Charles Taze Russell the founder of the JWs announced that Jesus came down to Earth in 1874 but was invisible. The JWs of today disassociate themselves more and more from what Charles Russell said and did. so much so that if he was a member today he would be disfellowshipped. In replying to your question the JWs show themselves once again to be as predictable as Pavlov's dogs, they simply don't answer the question. They say that the 144,000, are allowed to have the wine and bread so this means that they do continue with communion after ( as Charles Russell stated very clearly) after Jesus came back to Earth.
2007-03-19 12:52:25
answer #1
answered by claret 4
They believe that Jesus did take the throne in the heavens in 1914 (they were the first to break the code found in Daniel which talks about the 7 Times). However, communion for them is only for the annointed ones. The 144,000 thousand mentioned in Revelations. There are obviously still part of the annointed ones with heavenly hope here on earth. If you have been to a passover of the Witnesses, you will notice that only a few if any partake of the symbols of Jesus Blood (symbol for the Word) and his Body (I'm not sure, but I think it is his church). Jesus has not come in the sense that Armageddon still hasn't come upon us.
2007-03-19 19:23:19
answer #2
answered by Starjumper the R&S Cow 7
We observe the Lord's Evening meal every year at sundown on the calendar date that corresponds with the old Jewish calendar date of Nisan 14. Only those who have the heavenly hope partake of the emblems, unleavened bread and the wine, the rest of Jehovah's Witnesses only observe the memorial Christ established. Even though Jesus Christ was enthroned in 1914 by his Father, Jehovah God, he has turned his attention toward the earth to do a separating of the sheep from the goats, Jesus will return in power at an unknown date to destroy all wickedness on the earth, this is when Jesus was referring to his returning.
2007-03-19 19:30:01
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
We commemorate the anniversary of Jesus' death on Nisan 14, this year it's April 2. Only those of the 144,000 with a heavenly hope actually partake of the bread and the wine. Those with an earthly hope, like myself, attend as respectful observers.
It was in 1914 that Jehovah established His Kingdom in heaven with Jesus as it's King. And since then we have been living in the last days.
2007-03-19 19:27:37
answer #4
answered by shibboleth839505 2
JWs do not believe Jesus returned.
Because no one except the Father knows when Christ will return, Jesus explained that believers must be on guard and alert, ready for his return to happen at any moment. Everyday “He is near, at the very gates” (v.29). Christ’s second coming will be swift and sudden.
2007-03-19 19:24:52
answer #5
answered by keiichi 6
I think you got it wrong, Christ did came in his kingly power in 1914, the observance of Christ death is a yearly events as he instructed us, having being installed in kingly power, he will soon come to fulfill Dan 2v 44, which Jehovah has commanded him to do, the memorial is to observe his death and not his resurrection, this Jesus did on Nisan 14 on the Jewish calender, this year falls on April 2, please attend.
2007-03-19 19:34:50
answer #6
answered by oscar boom 2
That's strange. I never knew they had communion in the first place.....
2007-03-19 19:23:12
answer #7
answered by Kerilyn 7
did not know they held communion! learn something new each day!
2007-03-19 19:23:15
answer #8
answered by Blitzpup 5
Because Christ hasn't returned yet.He hasn't taken His believers home yet.When He does it will be too late to decide to follow Christ.Are you sure of your salvation?
2007-03-19 19:25:16
answer #9
answered by sharen d 6
My Lord has not returned yet. When he does his sheep will hear his voice.
2007-03-19 19:29:05
answer #10
answered by Tribble Macher 6