No there isn't. But heaven help you if you say there isn't!
2007-03-19 06:48:24
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
ur right... every child is born free of religion, but it is more referring to the type of family they were born into... I was born into a Christian family... my friend a Mormon family... a drama person I know into a Hindu family... there isn't a Christian child, or a Muslim child until they make the decision to follow in the faith of the family... unless you're talking about Christianity, because when you become saved then you become a child of God, whether or not you are, as society sees, a child... you could 100 and still be a child of God...
No child is born an athiest because when you say that ur an athiest, you are saying that u are choosing not to choose a religion, babies cannot choose to be anything, so they are nothing until they make the decision to do so...
2007-03-26 10:38:56
answer #2
answered by Marie 3
It is written in John 1 that every child brought forth has seen the Light of Truth. So as babies, Gods light shines on them at birth & when they take their first breath. No child is born an atheist. And each child has their guardian angels also.
Circumcising babies is a commandment of God to Abraham, a covenant between God and the seed of Abraham. & the promised Messiah, Savior of the World, would be born from the seed of Abraham, Isaac & Jacob.
Many children can be abused when being raised up by evil parents.
2007-03-19 06:59:46
answer #3
answered by LottaLou 7
EVERY child is a MUSLIM by birth!! The verse No. 30 of the Surah No. 30 of the Quran says that religion is nothing but the NATURE in which human beings were created. The prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) said that each human child is a Muslim until its parents impose Christianity or Jewism on it.
Please see the referenced verse in the Quran now. God says: in the Quran I have not said anything that I did not say before. So there's really nothing new in religion if there is nothing new in NATURE. Religion is one's point of CONCENTRATION. In this sense even a so-called atheist also has a religion. If it were not true, then God would not say in the Quran: Lakum deenukum walyadeen....for you is your religion, for me mine. If there could be a state of mind without any religion at all, then God would say instead: I have a religion, but you have none.
For a scientific definition of RELIGION, NOT from the point of view of any traditional or accepted velief system, SEE:
2007-03-26 23:35:07
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
No, it's not child abuse. It's simply upbringing. Everyone shares what they know with their children. Religion is a choice made by everyone. I know people that grew up in Christian homes that are not Christians, and people who did not and today are Pastors.
Everyone will have a god. That could be Jesus, Allah, Themselves, TV, Food, etc. Humans will worship the most incomprehensible things and it is all a choice. So, you should only hope they have parents to teach them the right things.
Therefore, wouldn't you want a child to be raised by parents who teach him/her good moral values? Teach him/her to worship a god that does not lead to destruction, does not parish, but is eternal and gives them hope so great it helps them conquer death?
For the record, Children are born simple and without comprehension. They are definitely not born Atheists, because they have to believe without understanding that they will be nourished and cared. It is by faith alone that they breathe the next breath. It is by faith alone that they trust the hands that carry them. It is by love alone that they will accept their mother's nurturing. An Atheist has no faith.
2007-03-19 07:00:07
answer #5
answered by stranger2ooo 3
philosophy would tell you that-- in the norm -- most people are born with an innate desire to seek a God. But the sin nature takes over and God is denied a place in your life. Fortunately, a patent can reinforce God in the life of a child. Then nurture a child to grow into a full person with the knowledge of God.
2007-03-25 07:22:51
answer #6
answered by j.wisdom 6
Every child eventually decides for himself. There are many forms of child abuse, this is not one of them. Is it child abuse to tell a child santa or the easter bunny is real (when we know that is a LIE)? Parents who teach their kids about religion at least believe they are teaching them the truth, whether or not others believe it is or not. They are hoping to enrich their children's lives, which is better than lettting them only learn the things the world has to teach- violence, hatred, materialism, sexism, etc. Peace to you.
2007-03-25 05:25:14
answer #7
answered by Susan H 3
It is true that a child is born free of religion,but if they are told that a certain religion is the truth day in day out they will grow to believe it.
2007-03-27 00:00:19
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
I know one Christian Child personally... This Girl is 11 and is firm in her understanding of God's Word and Will for her. Yes, she was raised by Christian parents. But she made a conscious choice at the age of 10 to commit her life to God. Her life and belief are genuine... she is not related to me but I have witnessed her growing, both in age and Faith for 7 yrs... she is a True Christian... Brain washing had nothing to do with her acceptance... I was her Sunday school teacher and I can tell you she questioned every thing... Then she went out in a field and sat and talked to God one day and made her own personal relationship with him... I know she will not stay in our congrigation when she leaves her parents home. I am the only one who knows this besides her... she has differences with some practices... but her "Christianity" is not in doubt... she is, and will be for eternity, a true Child of God.
No one is "born" a Christian... and no one can be forced into being a Christian... it must be a personal choice... one-on-one with God... no other way.
2007-03-19 07:00:14
answer #9
answered by idahomike2 6
Absolutely correct, children have no religious beliefs until their parents give them theirs. The best thing for a child is to raise them to learn about different faiths, and why some don't believe in any faiths, and when they're old enough make their own choice about what to believe. That's how I plan to raise my child when I have one.
2007-03-19 07:00:38
answer #10
answered by eviltruitt 4
I'm inclined to think that wondering about our origins (and the origins of the world around us) is more of an adult thing than a child thing. So, with that in mind, I wouldn't expect children to have ideas about gods unless and until they have adults introducing them to them. In that sense I would think that all children are by nature atheists.
2007-03-19 06:52:42
answer #11
answered by Anonymous