Intelligent design is just another name for creationism is just another way to say "screw science".
2007-03-19 05:03:06
answer #1
answered by Meg W 5
Some believe we all developed from some primordial soup. Ha! That is just absurd. Why have we not been able to recreate life from NOTHING then. We cannot manage to build anything without first using something that previously existed. Where did a Hydrogen atom come from? If an atom is made of protons, neutrons, & electrons, where did these 3 things come from? What makes up a proton? If we can figure that out, what makes up the objects that make a proton? It goes on and on...
Oh yeah, if anyone believes in the big bang, what started the big bang? Something had to put the events of the universe in motion. You cannot create something from nothing.
Gravitational Singularity
Based on Einstein's Theory of General Relativity, some believe that the Big Bang was produced by a gravitational singularity. Many physicists and astronomers believe that the universe is, and always has been, expanding. If this is true, then if we go back far enough in time, we eventually reach a time when the universe was infinitesimally small. When this size reaches zero, it is said to be a "gravitational singularity." According to this model, time began at the same "instant" that this singularity exploded in the Big Bang, so there was nothing "before" the Big Bang.
But where did this gravitational singularity come from? What caused time to begin?
Some say that there does not need to be a cause. We know it happened because we are here. But that answer is based on faith, not science.
The Big Bang is not science--it is an article of faith.
2007-03-19 05:05:09
answer #2
answered by Eric R 6
All the major churches (including the Vatican) have officially announced that evolution is fact ("A powerful explanatory force" to quote the bishop of Oxford) and that ID is not science and should not be taught in schools. It's just a group of Americans who still perpetuate the ridiculous psuedo-science and want it taught in schools as an "alternative" to science.
It really is as utterly absurd as to teach "Intelligent Falling" as an alternative to the theory of gravity.
It's no coincidence that Americans rank very lowly in our average understanding of evolution. In fact we are just above Turkey... Citizens from every other civilized country are ahead of us in their understanding of evolution - while we are uniquely ignorant on the subject. Once you actually understand what it is and how it works, it really is undeniable. The trouble though is that in America everyone *thinks* they understand it....
Evolution, by its very selective nature, would only result in life that was so well adapted that it appears designed... to a certain extent it was - but the "designer" was nature and the environment. As elegantly "designed" as life can be resulting from natural selection, there are still a number of flaws that an "intelligent and omniscient designer" would surely have corrected... for instance the human brain is this large resource hog that's so inefficiently big it kills 1 in 5 mothers who give birth without modern facilities. Also our genes are an imperfect and occasionally sloppy mechanism that usually results in a couple mutations.
However humans have a natural tendency to see design even when there isn't. This happened during the Cold War where Russian planes were found to use vacuum tubes and such instead of circuits which made them impervious to the EMP effects of a nuclear bomb. This was so well adapted to nuclear war that it put the government in a state of panic for years. It turns out that the Russians weren't technologically advanced enough or couldn't afford the more advanced hardware, but we saw design in that accident because it "appeared" designed intelligently.
2007-03-19 05:21:02
answer #3
answered by Mike K 5
There is no "vs." involved. Faith and science both reveal truth, and there cannot be any conflict between genuine truth revealed by one and genuine truth revealed by the other. Truth cannot conflict with truth. Science can examine the natural processes that shape our world without reference to who might have designed such processes. In fact, it must do so, for the idea of an intelligent designer falls utterly outside the purview of science. Faith on the other hand can recognize the hand of God in the design and implementation of such wondrous natural processes, without attacking the objective data that science provides. If your biblical interpretations contradict the plain and obvious truth as revealed by science, then you need to rethink your biblical interpretations - especially considering that they contradict not only the obvious facts revealed by science, but also the biblical exegesis of many other Christian groups. Stubbornly clinging to one's obviously flawed interpretations of Scripture in the face of irrefutable conflicting evidence, as though such interpretations were somehow infallible, is a plain rejection of genuine truth. Jesus said the truth would set us free. Therefore there is no reason to fear it.
2007-03-19 06:25:26
answer #4
answered by PaulCyp 7
ID is faith couched in something resembling scientific language. It is set up as an alternative to science, so I'd say ID vs. science.
2007-03-19 05:04:54
answer #5
answered by Doc Occam 7
Scientific method- is a body of techniques for investigating phenomena and acquiring new knowledge. It is based on gathering observable, empirical, measurable evidence, subject to specific principles of reasoning.
Using the Scientific method the:
Spontaneous generation has never been observed. All observations have shown that life comes only from life. This has been observed so consistently that it is called the law of biogenesis. The theory of evolution conflicts with the scientific law by claiming that life came from nonliving matter through natural process.
2007-03-19 05:42:13
answer #6
answered by keiichi 6
Intelligent (Design) is based on EVIDENCE.
(what's EVIDENT from EVIDENCE provided)
(True) Science is also based on EVIDENCE.
NOW FAITH is the EVIDENCE: Hebrews 11:
Evidence: these all DIED & rec'd NOT the promise.
Why? Perhaps because they did not do will of God.
Hebrews 10: Do it PRECEDES "receive the promise".
Hebrews 9: until law dead testator, grace of no "force".
Hebrews 8: law is so old & faulty it's "ready to vanish".
Hebrews 7: all law priests had this ending: Life + Death.
Hebrews 6: "leave the principles" to "go on unto perfection".
Hebrews 5: "both good and evil" notably ends badly: "evil".
Both good and evil is not meat, but rather the milk-y ways.
need I go all the way back to Hebrews 1 to make my point?
Law is good, but it's also evil, so it's "both good and evil".
ppl recovering from highs afterward speak of higher power.
higher than the heavens is neither of the law law "heavens".
POINT: "Grace" is neither of two "law"s in Mt 22 & Rom 8.
More Excellent: neither broadmindead nor narrowmindead.
The GRACE of our Lord Jesus Christ with you all. Amen.
2007-03-19 05:52:01
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
first of all, ID is creationism with a fur coat and lots of bling. secondly, creationism IS faith and is not separate from it. and thirdly, without the advances of science, you may not have been around to ask such a question in the first place!
2007-03-19 05:06:34
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
they are not answers to the same question!
Intelligent Design is apologetics for religious believers, to fit their belief with doesn't come from asking questions, but from knowing answers and resolving conflicts...
Science is just humans inquiring into the nature of existence, deepening their questions, and perceiving as much as possible with the intellect...
2007-03-19 05:04:14
answer #9
answered by sam_alot 2
ID = faith != science
Intelligent design is just the latest pseudo-scientific attempt by the religious right to invalidate evolution. If you're going to believe in ID, you might as well believe in the Flying Spaghetti Monster.
2007-03-19 05:01:39
answer #10
answered by Anonymous
ID is a Part of Science, and as such Faith is imminent for Survival.
2007-03-19 05:19:58
answer #11
answered by kumar 2