So long as they are over the minimum age limit, they can gamble like the rest of us.
2007-03-19 07:36:38
answer #1
answered by Oliver T4 4
Not a chance. Ultimately martial arts trains a person to understand confrontation and himself/herself better. It's about being the best person you can be, not being the biggest bully on the block.
If you've watched uTube lately check out the Gracie's videos dating back from the 70's or earlier, they beat pretty much ever style ever created, but even they have been bested in the ring over time.
There is no one answer for eveything. Any given fighter can win a figth if it's his/her day but the best result is not to fight at all, escpecially when there are no rules. Learn other ways to manage your feelings and find ways to get along in life not fight an up hill battle.
Guys and gals that think the fist is the only communication tool always end up in prison, jobless, toothless and ultimately broken, fights take their toll.
Stay safe and practice the martial art that fits you physically and mentally the best. There are many wonderful arts to choose from so have fun and enjoy every workout.
2007-03-19 09:51:07
answer #2
answered by KennyJitFu 5
you should never train in karate (or any art, for that matter,) solely for the reason of beating someone. the best fight is the one not fought. and no, it does not mean that you can beat anyone. you cannot be a successful fighter by studying one art alone. each has different stregnths and weaknesses. and you guys need to learn how to spell. it's beat, and it's break, not brake.
2007-03-19 08:51:39
answer #3
answered by rockr94 2
If you mean beat anyone no, karate just gives you a better chance then an untrained fighter.
2007-03-19 07:55:04
answer #4
answered by Ray H 7
I don't think so they fight by being affected by some dirty power. I saw a slow motion about how karate fighters brake bricks with their hands, and I saw that they didn't touch the brick. So who broke the brick instead of them I think it's something related to yoga or dirty power.
2007-03-19 07:35:06
answer #5
answered by Siberia 2
If you try Las Vegas you'll have better chances at betting people. Better odds too.
2007-03-19 09:00:46
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
People who don't know martial arts can bet anyone.
2007-03-19 07:32:53
answer #7
answered by surffsav 5
beat anyone no but abale to defend them self agianst the average man yes
2007-03-19 08:42:47
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
No, they just enter the fight more informed. Everyone can be beat.
2007-03-22 08:55:07
answer #9
answered by fightingdragons2001 2