They aren't that bad, depending on what ones you get.
I will get a list of health effects from active ingredients in the ones I recommend and post them here.
These are common ingredients found in: Amp, Monster and Rockstar. Not included is Vitamin B.
l carnitine - helps burn fat
inositol - Inositol is said to promote healthy hair, hair growth, and helps in controlling estrogen levels and may assist in preventing breast lumps.
taurine - Recent studies show that taurine supplements taken by mice on a high-fat diet reduced their overall weight.
Guarana - used as an ingredient in soft drinks and energy drinks and separately as a dietary supplement to promote health and weight lossl
Ginkgo Biloba -commonly added to energy drinks, but the amount is typically so low it does not produce a noticeable effect, except perhaps via a placebo effect from Ginkgo being listed on the label. May have some undesirable effects, especially for individuals with blood circulation disorders and those taking anti-coagulants such as aspirin and warfarin,
Caffeine - Known to be bad for your health in large doses.
What I recommend is getting a product called Sublingual B Total. It has a large amount of Vitamin B, which will dramatically boost your energy. Also, coffee is a lot healthier than these energy drinks, so I recommend if possible(if you really need the caffeine) to drink that. If you must drink them, go for the Lo-Carb. Splenda in moderation is healthier than sugar.
Also, while someone said something about caffeine and all the crap in energy drinks as "chemicals," basically every active ingredient is natural. Things like the preservatives are basically man-made though. Cocaine is natural, but you wouldnt ingest that would you?
2007-03-18 20:04:04
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
they're fine... in moderation. too much caffeine is bad for you, whether it's just pop or an energy drink. obviously energy drinks have a lot more caffeine in them than a regular soda though. but as long as you don't drink them ALL the time you should be alright. only drink them when you really need that extra boost. too many could be bad for your heart.
not to mention the more often you drink them, the less effective they will be. your body will start to get used to the caffeine and you'll need more and more for it to help you. caffeine is technically a drug. it's like when someone starts taking a drug and at first they only need a little bit to get their high. then after a while that isn't enough and they have to take more, and it just keeps getting more and more.
basically they're helpful when you need that extra little boost *occasionally*, but don't do it all the time.
2007-03-19 03:12:34
answer #2
answered by ♥ it's katie 5
they're not good for you in large doses - treat with moderation. A couple a day wont do any harm - but dont have long-term - caffeine is the most 'dangerous' ingredient in these = detrimental effects on your heart etc. if taken long-term.
2007-03-19 03:05:38
answer #3
answered by Frankie 4
They are bad for you because they have 2 much caffeine.They are good at first because you feel energy,but soon you will feel worst than before. Also caffeine can put more fat on you.
2007-03-26 16:53:46
answer #4
answered by jada o 3
They are made to sell. They have sugar and chemicals to taste good and things to stimulate you like caffeine. If cocaine were legal they would put that in it.
The whole secret to healthy diet is to eat what nature makes (fruits, vegetables, beans, nuts, seeds, fungus [mushrooms] and coconut milk) and avoid man-made things like donuts and chemical cockails.
You can drink decaf green tea, acai juice, pomegranite juice and other healthy drinks like greens drinks.
2007-03-19 03:16:49
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
I definitely recommend amp energy drink in the red colored can.
2007-03-19 03:05:53
answer #6
answered by Mandie 2
Those types of energy drinks have absolutely no beneficial value for you.
Link to
2007-03-19 03:11:59
answer #7
answered by ThatsThinkingWithUR Dipstick 3
it will be ok as long as u dont consume large amounts of it at one time. too many cans in a short period can result in death because it will get your heart racing
2007-03-19 03:04:47
answer #8
answered by ANGIE T. 2
Just be moderate in what you take. Why not take gatorade? It's a lot safer.
2007-03-19 03:09:06
answer #9
answered by september 2
too much sugar is BAD. Lots of caffeine can be attictive to where you hafta buy MORE DRINK.
2007-03-19 03:10:49
answer #10
answered by LELAND 4