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33 answers

Premise: Every event has a cause
Premise: The universe has a beginning
Premise: All beginnings involve an event

Inference: This implies that the beginning of the universe involved an event
Inference: Therefore the beginning of the universe had a cause
Conclusion: The universe had a cause

For something to have caused the universe it must have existed outside of the universe and time. That First Cause could only have been an omnipotent supernatural agent, God.

Another argument is one from design:

1. The universe began to exist
2. The universe has complexity, order and fine-tuning
3. Complexity, order and fine-tuning imply design
4. Design that began to exist implies a designer
5. Therefore, the universe has a designer

Premise 1: See Big Bang theorem (Hawking, Penrose) All matter and time itself began at this moment
Premise 2: Universe has complex designs, e.g, cellular DNA, Laws of Physics, fine-tuning for life on earth, etc.
Premise 3: Nothing ordered can come from chaos, an orderer is required. Laws of Nature are often cited as counterexamples, yet these very Laws are themselves ordered.

Premise 4: Self evident. If something did not begin to exist, there is no beginner or designer

Thus, the universe has a designer, God.

Yet another:

1. If God does not exist, objective moral values do not exist.
2. Evil exists.
3. Therefore, objective values exist. (Some things are really evil.)
4. Therefore, God exists.

Another way to prove the existence of God is from the impossibility of the contrary. The transcendental proof for God's existence is that without Him it is impossible to prove anything.

Thus once I conclude logically that a designer, first cause, or higher moral authority exists, I must then look to evidence of this designer's will. After investigating, the bible appears to me to be the most reliable revelation of this Supreme Being. You can review the two links below for discussion about the reliability of the bible.

Accuracy of bible:

While all of my questions will never be definitively answered, I find that rationally my belief is on solid ground. There are many things in the world we do not fully understand or “see”, yet we have no problems in believing them. For example, solar physics is not fully known, yet we all objectively accept, using faith and scientific discourse, the "fact" that the sun will rise tomorrow.

Why is it we can believe in many things using rational analysis, even when what we believe is only partially known, yet when it comes to matters like a supreme being, we suddenly want the "show me beyond a shadow of doubt" proof? As Aristotle once stated, "It is the mark of an instructed mind to rest satisfied with the degree of precision which the nature of the subject admits, and not to seek exactness when only an approximation of the truth is possible."

Persons that seek absolute proof of something are inconsistently applying logic and rationality, for they do not seek this absoluteness in all things. Hence, their epistemologies are not fully formed; they speak without proper understanding of the nature of knowledge.

These persons must first take the time and formal study to answer the question: "What is the justification for the presuppositions informing your epistemology and ethical system?"

I have also taken the time to spend years in universities studying theology as well as science, so I could more fully understand what I have staked my eternal soul upon. I don't advocate everyone do this before making a decision one way or the other, but I do suggest folks go beyond some of the rhetoric in these forums, the media, and elsewhere, so they can be more grounded in their beliefs. These and more are the reasons I believe in God.

2007-03-18 21:25:01 · answer #1 · answered by Ask Mr. Religion 6 · 1 3

well we have to come from somewhere.i don't buy the big bang because,seriously,isn't it easier to believe in intelligent design than that a totally random explosion of gases created THIS?it's like saying a dictionary is the result of the printing press exploding. anyone who studies science must see how carefully everything is planned, how intricate are the workings of,say,an eco system or the human anatomy.to me,just the world around us is evidence of god.but i know that u won't buy that,so i will say something else instead.listen,buddy, i can't prove ther's a god ,but can u give me a reason ,show me, god does NOT exist?
science will never prove or disprove the existence of god ,simply because science deals with what can be measured and analysed. god can't be measured and analysed,he is spiritual not physical.and even so, scence can't answer questions of morality.yet , even if the big bang DID create us ,it does'nt solve the question of origins.tell me, where did the gases come from?what triggered the explosion?and here's something else to ponder; scientists have now established that the universe is not eternal;it had a beginning.what caused that beginning?and what came before that beginning?come on,it's more than likely there's someone(or someTHING) out there that had the intelligence to create us.i believe in god.if u don't ,fine.but if u have any intelligence at all,u'll at least consider god's existence.and just by the way,if we appeared so late on the scene ,how did our intelligence evolve so much quicker than that of other animals that had been evolving for millions more years than us?where does this superior intelligence come from?from where the intelligence to ask ,does god exist?what even prompts us to ask?

i rest my case.

2007-03-18 22:07:53 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

I can't 'give you a reason' that God exists, nor can I 'show you' that God exists ... because the most 'important part' of 'being religious' is FAITH. Think of you standing on one side of a canyon that is 'wider' than the Grand Canyon ... and you close your eyes and take one 'small step' ... and you are 'on the other side' and when you 'look back' you can see that it wasn't really a 'huge canyon' but was only a 'line drawn in the sand.' I may not 'know' that God exists, but I have a very deep and abiding FAITH in God and his 'existence' ... and maybe that is what you are 'really looking for' ... not 'proof' or 'a good reason' or 'to be shown' that God exists, but just to be 'brave enough to step off the cliff' and end up ALIVE on the other side and a 'true believer' in the MIRACLE of God's existence. Take my hand ... here we go ...

2007-03-18 21:32:36 · answer #3 · answered by Kris L 7 · 0 0

There is a God
By Carman
93 million miles from the blistering surafce of the sun hands the planet earth. A rotating sphere perfectly suspended in the center of the universe. The ultimate creation from an infinate mind. An unbelievably intricate complex design. A supernatural testimony, an irrefutable sign that there is a God.

The size, position and angle of the earth is a scientific phenomenon to see. A few degrees closer to the sun we'd disintegrate, a few degrees furter we'd freeze. The axis of the earth is titled at a perfect 23 degree angle and it's no mistake that it is. This allows equal global distribution to the rays of the sun making it possible for the food chain to exist.

Or take for example the combination of nitrogen and oxygen in the atmosphere we breathe every day. It just happens to be the exact mix that life needs to prosper, it doesn't happen on any other planet that way.

You see, the Bible says the invisible things of God are seen through His creation, to believe this is not hair. If there's a design, there's a designer, if there's a plan, there's a planner and if there's a miracle, there is a God.

There is a hope, there is a light
There is an answer to all answers
There is a flame that burns in the night
And I know, I know, I know there is a God

The Scripture says the heavens decalre the glory of God and the skies proclaim the work of His hands. If we allow our minds to drink in all the truth that surrounds the truth that just surrounds us, creation itself with help us understand.

Did you know the moon controls the tides, it's the maid that cleans the oceans. Even the waves don't crash the shores in vain. The tides drag impurities from the depths of the sea, it's nature's constrant recycling chain.

It simply boggles the mind to think that the stars will rotate with such exact precision that it's true. That the atomic clock with an error factor of less than three seconds per millenium is set by the way we move.

Though they silently orbit, the sun, the moon, the stars are like celestial evangelists above. Who circle the earth every 24 hours shouting in every languages that there is a God. Atheism is the wedge under the foundation of our faith, trying to topple our relationship with Christ. When the fool said in his heart, there is no God, he rejects the truth God painted on the canvas of the night. Atheism has never created an artistic masterpiece, never healed a fatal disease or calmed a fear. Atheism has never still given answers to our existence, peace to a troubled mind or even dried a tear.

For it's God who created heaven and earth and flung the stars in space and breathed in the handful of dirt and it became a man. It's God who sits on the circle of the earth and measures the mountains in a scale, and holds the seven seas in the palm of His hand. It's God who sent His only begotten Son to the cross of Calvary to save our souls from Hell and the grave. It's God who creates, God who delivers, God who heals and who is worthy of a thunderous ovation of praise.


There is a God, there is a God
And I know, I know, I know there is a God

2007-03-18 21:22:37 · answer #4 · answered by djm749 6 · 1 3

It's really not that complicated. Start with the idea that you exist and work backwards.

Are you a bunch of atoms which, for no particular reason, happen to be stuck together at random? If your answer is yes then your probably think that books write themselves and the computer you're looking at oozed out of a pond and your question is pointless.

If you think that a complex design requires a designer then it's logical to ask who that designer is.

2007-03-18 21:53:48 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

No. I certainly don't have proof or anything. I believe in a higher power, but don't presume to know anything about it. I choose to believe in a loving and compassionate God/Goddess since that's what speaks to me here on earth. I guess I see God in the small things - the kind things people do for each other everyday. To me, that's goodness. That is God.

2007-03-18 21:29:52 · answer #6 · answered by Kat 3 · 1 0

This is something you will have to search on your own. I am sure someone has witnessed to you the true Gospel of Jesus Christ. If they haven't, I will be happy to tell you. The Holy Bible (KJV) 1611 is the best resource, but if you are not born again you may not understand the scripture to well. I didn't until I was born again. Anyway, here is a website that will give you more proof than you can handle.


2007-03-18 21:28:58 · answer #7 · answered by Dakota Lynn Takes Gun 6 · 0 0

Nobody can prove it. Nobody can prove God does NOT exist either, because it's a logical fallacy. For the time being, it's just going to have to be a draw between the theists and the atheists. And if you are looking for evidence, you need to clarify what kind of evidence you seek - objective, empirical evidence (which doesn't exist) or faith based evidence (which does).

2007-03-18 21:21:29 · answer #8 · answered by eastchic2001 5 · 1 1

If you hear someone talking in another room, but cannot see them, do you think, "Since I don't see them, I think they do not exist" or do you think, "Since I hear them, they must be there". In the same way, when you hear God speaking to you, it wont matter if you visibly see him. You hear his words and no one can convince you otherwise. Okay remember the analogy of the person talking in the other room, if you saw a label on their door that listed their name and profession, you would see that all the evidence points to someone being in the room, but when you actually hear him all that "physical evidence" becomes secondary. You have personally heard him.

2007-03-18 21:28:57 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

If you have a pet , look into he or she's eyes. Get up early enough to see the sun rise and go outside and watch as it unfolds. Likewise, watch the sun as it sets and see all the colors in the sky. Try to find the rainbow after a storm and there you will find God. These things are proof God is and ever will be.

2007-03-18 21:27:35 · answer #10 · answered by Iron What? 6 · 3 1

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