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I'm picking her up tomorrow, shes 6 weeks old. The problem is I have four more dogs: (chihuahua 2yrs old, german shepard mutt 2yrs old, terrier mutt 3yrs old, and a schnauzer 6yrs old). We have a house and a back yard. I've read alot about how they get bossy, but I read things about my other dogs and it just hasn't been true. Since she's a puppy...can I mold her to like my other dogs? They are all females....any advise?

2007-03-18 23:49:07 · 7 answers · asked by Ashes 2 in Pets Dogs

Our pocket book is fine, we're going to get a bigger house in two years...I'm mainly just concerned my other dogs are going to get aggressive..and not knowing their place...get hurt by this ACD down the line.

2007-03-19 00:05:30 · update #1

7 answers

Man, I wish I had grown up in a house like yours! LOL A dog for every taste :)

A good way to make sure she integrates well into your pack is to leave her for two more weeks with her mother. This is the age when mother dogs begin to teach "bite inhibition" and puppy manners to a pup.

Between 6-8 weeks is when the mother dog starts getting more firm with the pup and letting it know when it has crossed a line with her or another pup.

If your dog has learned some of these lessons from its dam it will integrate into your pack more smoothly. Dogs removed from their mothers too early are more likely to have issues with other dogs and dog aggression.

This is a reason why every breed club (that I know of ) discourages selling puppies younger than 8 weeks and why many states have made it illegal to sell a puppy under 8 weeks.

*****Teaching this pup when to back off when another dog sginals playtime is over ---or it is hurt---will be especially important in your household as you have a chihuahua.***

Not that getting a pup at 6 weeks is the end of the world, but your best bet would be to give her more time to start to learn her role--especially a working breed like a heeler.

Keep in mind that they are called heelers because they were bred to be working dogs which forcefully grip---bite--low on the leg of an animal they are trying to herd. They need to learn when and how to restrain their powerful jaws.

Here's a page on state laws so you can see if your state has a law about puppy age, in case you need info. before talking to the breeder.


I believe the American Cattle Dog Club of America's code of ethics also states that dogs should not be sold until 8 weeks.

I just found an ACD breeder page that might be of interest:


Read through the page and if you follow the link you will find a page that descibes (better than I did ) the benefits of keeping a pup with mom past 6 weeks.

Please make sure the breeder has health certifications for the parents and screened for hips (OFA) and PRA which causes blindess. By the way, if just one parent of the litter has had the Optigen test and is "Optigen A" then the puppy cannot be affected by PRA.

Best wishes and good luck with expanding your canine family.

2007-03-19 02:23:16 · answer #1 · answered by bookmom 6 · 0 0

Well, you have females and to be very honest with you, the term ***** has double meanings for a reason! Females, spayed or not, have a tendancy to be a little more high-strung and can get pissy about certain changes in their life. I wouldn't be concerned about the puppy as much as I'd be worried about your other four females getting pushy with the pup. Since the Heeler is so young, the chances of her suddenly getting defensive with dogs she grew up with are slim. You can always mold a dog that young to be what you want her to be. I'd also consider the fact you're about to have FIVE dogs, two of them being decently sized... Things are going to get real cramped real quick. Now, if you have a large house and a big pocketbook then more power to ya but you might want to consider the fact you're getting ready to add another expensive, high-mantainence (sp?) animal to your family.

2007-03-19 06:59:18 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

Blue heelers are working dogs and if they aren't herding, they need a lot of owner-lead exercise, they can become destructive and aggressive (dangerous) if they become bored. They are bred to herd and run all day and with no outlet, can become mischievious and destructive, they HAVE to be worked and will also become noisy,and dominant if they are not kept occupied.

It is a medium sized dog but with really high energy levels and overactive minds, they need to be kept occupied and an average backyard isn't enough. They need property and an appropriate outlet for their herding instincts. .They have a tendency to nip which is fine when herding cattle but not when dealing with humans.

They will tend to scuffle with other dogs to establish hierachy. You must establish pack order quickly and early or the heeler will bond with an older dog instead of you and this will mean loss of any control you have over the heeler. Training is essential with this breed and it must be done correctly and thoroughly.

They are naturally suspicious and wary and strangers may need to watch out if they approach the home of a heeler. They are ideal for cattle herding as they protect the property of the stockman, particularly their cattle.

They are strong in mind and body, independent but their protective and territorial traits mean they must be closely supervised around children as I have seen many horribly scarred with bites from these dogs. I have also seen smaller dogs mauled by cattle dogs simply because of their nature.

They are plagued with congenital disorders so if you do go ahead with getting one, ensure they are tested for eye ear, hip and elbow problems and certified clear.

If you can get them to bond with you, they can be loyal and loving companions but being naturally wary, that's not always an easy thing to accomplish.

2007-03-19 07:57:32 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

The Blue Healer would be a nice addition to your "pack" I would just pay attention to her need to "herd" the others may not take kindly to her nipping at their "hind paws!" You might want to consider getting her into some kind of competition, to keep her busy. You have allot of active breeds and adding one is fine, better invest in some good running shoes, I have a feeling your gonna need them!

2007-03-19 07:17:41 · answer #4 · answered by Beano 4 · 1 0

a blue heeler is a very good dog,, which we own a few over the years,, an we have on now,, yes they are a bit bossy lol,, but i guess thay way i love them,,,, we al so have a 15 running walker, which he make them stand a round,lol,, but if you have kids, they one of the best dogs to get,,,,, they a smaller dog, so i guess that why they get bossy, lol,,,

2007-03-19 06:59:42 · answer #5 · answered by ghostwalker077 6 · 1 0

Blue heelers are Australian cattle dogs and it their nature to be a little aggressive and unruly .But can also be good pet's if handles right.
You may find he wants to be the alpha dog of your pack. here is a site that maybe helpful

2007-03-19 06:58:23 · answer #6 · answered by tuppenybitz 7 · 1 0

Yes you can get the dog and train it to do well with the dogs you now have but I need to tell you that you may need to get a life and spend some time with people and not animals.

2007-03-19 07:00:19 · answer #7 · answered by Mike's D One 2 · 0 2

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