My grandma scared me this morning. Well...usually I never snore...and today at 4am she shook me and woke me up saying "you're snoring!! get out of this depression, you're slowly killing yourself, you're snoring!!" (mind you, shes VERY old-school) and it scared me because I didn't think snoring was bad...and this is the first time its happened. Then again, last night I wore a super tight that might have something to do with lack of oxygen but can't die from snoring right? I mean guys do it all the time. Then she says I'm overweight...and how I need to stop drinking soda and eating sugar & I've been oversleeping purposely since theres nothing to do at home, I'll force myself to sleep when I don't have to. It sucks. But yeah, anyone out there to answer my question?
9 answers
asked by
Liya J
➔ Other - Health
God, no. And the bra had nothing to do with it, either.
Snoring is NOT caused by depression and you aren't going to die from snoring. Sleep apnea can cause you to stop breathing, but just because your snore, doesn't mean you have sleep apnea. You should try some Breathe-Right strips first.
Here is great information on snoring---the actual TRUTH:
2007-03-19 06:23:09
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Stop Snoring Sleep Apnea Forever
2016-04-22 04:31:03
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Can You Die From Snoring
2016-10-14 01:31:52
answer #3
answered by mcquilkin 4
If you are overweight snoring could be an indication of obstructive sleep apnea. During the night that means you constantly stop breathing for brief periods of time.
There are different types of sleep apnea, but I doubt the obstructive type from being overweight probably isn't fatal. The problem is you are not getting enough sleep and have lower oxygen in your blood, making you tired during the day. It also sounds like you are depressed, which may even be caused by the apnea.
I suggest seeing your doctor to order a sleep study to determine if you actually stop breathing while you sleep. If the sleep study comes back normal, I would consider taking an antidepressant, again see your doctor.
2007-03-19 06:29:45
answer #4
answered by David 2
Stop Snoring Sleep Apnea Forever -
2016-03-10 01:13:22
answer #5
answered by ? 3
you can definitely die from snoring. i almost killed someone last night for snoring so loudly i couldn't sleep. just lock your bedroom door at night so no one can get in.
ps i think your grandma is just disappointed in you for not making better use of your time, or meeting other expectations she has for you. she was trying not to let it bother her too much, but then you started snoring, she couldn't sleep, and she was lying in bed thinking how annoying you were. when she couldn't take it anymore, she attacked.
but the whole snoring thing was a scapegoat. there is no health-related reason not to do it, unless you have sleep apnea or something.
tell grams to get a life. or some earplugs. or laid.
2007-03-19 06:27:40
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
i doubt it, my hubby has been snoring for as long as I've known him, 49 years, and he snores as soon as his eyes close and nothing has happened to him, not that i want something to happen, yes, your nan is old school so try not to worry, there are strips at the drug stores that you put across the bridge of your nose when you're sleeping an they say they work, I've never tried them, don't worry an just try humoring your nan, I'm sure she means well and is just worried about you. have a great day!!
2007-03-19 06:27:59
answer #7
answered by snookieoo3 5
snoring is a symptom of sleep apena. that is when you stop breathing while sleeping. It can cause death. You can go to a sleep clinic and they can tell you wheather you have it or not.
2007-03-19 06:23:36
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Hey hun if you could die from snoring my brother wouldn't have made it past 16, i'm sure o.k. please forgive me for not keeping in contact with you i had a really ruff weekend. =(
2007-03-19 07:56:40
answer #9
answered by aphotic nostrum 4
0⤋ happens when you're all stuffed up or sumthin else, but it's perfectly natural, but my grandma used to tell my mom and her sisters that poking your bruises could give you who knows why???? but no worries
2007-03-19 06:34:10
answer #10
answered by MB 3