar cheese
2 cups cooked rice
1/2 teaspoon salt and pepper

pre-heat oven to 300 degrees
slice off tops of green peppers. Wash peppers and remove seeds. Stand pepper cups upright in a sauce pan containing 1/2 cup boiling water. Cover and steam 5 minutes.Drain.
Mix together cheese, rice,salt, and pepper.Fill each pepper with half cheese mixture.Stand peppers in a loaf pan. Bake for 10-15 minutes until cheese melts

variation: cook rice in tomato juice or broth instead of water.
Add 2 tablespoons chopped onion or parsley.

2007-03-24 12:13:39 · answer #6 · answered by spritza07 1 · 0 0

If you're tryingn to appear as a great and natural cook, try this:

1 bag of regular spaghetti noodles
1 lb. of ground beef
1 onion
1 jar of ORIGINAL Prego sauce
1 little jar of Mrs. Dash Extra Spicy(found in spice / baking isle)

Boil noodles; In another pan dice the onion, and saute the onions until they are soft, and then add the ground beef, stir the ground beef until it's full cooked and browned. Then add just a few sprinkles of the Mrs. Dash Extra Spicy spices. If you don't like it spicy, just add a few sprinkles. Even though it's called Extra Spicy, if you only add about a half of a teaspoon, it doesn't come out spicy AT ALL. It just gives it flavor. Mix the spice all through out the ground beef, then add the prego, let it simmer and soak the ground beef. Then strain the noodles once they are cooked, and then mix the noodles and sauce. It's a phenomenal mean, and you can even buy the premade - toast at home garlic bread packages at home and it'll be a home cooked meal, that's amazing, quick and affordable! Not to mention you'll look like a complete natural. It's a very home-y meal too!

2007-03-19 12:45:35 · answer #7 · answered by Miss Know iT aLL 1 · 0 2

Chicken Ritz Casserole

5-6 chicken breasts, cooked
1 can cream of chicken soup
1 can cheddar broccoli soup
about 1/4 soup can of milk
1-1/2 c. sour cream
2 c. cooked minute rice (1 c. prior to cooking)
dash salt and pepper
30 to 40 Ritz crackers, crumbled
Cooking Instructions:
Cook chicken and remove chicken from bone and cut up. Place chicken in casserole dish. Mix together remaining ingredients. Pour mixed ingredients over chicken. Top with crushed Ritz crackers; dot with butter. Bake at 350F. for 45 mins.

2007-03-19 13:44:20 · answer #8 · answered by scrappykins 7 · 0 0

Seafood Lasagna

1 (16 ounce) package lasagna noodles
1 pound cooked salad shrimp
1 pound fresh crab meat
3 tablespoons butter
3 tablespoons all-purpose flour
3 cups milk
1 cup grated Parmesan cheese
5 cups shredded mozzarella cheese

Cook lasagna noodles in a large pot of boiling salted water until al dente. Drain well.
Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C).
In a medium size saucepan over medium heat melt butter or margarine, stir in flour and let flour brown slightly. Stir in milk, stirring constantly until sauce thickens. Add the parmesan cheese to the sauce and stir well.
In a 9x13 baking pan spread a thin layer of white sauce, followed by a layer of cooked lasagna noodles. Place 1/4 of the shrimp, 1/4 of the crabmeat and 1 cup mozzarella cheese on top of the lasagna noodles. Repeat three times, making four layers. Top the final layer with sauce and remaining mozzarella cheese. Bake for 45 minutes or until top is brown.

Just add some salad and bread and your good to go.

2007-03-24 15:26:29 · answer #9 · answered by Alecia P 2 · 0 0

In a small pan mix bread crumbs with grated parmesan, a little salt, some red pepper flakes. Melt 1 tablespoon of butter in another shallow bowl. Wash and dry 2 boneless skinless chicken breast halves. Dip them in the butter then in the crumb mixture. Bake for 30-45 minutes. Serve with baked potatoes, steamed broccoli or asparagus and a green salad, and something chocolate for dessert.

2007-03-19 13:04:41 · answer #10 · answered by eilishaa 6 · 0 0

The quick easy thing to do! is mince and rice! she will think your Italian and a bit of Latin love doesn't go a miss! it cost round about £7 and takes 35 Min's.
Step 1 Get a nice pack of mice at the supermarket for 3 to 5 quid place in a red hot wok and stir until brown.
Step 2 Get lots of vegtables which you both like! e.g carrots red,green,yellow peppers maybe some mushroom. slice them up and thow them in!
Step 3 Buy a quid jar of ragu sauce and pour in with your mince and veg and cook for 25 Min's till nice looking colour and smells great!
Step 4 get a fair size pan 3/4 fill with boilling water and pour two cups of rice, then wait for the rice to do its magic, then drain excess water.
Step 5 SERVE!!!!!!

All that in 35 Min's! it scores me brownie points! if your feeling more stylish and dont mind spending 2 more pounds buy some Turmeric from the supermarket! and throw it in with your rice just as you put your rice in the pan.

2007-03-19 12:49:43 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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