Genesis 12:7, God promises that the land of Israel was to be for Abraham and his descendants. In 1948 Israel was returned back to the Jewish people for the second time in history. This may not seem so astonishing until you realize that no nation in the history of the world has been scattered from its homeland and returned! Israel has done it twice.
2007-03-19 08:50:10
answer #1
answered by sfumato1002 3
The jewish people had to relearn their language all over, the bible said that would and they have. It is now a spoken as well as written language in use today.
The nation of Israel has returned to it's homeland once again in 1948.
The natural love of people has grown colder, more children are being abondoned by parents who dont want them. They have them, then leave them some place to die. Children are much more willingly to turn on their parents in acts of rebellion. While this has always been happening, they didn't weren't KILLING their parents.
Many in the church are falling into a state of apostacy, they are luke warm in their faith. They compromise where they shouldn't and they lead others in the same way. Jesus said that He wishes these people were either hot or cold, but because they are luke warm, they will be spit out. Not everyone who says "Lord, lord" will get into Heaven, these are the people He was talking about.
All these things were said to happen after the big sign of the times. That is the nation of Israel returning home. Since then we have seen increases of natural disasters as we were told we would.
Homosexuality is on the rise which God considers a sin, and is even being made lawful for them to be married in some countries.
Technoligy has been increased by leaps and bounds as well, and it is leading up to what the antichrist will use to gain control and maintain it. (mark of the beast and global communications)
We were told these things would all start to fall into place when 1 event happened. That event has happened and the generation who saw Israel become a nation shall not perish before the coming of the Lord. Do the math here, how long does a generation live these days? 2007 - 1948 = 59 years ago, a generation lives 65-80 years these days. Remember, that generation wont perish before the coming, which means it comes BEFORE the end. The Lord returns after a 7 year tribulation period. 59 + 7 = 66 years accounted for. There aren't very many left, and it could happen ANY day durin this period, God is being merciful and waiting for the last few who would join Him before the end begins.
2007-03-19 16:07:14
answer #2
answered by Stahn 3
The Fourth Seal – The Beasts of the Earth
We are witnessing the decline of the earth’s environment and resources, a prophetic fulfillment of the Bible.
At the Fourth SEAL, one-fourth part of the earth is to be destroyed before we move forward to the next Seal events (Re.6:7-8 below).
Once the one-fourth part is destroyed, we will move through the SEAL events, followed by the Seven TRUMPET events, and, finally, the Seven Last PLAGUE events.
When the world faces acts of terrorism are we not facing beasts of the earth (Re.6:8, Jude 1:10-11, Titus 1:12, 2 Pet.2:11-13 below)?
Re.6:7 And when he had opened the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth beast say, Come and see.
Re.6:8 And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the FOURTH PART of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.
Beasts of the Earth
Jude 1:10 But these speak evil of those things which they know not: but what they know naturally, as brute beasts, in those things they corrupt themselves.
Jude 1:11 Woe unto them! for they have gone in the way of Cain (1 Jn.3:12, Matt.13:38), and ran greedily after the error of Balaam for reward, and perished in the gainsaying of Core.
Titus 1:12 One of themselves, even a prophet of their own, said, The Cretians are alway liars, evil beasts, slow bellies.
2 Pet 2:11 Whereas angels, which are greater in power and might, bring not railing accusation against them before the Lord.
2 Pet.2:12 But these, as natural brute beasts, made to be taken and destroyed, speak evil of the things that they understand not; and shall utterly perish in their own corruption;
2 Pet.2:13 And shall receive the reward of unrighteousness, as they that count it pleasure to riot in the day time. Spots they are and blemishes, sporting themselves with their own deceivings while they feast with you;
Pat (ndbpsa ©)
2007-03-19 19:40:49
answer #3
answered by BibleProphecyOnTheWeb 5
Read the book of Daniel. Then study the history of the Medo-Persians, Greeks, Romans, and Babylon. Remember some places have had name changes.
2007-03-19 15:50:50
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Amos 2
2:1 Thus saith the LORD; For three transgressions of Moab, and for four, I will not turn away the punishment thereof; because he burned the bones of the king of Edom into lime:
In Bibical terms this never happened.
In history it did.
Edom is russia...the king is Nicholas the 2nd.
He was killed along with his family, put in a pit and lime was thrown on their bodies.
2007-03-19 15:50:03
answer #5
answered by Royal Racer Hell=Grave © 7
OF UNBELIEVABLE --but true foretelling of the ending of the Jewish/ Roman conflict IN 70 A.D that was foretold with horrific accuracy by Christ follow along with historians comments was made about 36 years earlier by Christ:
(Luke 19:41-44) 41Â And when he got nearby, he viewed the city and wept over it, 42Â saying: “If you, even you, had discerned in this day the things having to do with peace—but now they have been hid from your eyes. 43Â Because the days will come upon you when your enemies will build around you a fortification with pointed stakes and will encircle you and distress you from every side, 44Â and they will dash you and your children within you to the ground, and they will not leave a stone upon a stone in you, because you did not discern the time of your being inspected.”
Luke 21:20-22) 20 “Furthermore, when YOU see Jerusalem surrounded by encamped armies, then know that the desolating of her has drawn near. 21 Then let those in Ju·de´a begin fleeing to the mountains, and let those in the midst of her withdraw, and let those in the country places not enter into her; 22 because these are days for meting out justice, that all the things written may be fulfilled. . .
--NOTE please the comment of Josephus on this EXTRAORDINARY fulfillment:
w94 3/15 pp.30-1 The Fascinating Chronicles of Josephus
“It then happened,” says Josephus, “that Cestius . . . recalled his soldiers from the place . . . He retired from the city, without any reason in the world.” Evidently without intending to magnify God’s Son, Josephus recorded the very act that Christians in Jerusalem had awaited. It was the fulfillment of Jesus Christ’s prophecy! Years earlier, the Son of God had warned: “When you see Jerusalem surrounded by encamped armies, then know that the desolating of her has drawn near. Then let those in Judea begin fleeing to the mountains, and let those in the midst of her withdraw, and let those in the country places not enter into her; because these are days for meting out justice, that all the things written may be fulfilled.” (Luke 21:20-22) As Jesus instructed, his faithful followers quickly fled the city, stayed away, and were spared the agony that later befell it.
When Roman armies returned in 70Â C.E., the consequences were recorded in graphic detail by Josephus. Vespasian’s eldest son, General Titus, came to conquer Jerusalem, with its magnificent temple. Within the city, warring factions attempted to take control. They resorted to extreme measures, and much blood was shed. Some “were in such distress by their internal calamities, that they wished for the Romans,” hoping for “delivery from their domestic miseries,” says Josephus. He calls the insurgents “robbers” engaged in destroying the property of the wealthy and murdering men of importance—those suspected of willingness to compromise with the Romans.
Amid civil war, living conditions in Jerusalem plunged to unimaginable depths, and the dead remained unburied. The seditious themselves “fought against each other, while they trod upon the dead bodies as they lay heaped one upon another.” They plundered the populace, murdering for food and wealth. Outcries of the afflicted were continuous.
Titus exhorted the Jews to surrender the city and thus save themselves. He “sent Josephus to speak to them in their own language; for he imagined they might yield to the persuasion of a countryman of their own.” But they reproached Josephus. Titus next built a wall of pointed stakes around the whole city. (Luke 19:43) With all hope of escape cut off and movement restricted, famine “devoured the people by whole houses and families.” The continuing battle added to the death toll. Unknowingly fulfilling Bible prophecy, Titus conquered Jerusalem. Afterward, observing its massive walls and fortified towers, he exclaimed: “It was no other than God that ejected the Jews out of these fortifications.” Over one million Jews perished.—Luke 21:5, 6, 23, 24.
--BOUND TO HAPPEN------I do not think so , hardly
--OF EVEN GREATER MAGNITUDE was the following:
----JESUS IS QUOTED by his biographers Matthew & Luke then AFTER HE is questioned--THIS he answerd in a 2 fold fulfillment as I referenced above AND now to its greater fulfillment in our day:
Matthew 24:3) 3 While he was sitting upon the Mount of Olives, the disciples approached him privately, saying: “Tell us, When will these things be, and what will be the sign of your presence and of the conclusion of the system of things?”
(Matthew 24:7-12) 7 “For nation will rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom, and there will be food shortages and earthquakes in one place after another. 8 All these things are a beginning of pangs of distress. 9 “Then people will deliver YOU up to tribulation and will kill YOU, and YOU will be objects of hatred by all the nations on account of my name. 10 Then, also, many will be stumbled and will betray one another and will hate one another. 11 And many false prophets will arise and mislead many; 12 and because of the increasing of lawlessness the love of the greater number will cool off"
(Luke 21:10-11) 10 Then he went on to say to them: “Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom; 11 and there will be great earthquakes, and in one place after another pestilences and food shortages; and there will be fearful sights and from heaven great signs. . .
--THE WORLD WIDE fulfillment in particular was not only made prophetically BUT also dated at 1914 A.D by Bible Chronology, -- BUT for now this is the expressions made TOTALLY UNEXPECTEDLY:
*** ce chap. 18 p. 228 The Bible—Is It Really Inspired by God? ***
Even after a second world war, many refer back to 1914 as the great turning point in modern history:
“It is indeed the year 1914 rather than that of Hiroshima which marks the turning point in our time.”—René Albrecht-Carrié, The Scientific Monthly, July 1951.
--“Ever since 1914, everybody conscious of trends in the world has been deeply troubled by what has seemed like a fated and predetermined march toward ever greater disaster. Many serious people have come to feel that nothing can be done to avert the plunge towards ruin. They see the human race, like the hero of a Greek tragedy, driven on by angry gods and no longer the master of fate.”—Bertrand Russell, The New York Times Magazine, September 27, 1953.
-- “The modern era . . . began in 1914, and no one knows when or how it will end. . . . It could end in mass annihilation.”—The Seattle Times, January 1, 1959.
--“In the year 1914 the world, as it was known and accepted then, came to an end.”—James Cameron, 1914, published in 1959.
--“The whole world really blew up about World War I and we still don’t know why. . . . Utopia was in sight. There was peace and prosperity. Then everything blew up. We’ve been in a state of suspended animation ever since.”—Dr. Walker Percy, American Medical News, November 21, 1977.
--“In 1914 the world lost a coherence which it has not managed to recapture since. . . . This has been a time of extraordinary disorder and violence, both across national frontiers and within them.”—The Economist, London, August 4, 1979.
--“Civilization entered on a cruel and perhaps terminal illness in 1914.”—Frank Peters, St. Louis Post-Dispatch, January 27, 1980.
--“Everything would get better and better. This was the world I was born in. . . . Suddenly, unexpectedly, one morning in 1914 the whole thing came to an end.”—British statesman Harold Macmillan, The New York Times, November 23, 1980.
--THE INDIVIDUALS above hardly thought that those events prophesied by Jesus were BOUND TO HAPPEN!
2007-03-19 16:28:30
answer #6
answered by THA 5
There are over 300 prophesies concerning Jesus that has come to pass..I'll post them-sorry for the length:
Here goes....
365 Messianic Prophecies
The following is a list of prophecies from the Jewish scriptures that Jesus fulfilled.
1. Gen. 3:15.....Seed of a woman (virgin birth).....Luke 1:35, Mt 1:18-20
2. Gen. 3:15.....He will bruise Satan's head.....Heb. 2:14, 1 Jn. 3:18
3. Gen. 5:24....The bodily ascension to heaven illustrated....Mk. 6:19
4. Gen. 9:26-27...The God of Shem will be the Son of Shem...Lu. 3:36
5. Gen. 12:3...As Abraham's seed, will bless all nations...Acts. 3:25,26
6. Gen. 12:7...The Promise made to Abraham's Seed...Gal. 3:16
7. Gen. 14:18...A priest after Melchizedek...Heb. 6:20
8. Gen. 14:18........A King also........Heb. 7:2
9. Gen. 14:18...The Last Supper foreshadowed...Mt. 26:26-29
10. Gen. 17:19.......The Seed of Isaac.......Rom. 9:7
11. Genesis 21:12 ?Seed of Isaac?Romans 9:7, Hebrews 11:18
12. Gen. 22:8...The Lamb of God promised...Jn. 1:29
13. Gen. 22:18...As Isaac's seed, will bless all nations...Gal. 3:16
14. Gen.26:2-5..The Seed of Isaac promised as the Redeemer..Heb.11:18
15. Gen. 49:10...The time of His coming...Lu. 2:1-7; Gal. 4:4
16. Gen. 49:10.......The Seed of Judah.......Lu. 3:33
17. Gen. 49:10......Called Shiloh or One Sent......Jn. 17:3
18. Gen. 49:10...To come before Judah lost identity...Jn. 11:47-52
19. Gen. 49:10...To Him shall the obedience of the people be...Jn. 10:16
20. Ex. 3:13,14........The Great "I Am".......Jn. 4:26
21. Ex. 12:5...A Lamb without blemish...1 Pet. 1:19
22. Ex. 12:13...The blood of the Lamb saves from wrath...Rom. 5:8
23. Ex. 12:21-27...Christ is our Passover...1 Cor. 5;7
24. Ex. 12:46...Not a bone of the Lamb to be broken...Jn. 19:31-36
25. Exodus 13:2?Blessing to first born son?Luke 2:23
26. Ex. 15:2...His exaltation predicted as Yeshua...Acts 7:55,56
27. Ex. 15:11...His Character-Holiness...Luke 1:35; Acts 4:27
28. Ex. 17:6...The Spiritual Rock of Israel...1 Cor. 10;4
29. Ex. 33:19...His Character-Merciful...Lu. 1:72
30. Lev.14:11...The leper cleansed-Sign to priesthood..Lu.5:12-14; Acts 6:7
31. Lev.16:15-17...Prefigures Christ's once-for-all death...Heb. 9:7-14
32. Lev.16:27...Suffering outside the Camp...Mt. 27:33; Heb. 13:11, 12
33. Lev.17:11...The Blood-the life of the flesh...Mt. 26;28; Mk. 10:45
34. Lev.17:11...It is the blood that makes atonement...1 Jn. 3:14-18
35. Lev.23:36-37...The Drink-offering: "If any man thirst." ..Jn. 19:31-36
36. Num. 9:12...Not a bone of Him broken...John 19:31-36
37. Num. 21:9...The serpent on a pole-Christ lifted up...Jn. 3:14-18
38. Numbers 24:8? Flight to Egypt?Matthew 2:14
39. Num. 24:17...Time: "I shall see him, but not now."...Gal. 4:4
40. Numbers 24:17-19?A star out of Jacob?Matthew 2:2, Luke 1:33,78, Revelation 22:16
41. Deut. 18:15..."This is of a truth that prophet."...Jn. 6:14
42. Deut. 18:15-16..."Had ye believed Moses, ye would believe me."...Jn. 5:45-47
43. Deut. 18:18...Sent by the Father to speak His word...Jn. 8:28, 29
44. Deut. 18:19...Whoever will not hear must bear his sin...Jn. 12:15
45. Deuteronomy 21:13-23?As a prophet?John 6:14; 7:40, Acts 3:22,23
46. Deut. 21:23...Cursed is he that hangs on a tree...Gal. 3:10-13
47. Ruth 4:4-9...Christ, our kinsman, has redeemed us...Eph. 1:3-7
48. 1 Sam. 2:10...Shall be an anointed King to the Lord...Mt. 28:18; Jn. 12:15
49. 2 Sam. 7:12...David's Seed...Mt. 1:1
50. 2 Sam. 7:14a...The Son of God... Lu. 1:32
51. 2 Sam. 7:16...David's house established forever...Lu. 3:31; Rev. 22:16
52. 2 Samuel 23:2-4?would be the ?Rock??1 Corinthians 10:4
53. 2 Samuel 23:2-4?would be as the ?light of the morning??Revelation 22:16
54. 2 Ki. 2:11...The bodily ascension to heaven illustrated...Lu. 24:51
55. 1 Chr. 17:11...David's Seed...Mt. 1:1; 9:27
56. 1 Chr. 17:12, 13a...To reign on David's throne forever...Lu. 1:32, 33
57. 1 Chr. 17:13a..."I will be His Father, Son."...Heb. 1:5
58. Job 19:23-27...The Resurrection predicted...Jn. 5:24-29
59. Psa. 2:1-3...The enmity of kings foreordained...Acts 4:25-28
60. Psa. 2:2...To own the title, Anointed (Christ)...Acts 2:36
61. Ps. 2:6...His Character-Holiness...Jn. 8:46; Rev. 3:7
62. Ps. 2:6...To own the title King...Mt. 2:2
63. Ps. 2:7...Declared the Beloved Son...Mt. 3:17
64. Psa. 2:7, 8...The Crucifixion and Resurrection intimated...Acts 13:29-33
65. Psa. 2:12...Life comes through faith in Him...Jn. 20:31
66. Psa. 8:2...The mouths of babes perfect His praise...Mt. 21:16
67. Psa. 8:5, 6...His humiliation and exaltation...Lu. 24:50-53; 1 Cor. 15:27
68. Psa. 16:10...Was not to see corruption...Acts 2:31
69. Psa. 16:9-11...Was to arise from the dead...Jn. 20:9
70. Psa. 17;15...The resurrection predicted...Lu. 24:6
71. Psa. 22:1...Forsaken because of sins of others...2 Cor. 5:21
72. Psa. 22:1...Words spoken from Calvary, "My God..." Mk. 15:34
73. Psa. 22:2...Darkness upon Calvary...Mt. 27:45
74. Psa. 22:7...They shoot out the lip and shake the head...Mt. 27:39
75. Psa. 22:8.." He trusted in God, let Him deliver Him "...Mt. 27:43
76. Psa. 22:9......Born the Saviour......Lu. 2:7
77. Psa. 22:14...Died of a broken (ruptured) heart...Jn. 19:34
78. Psa. 22:14,15...Suffered agony on Calvary...Mk. 15:34-37
79. Psa. 22:15........He thirsted........Jn. 19:28
80. Psa. 22:16...They pierced His hands and His feet....Jn. 19:34,37;20:27
81. Psa. 22:17,18...Stripped Him before the stares of men...Lu. 23:34,35
82. Psa. 22:18.....They parted His garments.....Jn. 19:23,24
83. Psa. 22:20,21...He committed Himself to God...Lu.23:46
84. Psa. 22:20,21..Satanic power bruising the Redeemer's heel..Heb. 2:14
85. Psa. 22:22.....His Resurrection declared.....Jn. 20:17
86. Psa. 22:27...He shall be the governor of the nations...Col 1:16
87. Psa. 22:31......"It is finished"......Jn. 19:30
88. Psa. 23:1...."I am the Good Shepherd"....Jn. 10:11
89. Psa. 24:3......His exaltation predicted......Acts 1:11; Phil. 2:9
90. Psa. 27:12?Accused by false witnesses?Matthew 26:60,61, Mark 14:57,58
91. Psa. 30:3......His resurrection predicted......Acts 2:32
92. Psa. 31:5..."Into thy hands I commit my spirit"...Lu. 23:46
93. Psa. 31:11...His acquaintances fled from Him...Mk. 14:50
94. Psa. 31:13...They took counsel to put Him to death...Jn. 11:53
95. Psa. 31:14,15..." He trusted in God, let Him deliver him"...Mt. 27:43
96. Psa. 34:20.....Not a bone of Him broken.....Jn 19:31-36
97. Psa. 35:11....False witnesses rose up against Him....Mt. 26:59
98. Psa. 35:19...He was hated without a cause...Jn. 15:25
99. Psa. 38:11.....His friends stood afar off.....Lu. 23:49
100. Psa. 40:2-5...The joy of His resurrection predicted...Jn. 20:20
101. Psa. 40:6-8....His delight-the will of the Father....Jn. 4:34
102. Psa. 40:9....He was to preach the Righteousness in Israel....Mt. 4:17
103. Psa. 40:14...Confronted by adversaries in the Garden...Jn.
104. Psa. 41:9.....Betrayed by a familiar friend.....Jn. 13:18
105. Psa. 45:2...Words of Grace come from His lips...Lu. 4:22
106. Psa. 45:6...To own the title, God or Elohim...Heb. 1:8
107. Psa. 45:7...A special anointing by the Holy Spirit...Mt.3:16; Heb.1:9
108. Psa. 45:7,8...Called the Christ (Messiah or Anointed)...Lu. 2:11
109. Psalms 49-15?His Resurrection?Acts 2:27; 13:35, Mark 16:6
110. Psa. 55:12-14...Betrayed by a friend, not an enemy...Jn. 13:18
111. Psa. 55:15...Unrepentant death of the Betrayer...Mt. 27:3-5; Acts 1:16-19
112. Psa. 68:18...To give gifts to men...Eph. 4:7-16
113. Psa. 68:18...Ascended into Heaven...Lu. 24:51
114. Psa. 69:4...Hated without a cause...Jn. 15:25
115. Psa. 69:8...A stranger to own brethren...Lu. 8;20,21
116. Psa. 69:9...Zealous for the Lord's House...Jn. 2:17
117. Psa. 69:14-20...Messiah's anguish of soul before crucifixion...Mt. 26:36-45
118. Psa. 69:20..."My soul is exceeding sorrowful."...Mt. 26:38
119. Psa. 69:21...Given vinegar in thirst...Mt. 27:34
120. Psa. 69:26...The Saviour given and smitten by God...Jn. 17:4; 18:11
121. Psa. 72:10,11...Great persons were to visit Him...Mt. 2:1-11
122. Psa. 72:16...The corn of wheat to fall into the Ground...Jn. 12:24
123. Psa. 72:17...His name, Yinon, will produce offspring...Jn. 1:12,13
124. Psa. 72:17...All nations shall be blessed by Him...Acts 2:11,12,41
125. Psa. 78:1.2...He would teach in parables...Mt. 13:34-35
126. Psa. 78:2b...To speak the Wisdom of God with authority...Mt. 7:29
127. Psa. 88:8...They stood afar off and watched...Lu. 23:49
128. Psa. 89:26...Messiah will call God His Father...Matthew 11:27
129. Psa. 89:27...Emmanuel to be higher than earthly kings...Lu. 1:32,33
130. Psa. 89:35-37...David's Seed, throne, kingdom endure forever...Lu. 1:32,33
131. Psa. 89:36-37...His character-Faithfulness...Rev. 1:5
132. Psa. 90:2...He is from everlasting (Micah 5:2)...Jn. 1:1
133. Psa. 91:11,12...Identified as Messianic; used to tempt Christ...Lu. 4;10,11
134. Psa. 97:9...His exaltation predicted...Acts 1:11;Eph. 1:20
135. Psa. 100:5...His character-Goodness...Mt. 19:16,17
136. Psa. 102:1-11...The Suffering and Reproach of Calvary...Jn. 21:16-30
137. Psalms 102:16?Son of Man comes in Glory?Luke 21:24
Revelation 12:5-10
138. Psa. 102:25-27...Messiah is the Preexistent Son...Heb. 1:10-12
139. Psalms 109:4?Prays for His enemies?Luke 23:34
140. Psalms 109:7,8?Another to succeed Judas?Acts 1:16-20
141. Psa. 109:25...Ridiculed...Mt. 27:39
142. Psa. 110:1...Son of David...Mt. 22:43
143. Psa. 110:1...To ascend to the right-hand of the Father...Mk.16:19
144. Psa. 110:1...David's son called Lord...Mt. 22:44,45
145. Psa. 110:4...A priest after Melchizedek's order...Heb. 6:20
146. Psa. 112:4...His character-Compassionate, Gracious, et al... Mt. 9;36
147. Psa. 118:17,18...Messiah's Resurrection assured...Lu. 24:5-7;1 Cor. 15:20
148. Psa. 118:22,23...The rejected stone is Head of the corner...Mt. 21:42,43
149. Psa. 118:26a...The Blessed One presented to Israel...Mt. 21:9
150. Psa. 118:26b...To come while Temple standing...Mt. 21;12-15
151. Psa. 132:11...The Seed of David (the fruit of His Body)...Lu. 1:32
152. Psa. 138:1-6...The supremacy of David's Seed amazes kings... Mt. 2:2-6
153. Psa. 147:3,6...The earthly ministry of Christ described...Lu. 4:18
154. Psa. 1:23...He will send the Spirit of God... Jn. 16;7
155. Proverbs 8:22-23?The Messiah would be from everlasting?John 17:5
156. Proverbs 30:4?Declared to be the Son of God?John 3:13, Romans 1:2-4, 10:6-9, 2 Peter 1:17
157. Song. 5:16...The altogether lovely One...Jn. 1:17
158. Isaiah 2:2-4?Repentance for the nations?Luke 24:47
159. Isaiah 4:2?Messiah reigning
160. Isa. 5:1-6?Son of God?s vineyard: a parable of judgement
161. Isa. 6:1...When Isaiah saw His glory... Jn. 12:40-41
162. Isa. 6:9-10...Parables fall on deaf ears...Mt. 13:13-15
163. Isa. 6:9-12...Blinded to Christ and deaf to His words...Acts. 28:23-29
164. Isa. 7:14...To be born of a virgin...Lu. 1:35
165. Isa. 7:14...To be Emmanuel-God with us... Mt. 1:18-23
166. Isa. 8:8...Called Emmanuel...Mt. 28:20
167. Isa. 8:14...A stone of stumbling, a Rock of offense... 1 Pet. 2:8
168. Isa. 9:1,2...His ministry to begin in Galilee...Mt. 4:12-17
169. Isa. 9:6...A child born-Humanity...Lu. 1:31
170. Isa. 9:6...A Son given-Deity...Lu. 1:32; Jn. 1;14; 1 Tim. 3:16
171. Isa. 9:6...Declared to be the Son of God with power... Rom. 1:3,4
172. Isa. 9:6...The Wonderful One, Peleh...Lu. 4:22
173. Isa. 9:6...The Counsellor, Yaatz...Mt. 13:54
174. Isa. 9:6...The Mighty God, El Gibor...Mt. 11:20
175. Isa. 9:6...The Everlasting Father, Avi Adth...Jn. 8:58
176. Isa. 9:6...The Prince of Peace, Sar Shalom...Jn . 16:33
177. Isa. 9:7...To establish an everlasting kingdom...Lu. 1:32-33
178. Isa. 9:7...His Character-Just...Jn. 5:30
179. Isa. 9:7...No end to his Government, Throne, and Peace...Lu. 1:32-33
180. Isa. 11:1...Called a Nazarene-the Branch, Netzer...Mt. 2:23
181. Isa. 11:1...A rod out of Jesse-Son of Jesse...Lu. 3:23,32
182. Isa. 11:2...The anointed One by the Spirit...Mt. 3;16,17
183. Isa. 11:2...His Character-Wisdom, Understanding, et al....Jn. 4:4-26
184. Isa. 11:4...His Character-Truth...Jn. 14:6
185. Isa. 11:10...The Gentiles seek Him...Jn. 12:18-21
186. Isa. 12:2...Called Jesus-Yeshua(salvation)...Mt. 1:21
187. Isaiah 16:4,5?Reigning in mercy?Luke 1:31-33
188. Isaiah 22:21-25?Peg in a sure place?Revelation 3:7
189. Isa. 25:8...The Resurrection predicted...I Cor. 15:54
190. Isa. 26:19...His power of Resurrection predicted...Jn. 11:43,44
191. Isa. 28:16...The Messiah is the precious corner stone...Acts 4:11,12
192. Isa. 29:13...He indicated hypocritical obedience to His Word...Mt. 15:7-9
193. Isa. 29:14...The wise are confounded by the Word...I Cor. 1:18-31
194. Isa. 32:2...A Refuge-A man shall be a hiding place...Mt. 23:37
195. Isa. 33:22?Son of the Highest?Luke 1:32; 1 Timothy 1:17 6:15
196. Isa. 35:4...He will come and save you...Mt. 1:21
197. Isa. 35:5...To have a ministry of miracles...Mt. 11:4-6
198. Isa. 40:3,4...Preceded by forerunner...Jn. 1:23
199. Isa. 40:9..."Behold your God."...Jn. 1:36;19:14
200. Isa. 40:11...A shepherd-compassionate life-giver...Jn. 10:10-18
201. Isa. 42:1-4...The Servant-as a faithful, patient redeemer... Mt.12:18-21
202. Isa. 42:2...Meek and lowly... Mt. 11:28-30
203. Isa. 42:3...He brings hope for the hopeless... Jn. 4
204. Isa. 42:4...The nations shall wait on His teachings... Jn. 12:20-26
205. Isa. 42:6...The Light (salvation) of the Gentiles...Lu. 2:32
206. Isa. 42:1,6...His is a Worldwide compassion... Mt. 28:19,20
207. Isa. 42:7...Blind eyes opened... Jn. 9:25-38
208. Isa. 42:13-25?Messiah?s actions at His second coming?Revelation
209. Isa. 43:11...He is the only Saviour... Acts. 4:12
210. Isa. 44:3...He will send the Spirit of God... Jn. 16:7,13
211. Isa. 45:23...He will be the Judge... Jn. 5:22;Rom. 14:11
212. Isa. 48:12...The First and the Last...Jn. 1:30;Rev. 1:8,17
213. Isa. 48:17...He came as a Teacher...Jn. 3:2
214. Isa. 49:1...Called from the womb-His humanity...Mt. 1:18
215. Isa. 49:5...A Servant from the womb...Lu. 1:31;Phil. 2:7
216. Isa. 49:6...He is Salvation for Israel...Lu. 2:29-32
217. Isa. 49:6...He is the Light of the Gentiles...Acts 13:47
218. Isa. 49:6...He is Salvation unto the ends of the earth... Acts 15:7-18
219. Isa. 49:7...He is despised of the Nation... Jn. 8:48-49
220. Isa. 50:3...Heaven is clothed in black at His humiliation... Lu. 23:44,45
221. Isa. 50:4...He is a learned counsellor for the weary... Mt. 11:28,29
222. Isa. 50:5...The Servant bound willingly to obedience... Mt. 26:39
223. Isa. 50:6a..."I gave my back to the smiters."... Mt. 27:26
224. Isa. 50:6b...He was smitten on the cheeks... Mt. 26:67
225. Isa. 50:6c...He was spat upon... Mt. 27:30
226. Isaiah 52:4-5?Suffered vicariously?Mark 15:3,4,27,28; Luke 23:1-25,32-34
227. Isa. 52:7...To publish good tidings of peace... Lu. 4:14,15
228. Isa. 52:13...The Servant exalted...Acts 1:8-11; Eph. 1:19-22
229. Isa. 52:13...Behold, My Servant... Mt. 17:5; Phil. 2:5-8
230. Isa. 52:14...The Servant shockingly abused... Lu. 18:31-34; Mt. 26:67,68
231. Isa. 52:15...Nations startled by message of the Servant... Rom. 15:18-21
232. Isa. 52:15...His blood shed to make atonement for all... Rev. 1:5
233. Isa. 53:1...His people would not believe Him... Jn. 12:37-38
234. Isa. 53:2a...He would grow up in a poor family.... Lu. 2:7
235. Isa. 53:2b...Appearance of an ordinary man... Phil. 2:7-8
236. Isa. 53:3a...Despised.... Lu. 4:28-29
237. Isa. 53:3b...Rejected... Mt. 27:21-23
238. Isa. 53:3c...Great sorrow and grief... Lu. 19:41-42
239. Isa. 53:3d...Men hide from being associated with Him... Mk. 14:50-52
240. Isa. 53:4a...He would have a healing ministry... Lu. 6:17-19
241. Isa. 53:4b...He would bear the sins of the world... 1 Pet. 2:24
242. Isa. 53:4c...Thought to be cursed by God... Mt. 27:41-43
243. Isa. 53:5a...Bears penalty for mankind's transgressions... Lu. 23:33
244. Isa. 53:5b...His sacrifice would provide peace between man and God... Col. 1:20
245. Isa. 53:5c...His back would be whipped... Mt. 27:26
246. Isa. 53:6a...He would be the sin-bearer for all mankind...Gal. 1:4
247. Isa. 53:6b...God's will that He bear sin for all mankind... 1 Jn. 4:10
248. Isa. 53:7a...Oppressed and afflicted... Mt. 27:27-31
249. Isa. 53:7b...Silent before his accusers... Mt. 27:12-14
250. Isa. 53:7c...Sacrificial lamb... Jn. 1:29
251. Isa. 53:8a...Confined and persecuted... Mt. 26:47-27:31
252. Isa. 53:8b...He would be judged... Jn. 18:13-22
253. Isa. 53:8c...Killed.... Mt. 27:35
254. Isa. 53:8d...Dies for the sins of the world... 1 Jn. 2:2
255. Isa. 53:9a...Buried in a rich man's grave... Mt. 27:57
256. Isa. 53:9b...Innocent and had done no violence... Mk. 15:3
257. Isa. 53:9c...No deceit in his mouth... Jn. 18:38
258. Isa. 53:10a...God's will that He die for mankind... Jn. 18:11
259. Isa. 53:10b...An offering for sin... Mt. 20:28
260. Isa. 53:10c...Resurrected and live forever.... Mk. 16:16
261. Isa. 53:10d...He would prosper... Jn. 17:1-5
262. Isa. 53:11a...God fully satisfied with His suffering... Jn. 12:27
263. Isa. 53:11b...God's servant... Rom. 5:18-19
264. Isa. 53:11c...He would justify man before God... Rom. 5:8-9
265. Isa. 53:11d...The sin-bearer for all mankind... Heb. 9:28
266. Isa. 53:12a...Exalted by God because of his sacrifice... Mt. 28:18
267. Isa. 53:12b...He would give up his life to save mankind... Lu. 23:46
268. Isa. 53:12c...Grouped with criminals... Lu. 23:32
269. Isa. 53:12d...Sin-bearer for all mankind... 2 Cor. 5:21
270. Isa. 53:12e...Intercede to God in behalf of mankind... Lu. 23:34
271. Isaiah 55:1?Every one come who is thirsty?New Testament
272. Isa. 55:3...Resurrected by God... Acts 13:34
273. Isa. 55:4...A witness... Jn. 18:37
274. Isa. 55:5?Foreign nations come to God?Acts
275. Isa. 59:15-16a...He would come to provide salvation... Jn. 6:40
276. Isa. 59:15-16b...Intercessor between man and God... Mt. 10:32
277. Isa. 59:20...He would come to Zion as their Redeemer... Lu. 2:38
278. Isaiah 60:1-3?Nations walk in the light?Luke 2:32
279. Isa. 61:1-2a...The Spirit of God upon him... Mt. 3:16-17
280. Isa. 61:1-2b...The Messiah would preach the good news... Lu. 4:17-21
281. Isa. 61:1-2c...Provide freedom from the bondage of sin and death... Jn. 8:31-32
282. Isa. 61:1-2...Proclaim a period of grace... Jn. 5:24
283. Isaiah 62:1-2?Called by an new name?Luke 2:32, Revelation 3:12
284. Isaiah 62:11?Thy King Cometh, Entered Jerusalem on Colt?Matthew 21:7
285. Isaiah 63:1-3?A vesture dipped in blood?Revelation 19:13
286. Isaiah 63:8,9?Afflicted with the afflicted?Matthew 25:34-40
287. Isaiah 65:9?The elect shall inherit?Romans 11 5-7, Hebrews 7:14, Revelation 5:5
288. Isaiah 65:17-25?New heaven/New Earth?2 Peter 3:13, Revelation 21:1
289. Isa. 66:18-19?All nations come to God?New Testament
290. Jer.23:5-6a...Descendant of David...Lu. 3:23-31
291. Jer. 23:5-6b...The Messiah would be God... Jn. 13:13
292. Jer. 23:5-6c...The Messiah would be both God and Man... 1 Tim. 3:16
293. Jeremiah 30:9?Born a King?John 18:37, Revelation 1:5
294. Jeremiah 31:15?Massacre of infants?Matthew 2:16-18
295. Jer. 31:22...Born of a virgin... Mt. 1:18-20
296. Jer. 31:31...The Messiah would be the new covenant... Mt. 26:28
297. Jer. 33:14-15...Descendant of David... Lu. 3:23-31
298. Eze.17:22-24...Descendant of David... Lk. 3:23-31
299. Ezekiel 21:26,27?The humble exalted?Luke 1:52
300. Eze.34:23-24...Descendant of David... Mt. 1:1
301. Daniel 2:34-35...Stone cut without hands...Acts 4:10-12
302. Daniel 2:44,45...His Kingdom Triumphant...Luke 1:33, 1 Corinthians 15:24, Revelation 11:15
303. Dan. 7:13-14a...He would ascend into heaven... Acts 1:9-11
304. Dan. 7:13-14b...Highly exalted... Eph. 1:20-22
305. Dan. 7:13-14c...His dominion would be everlasting... Lu. 1:31-33
306. Daniel 7:27...Kingdom for the Saints...Luke 1:33, 1 Corinthians 15:24, Revelation 11:15
307. Dan. 9:24a...To make an end to sins... Gal. 1:3-5
308. Dan. 9:24b...He would be holy... Lu. 1:35
309. Dan. 9:25...Announced to his people 483 years, to the exact day, after the decree to rebuild the city of Jerusalem... Jn. 12:12-13
310. Dan. 9:26a...Killed... Mt. 27:35
311. Dan. 9:26b...Die for the sins of the world... Heb. 2:9
312. Dan. 9:26c...Killed before the destruction of the temple... Mt. 27:50-51
313. Dan. 10:5-6...Messiah in a glorified state... Rev. 1:13-16
314. Hosea 3:5...Israel restored...John 18:37, Romans 11:25-27
315. Hosea 11:1, Numbers 24:8...Flight to Egypt...Matthew 2:14
316. Hosea 13:14...He would defeat death... 1 Cor. 15:55-57
317. Joel 2:28-32...Promise of the Spirit...Acts 2:17-21, Romans 10:13
318. Joel 2:32...Offer salvation to all mankind... Rom. 10:12-13
319. Micah 2:12-13...Israel Regathered...John 10:14,26
320. Micah 4:1-8...The Kingdon established place of Birth Bethlehem...Luke 1:33, Matthew 2:1, Luke 2:4,10,11
321. Mic. 5:2a...Born in Bethlehem... Mt. 2:1-2
322. Mic. 5:2b...God's servant... Jn. 15:10
323. Mic. 5:2c...From everlasting... Jn. 8:58
324. Hag. 2:6-9...He would visit the second Temple... Lu. 2:27-32
325. Hag. 2:23...Descendant of Zerubbabel... Lu. 3:23-27
326. Joel 2:28-32...Promise of the Spirit...Acts 2:17-21, Romans 10:13
327. Amos 8:9...The Sun Darkened...Matthew 24:29, Acts 2:20, Revelation 6:12
328. Amos 9:11-12...Restoration of tabernacle...Acts 14:16-18
329. Habakkuk 2:14...Earth filled with knowledge of the glory of the Lord...Romans 11:26, Revelation 21:23-26
330. Zechariah 2:10-13...The Lamb on the Throne...Revelation 5:13, 6:9, 21:24
331. Zech. 3:8...God's servant... Jn. 17:4
332. Zech. 6:12-13...Priest and King... Heb. 8:1
333. Zech. 9:9a...Greeted with rejoicing in Jerusalem... Mt. 21:8-10
334. Zech. 9:9b...Beheld as King... Jn. 12:12-13
335. Zech. 9:9c...The Messiah would be just... Jn. 5:30
336. Zech. 9:9d...The Messiah would bring salvation... Luke 19:10
337. Zech. 9:9e...The Messiah would be humble... Mt. 11:29
338. Zech. 9:9f...Presented to Jerusalem riding on a donkey... Mt. 21:6-9
339. Zech. 10:4...The cornerstone... Eph. 2:20
340. Zech. 11:4-6a...At His coming, Israel to have unfit leaders... Mt. 23:1-4
341. Zech. 11:4-6b...Rejection causes God to remove His protection.. Lu. 19:41-44
342. Zech. 11:4-6c...Rejected in favor of another king... Jn. 19:13-15
343. Zech. 11:7...Ministry to "poor," the believing remnant... Mt. 9:35-36
344. Zech. 11:8a...Unbelief forces Messiah to reject them... Mt. 23:33
345. Zech. 11:8b...Despised... Mt. 27:20
346. Zech. 11:9...Stops ministering to the those who rejected Him... Mt. 13:10-11
347. Zech. 11:10-11a...Rejection causes God to remove protection... Lu. 19:41-44
348. Zech. 11:10-11b...The Messiah would be God... Jn. 14:7
349. Zech. 11:12-13a...Betrayed for thirty pieces of silver... Mt. 26:14-15
350. Zech. 11:12-13b...Rejected... Mt. 26:14-15
351. Zech. 11:12-13c...Thirty pieces of silver thrown into the house of the Lord... Mt. 27:3-5
352. Zech. 11:12-13d...The Messiah would be God... Jn. 12:45
353. Zech. 12:10a...The Messiah's body would be pierced... Jn. 19:34-37
354. Zech. 12:10b...The Messiah would be both God and man... Jn. 10:30
355. Zech. 12:10c...The Messiah would be rejected... Jn. 1:11
356. Zech. 13:7a...God's will He die for mankind... Jn. 18:11
357. Zech. 13:7b...A violent death... Mt. 27:35
358. Zech. 13:7c...Both God and man.. Jn. 14:9
359. Zech. 13:7d...Israel scattered as a result of rejecting Him... Mt. 26:31-56
360. Mal. 3:1a...Messenger to prepare the way for Messiah... Mt. 11:10
361. Mal. 3:1b...Sudden appearance at the temple... Mk. 11:15-16
362. Mal. 3:1c...Messenger of the new covenant... Lu. 4:43
363. Malachi 3:3...Our Sins Are Purged...Luke 1:78, John 1:9; 12:46, 2 Peter 1:19, Revelation 2:28; 19:11-16; 22:16
364. Mal. 4:5...Forerunner in the spirit of Elijah... Mt. 3:1-2
365. Mal. 4:6...Forerunner would turn many to righteousness... Lu. 1:16-17
2007-03-19 15:52:45
answer #7
answered by Jeanmarie 7